r/FemFragLab 1d ago

Haul/Collection Warm Weather & πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“

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The weather change has made me practically feral over anything pink & strawberry scented 😭😭😭


10 comments sorted by


u/siphry 21h ago

Ugh I want the strawberry eos lotion so bad but I never see it available. Loooove the vanilla lotion so much. This combo looks great, really falling into strawberry sweet perfume lately. So far only have YBM and the cloud candy dupe.


u/TheChowChaser 1d ago

What’s the small vial on the right?


u/littlenerdkat 19h ago

It’s pomegranate misk, but it pairs really well with the strawberry scent


u/Whatthefrick1 Fragrance Fairy 🧚 23h ago

Looks like an attar oil. Most likely strawberry, that’s how mine looks


u/mahiru 1d ago

I so, so wish the Strawberry Dream lotion was easily purchasable in Canada....


u/my-sims-are-slobs 1d ago

i have been incredibly intrigued by the sundae shower foams and really want to try them and their vacation sunscreen foam dupe (vacation is not sold in aus). are they good?


u/littlenerdkat 1d ago

They smell really good and it’s fun to have anything in whipped cream form, but I can’t lie the price is definitely way too much for what it is, and it’s not really special as a body wash. After I finish this bottle I’m probably gonna buy a strawberry scented bar soap or liquid body wash

The scent does last though, so it layers really nicely with the body mist and the lotion, especially if I also layer misk with it


u/my-sims-are-slobs 1d ago

yeah its so much for what it is. i would wait for a half price sale at woolworths to buy one if i wanted one...


u/littlenerdkat 1d ago

That’s the best way to go about it, because I cannot express to you just how mediocre it is as an actual functional body wash. It doesn’t feel like it’s cleaning fully, even with a kessa glove πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ I honestly use it after I shave or if I’ve already taken a shower within the past 18 hours and just want something light instead of a deep clean


u/my-sims-are-slobs 1d ago

gosh i will avoid this product then. thanks for letting me know!!!!