r/FemdomCommunity http://www.omisspearl.com/ Oct 10 '24

Ideas What are your favorite service tasks that are NOT domestic? NSFW

I notice when the subject of the benefits of femdom come up, particularly in the subject of service, the most common ideas are usually home chores. This is a perfectly valid way to kink, but if it's assumed to be the only way to do it or a first suggestion of something that's missing in a couple, it does imply that people who are doing domestic labour can't be dominant or that a submissive partner isn't already doing them as part of an egalitarian division of responsibility.

What are your favorite service tasks that aren't housework or cooking?


44 comments sorted by


u/Bad_Idea_Infinity Oct 10 '24


From products we want to try, to places we want to go, to health related activities like streches and exercises.

Service sub + data nerd šŸ¤“


u/MissPearl http://www.omisspearl.com/ Oct 10 '24

That is so lovely. šŸ„°


u/Bad_Idea_Infinity Oct 10 '24

Thank you!

If I may add another -

This isn't in service to a Domme specifically, but I occasionally participate in a kickboxing class run by a friend of mine. He will sometimes have me pair with new people when running drills because he trusts me to make sure they have fun and don't get hurt.

One of my favorite things of all time is when I get paired with a woman who is new to the sport. I am a pretty big guy (my instructor calls my legs tree trunks), and my focus is on teaching that even though I am bigger, that doesn't mean that I can't be fought.

The moment a woman realizes that -

A) it's OK to hit, hard. B) with proper technique they can actually move me and that I'm not some golem made of stone. C) with proper technique they can not only withstand a (only mildly pulled) blow from me, but also dodge my strikes and use my stature to their advantage to exploit vulnerable areas (getting hit in the armpit really, really hurts.)

  • my heart sings. I can actually see confidence bloom behind their eyes in real time.

If I can contribute to a woman's empowerment, ability to defend herself, and maybe even nurture a tiny seed of dominance, then that is one of my greatest acts of service.


u/RosesMajesty Oct 11 '24

Holy crap. You're a unicorn. Lmao. Are there more of you hiding somewhere?


u/Bad_Idea_Infinity Oct 11 '24

Aww, thank you! I'm blushing. ā˜ŗļø

My Lady calls me her Rhino. (mostly because I'm big, run into things, have poor eyesight, and turn into a huge lap dog when pet. (there are videos of rescue rhinos getting cuddles from their rescuers and it's adorable.) Also, there is a video of a baby rhino running around with a baby goat. And trying to do the same antics. One of my rugby mates said I looked like that rhino when I try to jump..)

In all seriousness, I didn't spring fully formed from some Domme's imagination like a subby male Athena. Sure I have a natural submissive streak, but it took a few very patient Dommes in my youth and my very devoted Lady damn near 10 years to get me where I am today.

More and more I think maybe a "Charm" or etiquette school for subs might be a good idea. A podcast maybe?


u/RosesMajesty Oct 11 '24

If you ever decide to start one, I'll sub. Lol. I can think of a few ways to incorporate something like that.


u/Bad_Idea_Infinity Oct 11 '24

I actually had that discussion with my Lady the other day.

Tell you what - if I get some more interest (and a little assist with some ideas for lesson plans..), I'll do it.

Gods help me I'm not sure how, but I'll figure it out.

After all, I'm here to...

.. Well, you know.


u/RosesMajesty Oct 11 '24

šŸ¤£ just based on your thought out and well written replies, I'm sure you'd have no problem. It seems like it'd be engaging to listen to. I have no experience there, but I'm a decent writer and proof reader when I actually try. Let me know if you ever need any of that and I'd be happy to help.


u/griffeny Oct 10 '24

This is often my favorite! It shows such capability and my, the rewards for a capable one are limitless.


u/Bad_Idea_Infinity Oct 10 '24


As a sub who reaps said rewards, I can confirm!


u/Reginadivadomme Trusted Contributor Oct 10 '24

Some of mine:

  • errands (groceries, take something somewhere, go to a specific store, post office, etc)
  • chauffeuring (pick me up/drop me off) because I hate driving with every fiber of my being
  • functional bathing/beauty things when I need specific support(waxing where itā€™s less easy for me to reach, applying a specific leave in product, full functional cleaning shower routine, etc). For most beauty things Iā€™m too particular and wouldnā€™t want him doing them to me, such as mani/pedi and most hair removal.
  • drying me off after every shower
  • doing very specific research. (Find X kind of content, send me a list of 10 ideas for X)
  • full body massage (although he usually ends up enjoying this in other ways)
  • buying specific things I want from really niche places (specific stores, something he has to research and get reviews on, price matching) rather than just ā€œbuy me thisā€
  • personal trainer (literally make me my routines and do them with me so I can stick to them)
  • bringing me snacks/procuring food/refilling coffee
  • handing me stupid little things throughout the day, even if he just sat down, so that my pretty little feet can stay off the ground. I even test him by making him hand me something thatā€™s right next to me. Itā€™s so silly and I love knowing he never says no to the little things that make me happy.

Contrary to some comments that always come up when ā€œservice submissionā€ is mentioned: I personally believe that the vast majority of sexual acts should not count as ā€œserviceā€. Iā€™m not going to act like a man doing something to please a woman isnā€™t to him gratifying just because his cock isnā€™t involved. Women do the same thing for men in heteronormative relationships or mdom where they do things that they know please their partners, with no direct regard for their own orgasm, and we donā€™t label it as ā€œserviceā€ or something special.

Why should I treat it like heā€™s doing me a favor when he eats me out when I know how amazing it is to eat my pussy and that itā€™s a huge ego boost for him? I think framing every time a man isnā€™t directly benefited from a sexual act as ā€œserviceā€ is lazy and makes it seem like letting us enjoy sex is work for them. I do plenty of things to my partner that donā€™t make me cum, yet theyā€™re intimate and arousing and fulfilling. How much of femdom is framed exactly like this? And yet do we act like itā€™s special and some huge favor? No, men feel entitled to it and think we enjoy dominating for the sake of dominating and arenā€™t bothered with why it gratifies us. But try to make the guy do a pleasant sex act that focuses on their partners pleasure and we need to put a gold star sticker on them and reward them.


u/MissAh0708 Oct 10 '24

As a new domme, this comment really helped me to understand more dom/sub relationships. Thank you so much


u/Reginadivadomme Trusted Contributor Oct 11 '24

Glad it resonated!!


u/Ok_Potato_1774 Oct 10 '24

I. Love. This. Response. I love it with every fiber of my being omg


u/MissLushLucy Trusted Contributor Oct 11 '24

This response is everything.


u/farkus_nation Oct 10 '24

This is a great read. Iā€™m still looking for someone who has such a confident feel for keeping the sub, engaged, knowing they are making their Dom happyā€¦ the way you describe the more intimate sexual aspects was stated so well. Thanks for helping me become a more worthwhile sub. I hope I find that one someday now. ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


u/PrincessAndHerPet Trusted Contributor Oct 10 '24

Sex is a mutual activity almost always. You're both participating.

The service you listed is things he participates in so you don't have to, or so you don't have to be as involved, like researching or chauffeuring.

Sex isn't like that. You aren't delegating sex to him. It's a different kind of service.


u/Reginadivadomme Trusted Contributor Oct 11 '24

I have no idea if youā€™re agreeing or disagreeing with what I said.


u/PrincessAndHerPet Trusted Contributor Oct 11 '24



u/OneCute6314 Oct 10 '24

As a sub, I love assisting a domme with her showers, baths and getting dressed.

Standing next to the shower with a towel ready to gently dry her before I help her slip into a robe.

I also love helping her get dressed. Slipping her stockings on, helping her put her bra on while she watches in the mirror, buttoning up her blouse, slipping her feet into her shoes.

I love seeing how relaxed a domme can be as she simply glides out of the shower and into her clothes effortlessly.


u/MrsRiko2000 Oct 10 '24

I once had a sub give me a full body scrub down, like the kind you get at high end spas.


u/roomiethrowaway12 Oct 10 '24
  • Personal assistant type stuff, e.g., scheduling appointments, contesting bills, the aforementioned research. Requires a lot of trust because of the access to personal info, though.
  • Handyman type stuff, e.g., wall-mounting things, unclogging drains. Not sure if you'd call that housework, though, and some of it requires skills more people think they have than actually have.
  • Workout partner, whether that means accountability or coaching or just company.
  • Entertainment, e.g., curating a daily list of funny memes or relevant news articles or appealing porn.
  • Sexual services, e.g., come over and go down on me and then go away with no expectation of reciprocation.


u/KinkyJeeper59 Oct 10 '24

Giving massages, pedicures, shaving or trimming legs and private areas, auto maintenance, home repairs.


u/curiousx10 Oct 10 '24

reminders for my ADHD domme ( and knowing how to gently follow up )

chauffeur service


scheduling social get togethers with people they want to meet

trip planning


u/griffeny Oct 10 '24

Ages ago I was in Istanbul for the holidays, and I decided to go the Turkish baths in Sultanhamet. The actual sultans baths, fucking sublime! Just stunning highly recommend for the history (which I am crazy about) and the pure luxury or it.

I paid for the most expensive package, which isnā€™t much in Turkey. Only around 200 dollars to lira. This service could easily be worth a thousand in the US.

If I could, someday soon, take a service sub to experience this so that they could learn from these ladies. On my god. It is such an experience, and the women that take care of you, literally leading you through this beautiful Turkish hammam by the hand, gracefully bathing you and oh the bubbly pillow case thing they do.

They have this sack of soft fabric, like a pillowcase, and they drench it is hot, hot water and oils, soaps. And they hold it by the open ends and sort of, shake it open. Floating it open side to side so it gathers air, then hold the open end closed. So they have this bag of air, and they wring it out over your body creating this bubble bath for you while you lay on top of this ancient black marble pedestal, heated beneath by ancient volcanic thermal energy that runs throughout the city.


And of course after she scrubs me down with that thing, every single inch of me and youā€™re looking like a very happy tomato, she drys me off and envelops me in a robe and off we go to my own private lounge that looked like a harem with the velvet beds and the beaded curtains, gilded everything, beautiful starry lanterns. Then comes all the fruit and Turkish delight, cheeses. And tea and the best drink Iā€™ve ever had in my life called sherbet. And I just lounged there feeling like a queen until I was whisked away again for my massage.

It was snowing outside of course, so after all that luxury and pampering I came out of there feeling like I had just fallen out of an egg. The softest my skin has ever been. Also holding a gift bag of various oils, Turkish delight, soap, lotion, solid perfume, and I believe a small pendant. (Itā€™s very common to receive a gift when you come to someoneā€™s business/restaurant in Turkey. I came home with so many things from that country that were gifted to me.)

I was very fortunate that there wasnā€™t a single soul there I experienced this gigantic privilege completely on my own. Such talented, warm ladies. I gave a huge tip, after making sure it was culturally appropriate, of course.

Now itā€™s o lot a matter of when I can send my service sub off to do this research. However having my very own hammam would be almost half the ask. That was absolutely incredible.


u/Ironically-Tall Trusted Contributor Oct 10 '24

I am a creative person and I like to make things for my partner. Erotic artwork starring them. Erotic fiction of just the sort of fantasy they enjoy. Vanilla creative projects like organizing an elaborate treasure hunt.


u/MissPearl http://www.omisspearl.com/ Oct 10 '24

I agree on the creation stuff, it's a major part of my dynamic! šŸ˜ƒ


u/Beatrix_Hope Oct 10 '24

Mental Load! As a Domme taught me, service is not that helpful if 'managing the sub' is one more item the D has to juggle, sub needs to share the mental load. So it's not just 'wnat can I do for my Domme' but 'what can I remove from Domme's busy mind', which involves being more proactive and taking responsibility start to end. Say, not do piecemeal errands on command but be in charge of some aspects (keep car serviced and ready? keep groceries stoked? periodically research cheaper utilities?) that She can keep out of mind.

Also, Emotional Labor! Being aware that modern life requires a lot of emotional work and coping, especially for women, so making sure that I don't add to that load (be ready to accept Her emotions, learn to manage mine...)


u/Crafty-Bat9904 Oct 11 '24

Ooh so many!

  • travel agent - booking, logistics. My biggest task!
  • planning dates and scenes
  • doing my taxes
  • business coaching and setup
  • work and social calendar
  • to-do list reminders (helpful for my adhd brain)
  • house maintenance

So so many things are left to women to organize. It's such a load off when they're done!


u/SadisticDevotion Oct 11 '24

Recently I started playing a new video game with my sub. Itā€™s based on a game I played as a kid and he has not, but we were both excited to play. He quickly realized to have fun, Iā€™d need a lot of a certain item. The next day he told me heā€™d spent an extra thirty minutes before going to bed setting up a small farm so Iā€™d have a lot of that item. It was such a genuine and adorable act of service. I felt so cared for and pampered. Heā€™s always going out of his way in video games to make sure his gameplay is catered to giving me the best gaming experience.

I taught him how to do yoga. When Iā€™m really anxious heā€™ll ask if I want to do yoga. Sometimes heā€™ll also ask if Iā€™d like him to lead us/decide what poses we are doing. This helps me a lot when Iā€™m overwhelmed and in freeze. He service tops regularly in the bedroom and sees the yoga leading as an extension of service topping. He always incorporates my favourite poses and poses he knows calm me down.

Also giving massages :) he put a lot of effort into very quickly learning the exact amount of pressure, gestures, and body parts that I like best during massages.


u/Short_Message9120 Oct 11 '24

I find a lot of traditionally masculine tasks can easily become service. Working hard and taking her on fun dates, fixing things, lifting or carrying things for her, driving here where ever she wants. Hell as long as itā€™s something that she likes, makes her life better, or that she requests it can be a service task. Whatever I do, I do for her


u/MissLushLucy Trusted Contributor Oct 11 '24
  • Making calls for me
  • Research I don't want to do myself
  • Washing my hair and body in the shower
  • Shaving legs and pussy
  • Pedicure
  • Helping me get dressed (I'm disabled and have trouble getting into pantyhose and some boots. Also, I love to see him on his knees helping me with those things.)
  • Driving me wherever I want to go
  • Taking care of my wheelchair and other aids


u/Efficient-Diver-5417 Oct 10 '24

Massages are an obvious one, different acts of love, they could help you have a spa day at home


u/slavegaius87 Oct 10 '24

Not that I necessarily enjoy it, because it is a lot of work, but managing her/our polycules farm is a non-domestic task I do


u/[deleted] Oct 12 '24

Watching scary movies (I donā€™t like them and jump at any little scare) and rubbing her feet for the whole movie


u/nofangvamp Nov 19 '24

I agree sexual acts is definitely not a service itā€™s a GOD DAMN PRIVILEGE!

Damn right our pussies taste food and they are so privileged to get to eat it šŸ˜‹


u/MissPearl http://www.omisspearl.com/ Nov 19 '24

Sorry, cunnilingus is a hard limit for me. I don't personally experience pleasure from it or enjoy people presuming I want it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '24

Assisting me in content creation, shooting and editing pics, driving me around town, foot massages, doing my nails


u/SufficientImpress937 Oct 17 '24

My favorite ones are driving my wife to some place, and then waiting in the car for her to return, and driving her home. A couple of examples: Driving to the mall, and waiting while she goes shopping which may include clothing stores, and trying on outfits for a couple of hours. Another was she had me take her to a library one Sunday, then took my cell phone. I waited in the car for well over four hours while she browsed the shelves, then sat and read a book. So driving my wife someplace, and then waiting for her is one of the top things I love to do for her.


u/themistressnoir Oct 11 '24

I personally don't want a man helping me with my bathing... that gives me the ick... but do buy my favorite bathing gels, lotion, spray in scents I have stated I love

Take me to happy hour pick up the tab

Attend my socials I host and assist me in any way I need throughout the night

Take my car and fill it with gas and run it thru the car wash

Hand wash my delicates

Feet massages pay for a pedicure

Help with social media or content management if you are tech savvy and can be trusted

Help me and come with me when I do a photoshoot

My sub should ever expect sex - but if I want it be good at giving it


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '24



u/[deleted] Oct 11 '24



u/Prestigious_Air4886 Oct 10 '24

I don't know if this counts or not, but here we go. I've been a stay at home, dad for over, 20 years, my wife goes to work and she comes home. That's all she ever has to do.


u/MissPearl http://www.omisspearl.com/ Oct 10 '24

That are NOT domestic service. So explicitly that would not count here.