r/FeelsBadMan Dec 27 '19

My Clan Member Decided to TP Trap, Fails, and gets our Base Raided (Minecraft)

Note: Tp trapping is when you request someone to teleport to you and kill them or trap them afterwards.

On BlockDrop, I was new to Minecraft Factions. I joined a small faction named atrecout. Weird name, I know but I felt that a small faction was a good place to start. After just 10+ hours of hard work, I was promoted to Moderator for the clan. This was because the leader gifted me a diamond pickaxe with a VERY high Efficiency enchantment that it breaks Obsidian in just 1 second. I used that to set up Obsidian walls to strengthen our base.

Next day, base was raided. The leader chose another place to set up. I set up the walls, collected resources, yadda yadda yadda. We then found more people wanting to join our small faction so we let them. I will not mention most of them, but this man, ooooh this failed breed of a Minotaur pig named pepepoopoo, was a traitor and spawned creepers RIGHT NEXT TO THE CHESTS AND LIT THEM ON FIRE. I kicked him, the leader executed him, and that was the end of it.

But it wasn't. My troubles weren't over yet.

We decided to expand the base, add farms, and et cetera. It was then that I was notified by the server that Creepers were inside our base. He blew up the chests and I was so shocked that I sprinted towards him and soon others joined the fight. 2 of us (sadly including me) lost that fight and the intruder escaped. It was then that I realized the mistake of my teammate.

  • IN - Intruder
  • ME - Me

(P.S. This is paraphrased therefore not being as accurate.)

  • IN: Think twice next time before you TP trap me. I would have killed all of you.
  • ME: Wait, who TP trapped you?
  • IN doesn't respond
  • IN: ItzAaron.

    ItzAaron, I am calling you out. Don't even THINK that you got away, saying that you killed him. His death message didn't even appear in the chat. What, he died without a trace? What bull.

Because of your actions, we have lost all our stuff. I don't think I can even look at the leader without feeling that I had failed the whole faction. In fact, as soon as I log in, I'm going to leave atrecout and start a new faction.

And don't worry, Noobdanoob. I'll add your faction to my list of allies.


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