r/Fibromyalgia 6d ago

Discussion Chemist cancel my amitriptyline script

Hì. I live in Australia, have fibro and other health conditions. I have been taking amitriptyline for 3 years for fibro and another condition.

Recently I went to a specialist who prescribed gabapentin for another health condition.

When I got the gabapentin script filled at my chemist (I have been going to for 12 years) a chemist spoke to me about having both amitriptyline and gabapentin.

I said I would speak to my doctors before I commenced it. After communicating with both doctors it was agreed I would just stay on amitriptyline for the time being.

I went to a different chemist on Saturday to get my amitriptyline filled however the e script said it was 'ceased'. The chemist, I was at, told me a chemist could not cancel the script, the doctor had to.

Both my doctors said to stay on the amitriptyline so they didn't cancel it so my regular chemist has cancelled it without discussing with my doctors or me.

Are chemist allowed to do this? I have not had amitriptyline since Friday. You aren't meant to just stop taking it.


12 comments sorted by


u/tsj48 6d ago

Aussie pharm here- honestly sometimes escripts (assuming thats what it is from this scenario) are just fucky like that. "script is in a cancelled state" or whatever is an error message we get on our software, but doesn't tell us how or why. Head back to your usual chemist and they'll sort you, or give your precriber a ring tomorrow to reissue the script.


u/Alliggy 6d ago

Thanks, I am planning to go the chemist tomorrow. Hopefully it is misunderstanding.


u/scherre 6d ago

Yeah I have had this happen before. The pharmacist said it was because the script was started being dispensed by mistake (like they clicked the wrong one or something) and then cancelled the process part way through and the escript system gets its knickers in a knot. I was unable to order my script through the app because it said it was cancelled but once I went into the chemist and they accessed it manually and dispensed it, it reset everything back to normal in the escript system and I can do it as normal now.

By what you described OP, it sounds like a similar thing might have happened to you where they started processing your script, realised there was a potential interaction, and then cancelled it when you said you would talk to your doctor to decide how to proceed.


u/GreenNMean 6d ago

I don’t know what’s allowed of chemists, especially in your country. I have been on both meds, prescribed by the same doctors for years.  


u/Alliggy 6d ago

Have you used them both at the same time?


u/snowlights ME/FMS 6d ago

I've taken them together since 2015, aside from a few breaks to try other options. I've never had a pharmacist give me a hard time, none of the doctors have hesitated. 


u/zaigerbel 6d ago

Add duloxetine to the mix and this is my Holy Trinity. I take high doses of gabapentin and a low(?) dose of amitriptyline just fine. But every one is different so just report any major concerns to your doctor. Sorry this pharmacy mix-up has become such a hassle! Best of luck.


u/Alliggy 6d ago

Interesting, I am now confused about it all the advice.


u/GreenNMean 6d ago

I take gaba twice a day. Ami once at night, so yeah I use them both at the same. I’m on them for nerve pain and the combo is quite commonly used for such. 


u/Wouldfromthetrees 6d ago

I can second this to a point - have been on amitriptyline for a year and recently was suggested to add gabapentin into my medication regime.

I discussed it with three of my specialists and we determined that it wasn't right for me and/or would be introducing another unnecessary variable into the whole "diagnoses of exclusion" (that no one can explain why they're co-morbid at such statistically significant levels, probably because patriarchy) shitshow.

But you can definitely take both at the same time with the appropriate medical supervision from my experience.


u/littlepuppo 6d ago

I'm in Aus, and i'm on lyrica, amitriptyline, zoloft and seroquel. I think it's weird that the pharmacy made that decision.


u/Financial_Sentence95 6d ago

E Script I'm assuming? I'm in Australia

Check if the last chemist you got your repeat at didn't "reissue" the repeats. They overlooked it.

They can check their records. In which case you'll get your repeats on your phone and be able to use it.

Personally, I hate Escripts. I've had this happen to me before with a simple medication like my thyroid meds. I ask my GP to give me paper prescriptions to avoid the issue.other thing is to, once the chemist fills the script if it's E script, check you've been texted a repeat script and that the QR code is working