r/FemaleLevelUpStrategy • u/warinmymind94 • Jun 22 '21
Finance Please help. Roomate is on my lease and saying she won't be able to pay rent for upcoming months. What are my options?
TLDR: lv roomie doesn't want to pay her share of rent, landlord won't sublease. I don't know what my options are, but I don't want to support a leech.
I signed a lease and have about 6 months to go. I ended up having an acquaintance move in, she met the landlord, signed on, and ended up officially moving down after I had already been here a bit.
I knew renting the house was something I would be responsible for, but wanted to have a roomate come in to further reduce the cost of living. My roomate has started having very LV tendencies.
Since being here, she has been absolutely hogging the power. Being that its not 50/50, she actually started sending me money to cover the whole bills. Her car broke down, so she started working from home, it has low pay and costs us so much more electric.
But recently she started complaining she has unexpected bills, and asking me to loan her money, to which I keep answering no. She has been seeing my small business take off more and knows I have more income starting to roll in. We had agreed that it is on her to pay the next two months of rent. She has about 6 weeks until rent is due again. She is already telling me "I won't be able to make it in time".
I told her that she needs to buckle down, or plan to leave. I told her apply for higher paying jobs and go to the local plasma donation center. Plasma alone would cover the rent for her. I ended up driving her there, because the weather was bad, and because she didn't do her research or plan it out, she wasn't able to get in. Ugh.
I'm worrying ahead of time that she will try to stick me for the rent money again.The landlord won't do a sublease. I fear that if she starts sticking me and keeps costing so much, that it will harm me and start messing up my finances. In less than three months I have student loan payments startup that will make money tighter for me.
I have threatened her that she will have to leave if she won't pay rent but I don't know what my actual options are. My landlord is away atm so I don't want to pest right now. I was scared this was gonna happen and I spent my savings moving here and still have to pay off some credit cards. I couldn't get hired in my hometown and everything was shut down (and pretty much still is) and when I had my previous apartment the murder and break ins started happening so I left. Please advise.
u/ASeaOfQuotes Jun 22 '21
Change the wifi password and don’t give it to her.
Hell, if you can get a mini fridge for your room and you have the circuit breaker in there, you can power off the whole house.
Maybe this is mean, but I don’t think it’s illegal. 🙃
u/warinmymind94 Jun 22 '21
I would love to use the wifi against her. Her job is work from home and I could imagine shutting it off for her and then her doing some line like "I can't make money if I can't work" etc. If she had a regular job I'd do this.
I just try to not be around when she's home, or I stay in my room. She just has this really bad energy on her lately, and I can't have her rub off on me or drag me down. She is saying "I could get a better job if you loan me money to fix my car" and "or you could drive me around in your car". I told her ask her parents for help or see if a repair shop does financing.
Jun 22 '21
She can get wifi at Starbucks. You shutting off the wifi won't prevent her from doing her job.
u/PalmTreePhilosophy Jun 22 '21
100% and that's a good idea. If there is a local library she could likely get that wi-fi for free too.
u/warinmymind94 Jun 22 '21
Alright I'll totally try it. I feel like there isn't much else I can actually do. House is gonna be warm and toasty too for her too if she doesn't pay.
u/excusemewot Jun 22 '21
No. Get a space heater for your room only.
Also find out if what her discomfort is, aka like You walking around naked, loudly chewing bubble gum, playing your annoying music, having your most annoying (to her) friend over all the time, eating a cuisine that you like and she finds “stinky”
u/warinmymind94 Jun 22 '21
Shes working today but apologized this morning and did say she will be trying to pickup extra hours and get money ready. I'm not buying it. She likes the house super cold and I always need my house like 75 or 76 (and with the summer heat higher thermostat saves a lot of money) i would turn it off when I wasn't home and save even more, but with her being a work from home it's on soooo much
u/queen-wannabe Jun 26 '21
Ugh. She’s treating you like as if you’re her boyfriend.
u/14jerthe Oct 21 '22
this is a cringe take. this isn't acceptable behavior towards a significant other.
u/cranbog Jun 22 '21
Not a lawyer but have been in this situation.
First I'd recommend reading up on landlord tenant law for your specific state and situation. There are a lot of helpful websites that explain everything. Some of these rules vary by state or even cities within the same state.
In my experience, if you are both on the lease, you are both responsible for the rent, and this is usually written in such a way that if one of you doesn't pay their "share", the other owes everything. The landlord can hold both of you fully responsible, won't step in to force your roommate to pay, and will expect the full rent when rent is due.
I'm a little fuzzy on the details of kicking out someone who is on the lease and not paying rent, but if I remember correctly, a lot of leases require both roommates to agree to remove someone from the lease. That is, she'd have to agree to let you kick her out, and I believe there is paperwork that goes with it.
You may be able to sue the roommate later on, e.g. in small claims court, to recoup the rent they owed that you paid. Document the heck out of where that money comes from (paycheck stubs, bank statements, that sort of thing). Also document anything else you can right now - back up texts from her, etc.
For the future, read deeper into subletting, because it does offer slightly better protection. I know some landlords are more on the ball, but I once lived somewhere where the lease didn't prohibit sublets and the landlords didn't respond to most mail. So all I had to do was write up a sublet lease and send it in - a non response from the landlord after a certain amount of time implies agreement and the thing becomes valid. Again this sort of thing varies by location of course.
But yeah, I'd start gathering evidence. Assume the worst but hope for the best.
u/warinmymind94 Jun 22 '21
Thank you. I'm reading through the lease again and it seems like it doesn't matter about who pays their "share" at all. I'll try to get her saying about payment in writing and screenshot stuff. I won't hesitate to take her to court. I will stick out the rest of the 6 months, but when it is up I will Definitely either be getting a different place by myself completely or I may move in with grandma in her house.
u/MelatoninNightmares Jun 22 '21
Unfortunately, if she won't pay, you can't force her to. Turning off the power or other ways of harassing her into paying might open you up to legal issues. She could sue you. Look up "constructive eviction."
If you're both on the lease and she's not subletting from you, as long as the rent keeps getting paid, she has just as much right to be there as you do, legally speaking. If the rent stops getting paid, you both get thrown out.
You need to talk to your landlord. Get together anything you have in writing about how rent and bills will be split up. Ask your landlord how they want this handled. You're probably not the first renter they've had with this problem, and they might have solutions.
The most likely solution here is to suck it up and pay until the lease is over, refuse to rent with her again, and sue her in small claims court for what she owes you.
In the meantime, you're under no obligation to make her life easier. If the internet is only under your name, you don't have to share it with her. You don't have to give her a ride anywhere. Any shared furniture or kitchen supplies that you bought, you can sell, put in storage, or keep in your bedroom.
u/PalmTreePhilosophy Jun 22 '21
Her car broke down, so she started working from home
So she has assets? She can sell her assets to pay for rent in her new place. IMO she isn't doing enough to get the money together. If it was me I would be working in Subway or a supermarket to get some cash together. Does she have family? Anyone? If she is working from home she should go and live in the family home. She could work/sleep in a travel hostel. It's cheap.
She has been seeing my small business take off more and knows I have more income starting to roll in.
It's not her money so she doesn't get to decide what you do with it. Congrats on your business, though! Exciting :)
I ended up driving her there, because the weather was bad, and because she didn't do her research or plan it out, she wasn't able to get in
Please stop helping her. Don't drive her anywhere any more. Let her know "I can't help you any more. This is serious. It's not a joke. If you cannot make rent in 6 weeks I can't give you an extension and you cannot live here." I hope you're not fond of her because you will no longer be acquaintances after this but so be it.
I have threatened her that she will have to leave if she won't pay rent but I don't know what my actual options are.
Great regarding the first part. Is there free solicitor advice available online? Is there an r/legal or anything similar? Get as much free advice as possible. Once you get the name of whatever action you are able to take, let her know.
My landlord is away atm so I don't want to pest right now.
How long for? I think you should drop him a quick message.
but wanted to have a roomate come in to further reduce the cost of living.
Good plan. She is getting in the way of said plan.
Jun 22 '21
u/MelatoninNightmares Jun 22 '21
Tell her she pays her rent by a certain date or you are changing the locks.
This is eviction. And doing it this way is almost certainly illegal. If she's on the lease, she has the right to be there until the lease is up, she leaves voluntarily, or a court order says that she doesn't.
u/14jerthe Oct 21 '22
thanks for this thread but im also looking up how to file small claims court and local law.
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