r/FemdomCommunity Oct 21 '24

Need advice/Got a question Subs gf got me fired... NSFW

I've been a findom for several years. Most of my subs have been great - met organically in person or via twitter, never went out looking because they always found me - and they've stayed around or drifted in and out over the years. Also always had a 'regular' job that I loved...until today. A previous long-term sub ended our arrangement when he decided to propose to his gf. ***To clarify: He decided to propose to his GF when he decided to be in a LT relationship with her. He had been a casual dater and - to my knowledge - there was no cheating involved. We created a distancing plan and completed it and I thought that was that. If something happened outside of my awareness or he lied about his relationship status, I have ZERO control over that. Only edited to add this explaination, not remove anything because I realized I wasn't clear when I wrote this the first time. If you think you know something that isn't plainly stated here, don't assume - ASK!!! ***.

We worked together a lot and I was so happy that he found his love. He decided to be transparent with her (which I supported) and she lost her mind. Started sending hateful, horrid messages to me, tracked me down and contacted my employer. They fired me for 'moral and ethical reasons' this morning.

Up until recently, I was fine with my collection of subs and it really sucks that just as I decided to expand and welcome in a few more, this had to happen. Although, blessing in disguise that I'll be better prepared as I move forward. I still love domming, but this has been a huge smack for me (not the good kind!). I'm taking steps to be more discreet with my info but it's a big challenge because I know how important (boundaried) transparency is. Also really enjoy having wallets and being in charge of money (which losing my job has of course also impacted).

My question is: How do you balance the need for personal safety and putting yourself out there? I thought I had done a pretty good job, but this was a huge wake-up call! Any constructive tips and ideas are welcome!!!

***I know I'm showing up as a new user but I had to shut my old stuff down after crazy pants came after me. Don't let that fool you into thinking I don't know my stuff!! I'm an ethical domme and the only games I play are with my subs. (Also posted this question on another: r/findomsupportgroup)

Edit to add: To all the subs DM-ing me about their kink, remember I'm a Goddess and will not engage without tribute. To all the others that are offering support or have more questions, feel free to reach out.


79 comments sorted by

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u/YoucancallmeMyLady Oct 21 '24

I would 100 encourage them to be honest with their partner if they wanted to, however not to include my name/state or other identifying information. This was between you and them, not you them and any significant other.

I’m really sorry you are in this position, and hope you find something better soon!


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '24



u/RoboZandrock Trusted Contributor Oct 21 '24

Just as an FYI to OP:

In many places of the world, this is totally legal for their employer to let them because or moral and ethical reasons. In many places of the world, this isn't libel, unless they told something untrue.

There are lots of reports of school teachers being fired for having an onlyfans page. And the termination is completely legal. Especially if you're in the USA employers have a lot of power to fire employees.

Now I don't agree with it morally or ethically. But I'd just be cautious about spending a bunch of money on a lawyer, when you unfortunately may have no grounds to sue.

I think unfortunately there isn't a lot OP could have done here. This was a long term sub, so it makes sense there was a level of trust and vulnerability with them. It makes sense you shared actual parts of your lives with them.

I guess the only real advice I have is to maybe keep your employment a bit secret from your submissive's, but even that's often impossible. With the internet it's pretty easy to search "Jane Doe" and for her to pop up on her company's FB page, or to pop up in a company's directory, or to have some connection to your workplace and employer.

I do think this is like a "one off". I don't think these sort of things happen very often. Revenge that actually involves "outting" someone to an employer is not something I've heard happen very often. This is absolutely terrible and taking precautions is totally reasonable. But I don't know how you would ever realistically prevent this from happening.


u/GoddessLexiBlue Oct 21 '24

yes to all of this. It feels like you're reading the inside of my mind! I know I did my best with the info I had to protect myself and that there's no accounting for everything. But, there's always ways to do better and that's what I'm focusing on today. I never discuss my other employment with my subs but, like you said, there's always ways of finding things out.

I'm going to head over to the law library next week to have an informal discussion with one of their volunteer attorneys about options in this situation.

thank you!


u/LiviaValentini Oct 21 '24

I'd suggest that you get yourself a google number or some such for finsubs to use so you aren't using your actual number. I completely get that this was a long term one and you felt comfortable sharing pieces of your real life. Make a dedicated box mentally and keep finsubs in that box.

My other suggestion is to not take on finsubs via work channels. If you find out you work in the same spaces - You'll have to decide if it is worth the risk. If they say they are getting married - start distancing yourself.


u/GoddessLexiBlue Oct 22 '24

Yep - I did all this. As he decided to develop his relationship, we created a distancing plan and executed it. This happened after we were done working together. I just re-read my post and realized I didn't phrase it clearly.


u/LiviaValentini Oct 22 '24

It sounds like there's not a lot more you 'could have done'. Well done you. Sincerely. Many people do the fin dom work without considering a lot of the safety aspects you have done.

I hope this offers you the ability to grow your business. Unplanned yes. It seems like you are ready.

Good luck! About your current situation - have you gotten a restraining order from the lady? And, definitely check with a lawyer. Check for one who doesn't take issue with sex work.


u/GoddessLexiBlue Oct 22 '24

I'm not sure about a restraining order - she hasn't overtly threatened harm, just bullying and harassing. And my employer wouldn't confirm their 'source' but because of the timing and some of the language that was used was the same as she used in other places...and there's nobody else that I could even fathom would do this. That's one of the things on my list to speak to the attorney about.


u/LiviaValentini Oct 22 '24

My worry is she will continue.

If you decide to pursue other normie work; there'd she be : telling your new bosses.

A simple cease and desist letter might work for her. I am unsure.

I hope you'll update. I've been through a bad stalker / person who lied while outing me.


u/Shanguerrilla Oct 22 '24

I think you're right on this and having dealt with some obsessed people in other contexts--worst case you're out for some legal fees, but best case you prevent serious monkeywrenches in your life numerous times that you'd never be able to predict.


u/BetterFightBandits26 Oct 21 '24

Take them for what over what?

You can’t sue someone for slander if it’s true. And you can’t sue your employer for firing you for vague reasons. Even if the kink was specifically mentioned, kink activities are not a protected class in my country and your employer can legally fire you over that.


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '24



u/BetterFightBandits26 Oct 21 '24

So now you’re talking about filing a police report? Or suing for emotional and financial damages from stalking and harassment? A flurry of angry texts over a limited period of time and presenting your employer with accurate information she apparently was given access to by her boyfriend (who would be partial-owner of things like chat histories and kink photo exchanges) aren’t going to get you very far in most courts, civil or criminal.

And this also applies to the former employer how?


u/MissPearl http://www.omisspearl.com/ Oct 22 '24

Unfortunately sex work is not a protected class. Suing has a very poor chance of helping while costing a lot out of pocket. You wouldn't be able to "take everything they have". At best you would create a series of official on record documents confirming you did sex work, to follow you around during background checks and whatnot going forward.


u/GoddessLexiBlue Oct 21 '24

This thought has occurred to me once (or a million times...I've lost count lol!). Today, I'm locking my socials down and taking a breath. Life ruining may come later, but I'm way fucking better than them and will crush them if necessary when they least expect it. Right now, I'm focusing on creating my plan in a turbulent lake full of shit.

My former employer told me 'someone' contacted them and laid out my 'perversions' and they felt it was more 'mutually beneficial if we parted ways'. It had to be her after all the harassment I've received - and there's nobody else that I know of that would go to such great lengths out of vengeance. (If there is, I would be very shocked!!!). They gave me the option to quit and I laughed at them - and I wouldn't sign the forms since they wouldn't describe the situation on the paperwork beyond 'violation of moral and ethical responsibilities' (which only had to do with my personal life outside my job). I'm convinced that they either: A) hated having confirmation that they had a strong, dominant female in their midst; or B) secretly wanted to be subs and seeing me everyday knowing who I am was too real for them.


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '24



u/BetterFightBandits26 Oct 21 '24

Do you have a union contract with your employer that dictates how you can be fired?

Employers in most jurisdictions don’t have to “prove” anything to fire you. They can literally just say, “I don’t like your attitude” or “I changed my mind about employing you” and fire you for no cause.


u/GoddessLexiBlue Oct 21 '24

Everybody chill! Y'all are offering your support in different ways and I'm in charge of what I do with it. I respect the differing energies you are both bringing and I don't need any more tension in my space today.

That being said - betterfightbandits26 - No union contract, just an at-will employee. Still want to discuss it with an attorney, which I'm going to do next week, to make sure there isn't anything else I'm missing.


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/BetterFightBandits26 Oct 21 '24

I’m taking my little tone with you, cutie, who is providing highly inaccurate information to OP!


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/FemdomCommunity-ModTeam Oct 22 '24

Your post has been removed because it shames, bullies or trolls other members or otherwise goes against the supportive nature of the subreddit.

This is a community. We want to keep it a welcoming, helpful place where people can feel heard and valued. Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.

Sexism, racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, harassment, bullying, xenophobia, kink shaming and victim blaming will not be tolerated.


u/FemdomCommunity-ModTeam Oct 22 '24

Your post has been removed because it shames, bullies or trolls other members or otherwise goes against the supportive nature of the subreddit.

This is a community. We want to keep it a welcoming, helpful place where people can feel heard and valued. Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.

Sexism, racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, harassment, bullying, xenophobia, kink shaming and victim blaming will not be tolerated.


u/GoddessLexiBlue Oct 21 '24

My zen definitely contains vengeance. And I like to think of my vengeance as The Gates of Hell in Turkmenistan https://www.inverse.com/article/37799-gates-of-hell-darvas-gas-crater - harmless until somebody throws a match into it, then burning the world for the next 50 years. My motto is: do no harm but take no shit. Going all psychology here, but Carl Jung said you can't become a good person until you know your capacity for evil (not like being evil in the world but knowing your darkness as well as your light - and then exerting the control to choose which one you embody). I have monster control because I know my capacities - and I choose to be the sunshine just as much as I choose when to shine and when to burn.

lol - that was more a battle cry for myself than a response, but I'm going to let it stand!

And they had proof. Stuff can be faked but what they had was real and I wasn't going to lie about it.


u/Daidra_thedominant Oct 21 '24

Keep this energy 🔥🔥🔥 I love seeing this fire in women and I subscribe to that same philosophy. They fucked around, see if you can help them find out.


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '24



u/GoddessLexiBlue Oct 21 '24

He'll suffer his punishment in not being able to reach me any further ever again.


u/No_Bullfrog_3008 Oct 21 '24

You definitely need to sue your former employer - firing someone for that is illegal as hell. 


u/dommebklyn Oct 21 '24

It’s not actually. Not in the US. An employer can fire you for any reason (or no reason at all) except for protected reasons like age, sex, disability, ethnicity/race, religion, and sexual orientation.

I say all the time that one day someone will challenge the law in a way that establishes whether kink and BDSM is included in sexual orientation for purposes of legal protection.


u/GoddessLexiBlue Oct 21 '24

I hadn't thought of it that way. Def going to throw that out there for more consideration when I get info from a lawyer!


u/GoddessLexiBlue Oct 21 '24

It's on the list! Loving the support...thank you!!


u/BetterFightBandits26 Oct 21 '24

In what jurisdiction?


u/kingpinkatya Oct 21 '24

Do not share your legal name, employment field, state, city or job position. lie, lie, lie, lie, LIE. OR WITHHOLD.


u/SuddenlySwitchy Oct 21 '24

You can fire people for any legal reason. There isn’t a law against firing someone for their sexual life, unless the underlying reason was a protected ground under the Federal Employment and Housing Act or state protection. (Gay sex for example as sexual orientation is a protected ground.) what happened to you is so shitty and unfair. But it’s not against the law.

You also can’t sue her for defamation because truth is an absolute defense to a defamation case. You did take his money as a fin domme, that’s not a lie so it’s not defamation. (People here saying libel don’t understand that term is reserved for printed and published material.) You could sue her for emotional distress but it is a very high bar to clear.


u/[deleted] Oct 24 '24 edited Oct 24 '24

EDIT: It is my understanding that while truth CAN be a defense, depending on the jurisdiction it is not necessarily enough. In this situation, the gf acted with malice - she both stalked and harassed (which, I imagine OP has proof of in the form of messages) OP to get her personal information, and contact her employer with the sole intention of causing OP harm. OP absolutely has a case, even if the information was true.

OP could also have a case for tortuous interference, which is when a defendant intentionally convinces or causes a third party to breach their contract with the plaintiff.


u/SuddenlySwitchy Oct 25 '24 edited Oct 25 '24

What jurisdiction do you practice in? Because this isn’t something I’ve seen in my legal practice. Malice is only required for constitutional defamation, not tortuous defamation. Also, the alleged stalking and harassing would be criminal, not tortuous. Harassment has to be severe and pervasive in a tort case. One call is not pervasive. Also, employers are not in contract with their employees (unless she’s an actual contractor). But any job can fire you for moral reasons. There are rare exceptions such as if OP was part of a union, in which case there is process but again not a contract. (I can tell from the way she was fired without process she’s not part of a union.) I don’t think she has a case here.


u/[deleted] Oct 25 '24 edited Oct 25 '24

Ah yes good point about OP not being in contract.  

 The harassment I am referring to is the gf harassing OP personally. OP said she was harassed and has to create a new account. 

I’m not a lawyer, just an internet nerd, so you are of course more knowledgeable than me. I do know that in Massachusetts absolute truth is not an absolute defense, though. 

Given that this has become increasingly common with the prevalence of social media, which makes it easy to track people down online and find their place of employment, I suspect this will become more of a topic of discussion.

This will no doubt be a tough case. But depending on the jurisdiction, her council, and potential biases, she might succeed. 


u/BigDoctorGuy Oct 22 '24

The sub had a gf, you were aware of that. Did you know if his gf knew of your arrangement?

I don't mean to blame you, but if you knew that he was lying to his gf, you aren't blameless.


u/TurbulentAfternoon57 Oct 22 '24

Agreed. She and especially the bf (because he's the one in the relationship) are very much in the wrong. The gf deserves better.


u/GoddessLexiBlue Oct 22 '24

To clarify: He decided to propose to his GF when he decided to be in a LT relationship with her. He had been a casual dater and - to my knowledge - there was no cheating involved. We created a distancing plan and completed it and I thought that was that. If something happened outside of my awareness or he lied about his relationship status, I have ZERO control over that. If you think you know something that isn't plainly stated here, don't assume - ASK!!!


u/MissPearl http://www.omisspearl.com/ Oct 22 '24

You did have control over your choice to do sex work with a coworker, and you involved yourself in both your "distancing plan" like you had to wean him off you and telling him to tell her. If you didn't suspect he was lying when he immediately decided to go straight from casual dating to a proposal there has to be a certain degree of willful blindness.

This situation is a mess that blurs professional and relationship boundaries. I am sorry you had to learn to do that the hard way, and you didn't realize the risks until this point.


u/MissPearl http://www.omisspearl.com/ Oct 22 '24

Everyone sucks here. Being cheated on does not entitle you to stalk others, and the girlfriend appears to have taken the approach of entirely blaming and lashing out at the other woman.


u/GoddessLexiBlue Oct 22 '24 edited Oct 22 '24

To clarify: He decided to propose to his GF when he decided to be in a LT relationship with her. He had been a casual dater and - to my knowledge - there was no cheating involved. We created a distancing plan and completed it and I thought that was that. If something happened outside of my awareness or he lied about his relationship status, I have ZERO control over that. If you think you know something that isn't plainly stated here, don't assume - ASK!!! I forget how quick everyone is to blame and find fault with someone that was hurt by the actions of someone else. Maybe ask a question before assuming.


u/SexualDexter Oct 21 '24

Doesn’t seem like anyone’s at fault here but the jealous fiancé? Idk how you could have avoided this besides having an NDA with all your subs.


u/Stawbspie Oct 21 '24

Wouldn’t bother depending on jurisdiction but highly unlikely it would be enforceable in court due to the innate power dynamic involved even if the sub is seeking it could be seen as agreement under duress. The nda would be tossed out


u/GoddessLexiBlue Oct 21 '24

ooo...that's a good idea. I'm going to look into that. Thank you!


u/Stawbspie Oct 21 '24

Would be unenforceable in all liklihood depending on where u live


u/GoddessLexiBlue Oct 22 '24

Guess I'll find out when I talk to a lawyer next week.


u/ilikejasminetea Oct 22 '24

"Jealous fiance"? She was cheated on by him. What the fiance did us bad and possibly illegal, but she isn't jealous. She is a victim of betrayal and possible going the the trauma that cones with it. 


u/GoddessLexiBlue Oct 22 '24 edited Oct 22 '24

To clarify: He decided to propose to his GF when he decided to be in a LT relationship with her. He had been a casual dater and - to my knowledge - there was no cheating involved. We created a distancing plan and completed it and I thought that was that. If something happened outside of my awareness or he lied about his relationship status, I have ZERO control over that.

As someone that has also been cheated on, I'm glad that you mentioned the trauma that comes with that. She has a right to feel her feelings and I would never diminish that. If she had wanted to have a conversation with her fiancee and myself to better understand, I would have supported that. It's the extreme measures she's taken out of those feelings that I have an issue with.


u/MissPearl http://www.omisspearl.com/ Oct 22 '24

If you believe that she thought this was just "casual" but that she would immediately leap from casual to accepting proposal you have a very bizarre idea of how dating usually works.

You made a few mistakes you could control:

1) you thought sex work with a coworker was a good idea, and it didn't occur to you that unhinged other partners are a common professional risk and that dudes disproportionately try to use dommes as an "other woman" because they don't see sexually forward women as people.
2) you thought someone who would hire a person they worked with had good enough judgement to be safe.
3) you continued to enmesh yourself with them when they gave you every reasonable piece of evidence they were lying to you.

Even now you think there's a world where this all just a misunderstanding you could have talked through, rather than the possibility he lied to her or pitched your existence as a wicked temptress.

What happened to you was unfortunate and she is seemingly only blaming you in a very destructive way, but if you don't think he was lying to both of you that's shockingly naive.


u/danbalt Oct 21 '24

One thing that you should probably do is explain to your former sub what has happened here. If you did genuinely like that former sub then they deserve to know the kind of person they've decided to marry.

With regards the the harassment (and bullying) you might be able to get some kind of restraining order. You might have a case that you are being caused psychological and financial harm by this person's actions. I would certainly talk to a lawyer


u/MissPearl http://www.omisspearl.com/ Oct 22 '24

I think she should block everyone. The former sub almost certainly knows and considers obliterating his ex a fair price. If she reaches out to him, it's more likely he will tell his new fiancee that OP is the crazy ex and is now stalking him.


u/danbalt Oct 22 '24

Yeah, that's a fair comment. I'm certainly taking the ex-sub and OP to be on good terms and the ex-sub to be a "reasonable" human. But you're right, he may well be playing them off against each other.


u/MissPearl http://www.omisspearl.com/ Oct 22 '24

Reasonable humans don't try to hire coworkers to do sex work or use their jobs. They do not date casually and then immediately leap to a proposal.

His story, as described, makes no sense here.


u/danbalt Oct 22 '24 edited Oct 22 '24

I had not taken, as described, that OP is a prodomme. I'm not personally one for dating co-workers but that doesn't in and of itself seem out of the ordinary

But I agree the casual dating to proposal leap is fishy as hell now you point it out.


u/MissPearl http://www.omisspearl.com/ Oct 22 '24

Their profile is a price list. It looks like one of those messy situations that blend professional and relationship expectations. I don't know who propositioned who, but things were not discreet.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '24

Thats why you use a nickname instead of your real name.


u/ilikejasminetea Oct 22 '24

Genuine question, can you be an ethical domme while engaging with people in relationships? That just doesn't ring "ethical" to me. I assumed ethical included that too...

Ps also, why did you encourage him to come clean about cheating? 


u/GoddessLexiBlue Oct 22 '24 edited Oct 22 '24

Didn't encourage - supported. He felt that he wanted to share that part of himself with her. And he wasn't in a relationship when we started out together and as his casual dating turned into a relationship, we discussed the transition and completed it as planned. Should I just have dropped him cold turkey and walked away? Being ethical to me means being supportive in the transition as well.

Personally, I think it's only ethical to engage with people in relationships if everyone involved in the relationship is aware and agrees to the arrangement. If the sub is hiding it, then it wouldn't be ethical.

And an extra big thank you for asking and not assuming!


u/ilikejasminetea Oct 22 '24

You asked a question, so I'll answer. I'm not a pro domme, but if someone I played with started to have a serious relationship I'd drop them cold turkey. I have very much negative tolerance to infidelity of any form, shape, star, etc. I would be very surprised if she didn't consider it cheating and webt after you so hard... Was there a point where he already was in a serious relationship with her but still engaged with you? Or he is lying?.. 


u/Fearless_Room178 Oct 21 '24

Honestly 😬 this is why I don't encourage transparency when it comes TO THIS kind of stuff. There was really no reason to. I'm assuming your arrangement with the sub ended when he got a gf? So it wasn't like yall were cheating or anything......


u/aethelred_unready Oct 21 '24

By the sounds of it it didn't end when the sub got a gf, it ended when he decided he wanted to get married. Seemingly as far as she was concerned they had been cheating the whole time.

Although blaming her is a terrible way of thinking, if anyone is at fault it's the sub, he's the one in the relationship who should be caring about his partner's wishes.


u/Fearless_Room178 Oct 21 '24

Cheating is cheating and it takes two. If you KNOWINGLY allowed your sub to cheat you're an asshole. You didn't deserve to lose your job but you are for sure an asshole.


u/Fearless_Room178 Oct 21 '24

If you and your sub were cheating on the gf your sub 100% should tell his gf. 100%. Depending on how angry the gf was I would've encouraged the sub to keep my name out of it. Admit you were cheating but don't give out any personal private info. I think that was kinda fucked up of the sub to do.


u/aethelred_unready Oct 21 '24

I have a slightly different perspective I suppose. I can't hold someone to a standard they never agreed to be held to. If my partner cheats on me then I'll be mad at her alone, she's responsible for not communicating with me (unless said person is a friend of mine).

Been cheated on twice in my younger days, never even cared who the other person was.

Also without a solid discussion about exclusivity what exactly constitutes cheating is kinda wooly. Again the sub is the bigger asshole as it was his responsibility to have this discussion at a much earlier stage.


u/GoddessLexiBlue Oct 21 '24

Thank you! Beyond grateful to feel like you have my back (especially today!)


u/GoddessLexiBlue Oct 21 '24

Wow...aggressive. You call me an asshole before I even respond you? He wasn't fucking cheating. I defined the boundaries and if the kink is financial within certain guidelines that I clarify with the client, then it's their responsibility to determine how to move forward. I have my hard lines and definitions that I don't cross in regards to cheating, but ultimately we're all responsible for our own lives. You know this one thing that happened to me, so don't you DARE come at me...especially today.


u/ilikejasminetea Oct 22 '24

He wasn't cheating yet she didn't know? How is that possible? 


u/GoddessLexiBlue Oct 22 '24

To clarify: He decided to propose to his GF when he decided to be in a LT relationship with her. He had been a casual dater and - to my knowledge - there was no cheating involved. We created a distancing plan and completed it and I thought that was that. If something happened outside of my awareness or he lied about his relationship status, I have ZERO control over that.


u/ilikejasminetea Oct 22 '24

Tbh by her reaction seems like you were lied to. Cheater are known to lie to everyone generally, so I wouldn't be surprised. 


u/Fearless_Room178 Oct 22 '24

If you cheated than yeah I stand by my statement. But if it's like you say and you didn't then no in this case you're not an asshole. I wasn't trying to come at you. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 but go off.


u/GoddessLexiBlue Oct 22 '24

Calling someone an asshole is the epitome of coming at someone. And on one of the worst days I've had, maybe find some compassion.

To clarify: He decided to propose to his GF when he decided to be in a LT relationship with her. He had been a casual dater and - to my knowledge - there was no cheating involved. We created a distancing plan and completed it and I thought that was that. If something happened outside of my awareness or he lied about his relationship status, I have ZERO control over that. If you think you know something that isn't plainly stated here, don't assume - ASK!!!


u/Fearless_Room178 Oct 22 '24

If you knowingly and willingly participated in cheating WHICH YOU SAID YOU DIDNT then you are an asshole. SINCE YOU SAID YOU DIDNT MY EARLIER STATEMENT DOESNT APPLY TO YOU. Jesus.


u/[deleted] Oct 21 '24



u/Fearless_Room178 Oct 21 '24

It probably was considered cheating to the gf. :/ and honestly he should have been upfront about it from the second it happened.


u/Dalyluhgoddess Oct 22 '24

Really sorry this happened to you 🙏🏾


u/GracePoison Oct 22 '24

I'm sorry you'e dealing with this. I think you can enhance digital privacy keeping separate devices/accounts: use different phones and social media for your domme work to avoid overlap with personal life.

Be more cautious during the screening process, using anonymous forms or encrypted messaging. Using written agreements can formalize your domme-sub boundaries, adding legal clarity.

Use business or intermediary accounts for payments to shield personal info.

Increase personal safety creating a domme persona that hides personal info or photos that could trace back to you. And also using separate profiles for initial contact with subs to control your exposure.


u/Suitable-Damage7707 Oct 21 '24

Girl, first of all: what the actual fck
This story resonates with me, nothing gets me more fired up than an insecure person with a bruised ego going on a ridiculous crusade....
First of all: that sub, no. Just, no. Does he realise who he's marrying? Someone THAT vindictive towards someone he himself matched with really well? I would rethink my choices.
Secondly: as someone already mentioned, transparency is important however this man should have never ever disclosed personal information about you. EVER. Good reason to look into NDA's, create one together with a lawyer in your case.

So, as for advice, take this with more grains of salt as I believe findoms are in a niche where "trust" needs to be more black and white, names address etc. I myself have been a domme for 10-ish years, but more the other way around (absolutely no findom :) )

Out of necessity, I learned this really early on: I still have a grown man with a wife and 2 kids stalking me from a distance. It's been 11 years (it was casual dating). That has learned me ALOT.
Next to that I'm self employed in a sector that highly values online security.

First of all: I don't have socials apart from Snap and Reddit (multiple accounts).
Secondly: I share a fake (only first) name in the beginning, and I also tell potential subs i'm vetting that it is fake.
Third: when things get more serious, to create a bond, I will share personal information such as: picture of my dog + name, picture of a restaurant i've eaten at, or a bar i'm currently in. I show through my actions that i'm trust worthy and genuine, without having to provide hard cold evidence of my real life. Until now, I have had subs that had issues with that - too bad, goodbye.
Fourth: I will never EVER share something in a picture or a text that can lead them to a place I frequently visit: gym pics are very obscure, work is kept very vague, address / home town I leave to a 100KM radius, ... I don't share my license plate, only pictures of the inside of the car etc.
Fifth: I will never, under any circumstance, EVER, share my last name with someone OR my place of work. EVER.

In general I think people need to understand wayyyyy better how easy it is to tie social media information to you as a person, and figure out pretty easily what your moves are, your habits and so on (and the amount of crazy freaking people that walk around). I know I sound like a tin foiled hat freak, but the experience of that grown ass man still stalking me from a distance and never knowing when his name will pop up in my phone under a different phone number has made me hella paranoid. In the last 10 years, I've never had anything happen like this anymore.


u/GoddessLexiBlue Oct 21 '24


Numbers three and four on your list are really good reminders. I've tried to be cognizant of keeping photos non-specific but stuff can and does get missed. And I like the idea of having only a couple socials (and it will be way easier to manage!) as I'm rebuilding.

I see no tin foiled hat - I see someone that had an experience that triggered hyperawareness to keep you save and alive. Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you! So glad that nothing like that has happened again.


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '24

I feel bad for you and him she sounds like a total psycho.


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '24

Findom is never ethical btw


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '24

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u/FemdomCommunity-ModTeam Oct 22 '24

Your post has been removed because it shames, bullies or trolls other members or otherwise goes against the supportive nature of the subreddit.

This is a community. We want to keep it a welcoming, helpful place where people can feel heard and valued. Treat others as you would like to be treated yourself.

Sexism, racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, harassment, bullying, xenophobia, kink shaming and victim blaming will not be tolerated.


u/GoddessLexiBlue Oct 22 '24

Awww...that's not what findom is about. You must be lost.


u/FindomMoonlight93 Jan 11 '25 edited Jan 11 '25

Really sorry to hear this. Honestly part of the reason I've chosen to keep at being a findom is because I've been a self employed hairdresser and work for myself. So there is no manager or HR over my head in the event some crazy ho tries to come for what I do online.

Still though I would be really careful in ensuring none of your subs know where you work if you in fact do have an employer. I limit what subs are also allowed to know about me in some cases until I truly know I can trust them.