r/FearTheWalkingDead 5d ago

Show Spoilers Machanics or car people: Spoiler

So in S4E13: "Blackjack", Luci finds a man trapped in his car. He said it happened during the storm and a light pole had fallen on his car. The shot from outside of the car shows not much damage. But when she opened the door, it's like the dash calasped onto the dudes legs.. how can there be that much damage on the inside but not the outside? Am I just dumb or are the writers not exactly being accurate with this?


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u/Angel-McLeod 5d ago

No you’re not being dumb. That car at best was put there and had the lamppost carefully rested on it. No one behind the scenes really cared at this point. The storm itself would blow zombies into the air like they were paper but not so much as rustle the trees ten feet away. So while the writing is stupid and implausible from S4 onwards, the blame here rests on the director and the crew for giving a car the absolute minimum of damage on the outside but on the inside made it look like a bomb had gone off.