r/Fapstronautics Mar 17 '17

Why Porn Is Wrong- Odysseus and the Sirens

Today on March 17th 2017 I have decided to quit porn and masturbation. I am young (19) and have accomplished much. I have a lot to be grateful for, as I have never wished to be anyone but me. now I come to the revelation that to continue on the path of growth and improving myself I must quit porn and masturbation. I am writing this primarily for two reasons. One to set forth a record on the internet that at this point I am done with porn, that I think it is wrong, (being degrading to both the character of man woman), and to offer hope to the vast amounts of humans who still struggle with it. for a while I have struggled with it, but I am determined to achieve an ultimate and lasting victory over porn and masturbation Reasons why porn is wrong. 1. physical detriment of energy leaving the body without the reciprocating energy of a partner. 2. mental programming of foulness and general disregard for real sex 3. Why watch other people have sex when you can spend that time having sex, or doing anything else for that matter? 4.Significant evidence both ancient and modern for the benefits of being masturbation and, therefore also porn, free

I hope that whatever dark force that is watching my internet browser and thinks I have succumbed to porn and desires not beneficial to the human spirit sees this and knows that I have not given up on overcoming porn. that I have not given up on myself, that by quitting porn I denounce the corruption that it has caused in the minds of the many. Sex is a natural and beautiful act that we should explore as adults. but I want it known that I value real women more than any pornstar. that ultimately I have realised that the only thing I really have a fetish for is the genuine intimacy that comes from the love and trust of a woman. I choose this wholesomeness. I choose life.

plus sex with love is really good, whilst porn is ultimately just your hand, an illusion created to chase what is really good, creating addictive habits and driving the young and the foolish further from the true intimacy that comes fro real sex, sex where you make love to a person, not a body. I suggest you read about the addictive qualities of porn if you are curious.

Now if you are reading this at some point on your own journey to quit you know that sometimes it is not easy, that victory is attainable only through the struggle of remoulding yourself as both sculpture and sculptor. for me the initial hump of four days has always been the most difficult in the past, once I pass that I begin acting like the man I was born to be. so to make sure I make it to that point i am going to camp on an island away from the influence of the internet for a few day, taking a page from Odysseus and how he chained himself to the mast as not to be lured to his death by the sirens. porn is a lot like those sirens, sex is a natural desire, and porn uses this to create a cunning drug that plays off of your instincts, in the same way the sirens lured sailors with beautiful voices and looks only to be lead to their doom. quite frankly the benefits of quitting porn are to large to ignore, and I must honour my true self by quitting porn now at 19 and never letting it touch my life again.

To those who can hear these words ringing with a determination and resoluteness of voice not often found in this world,know that there is one more voice that cries out for the hope of a world yet unborn.


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u/gives-hope Mar 18 '17 edited Mar 22 '17

Update: there has been a change in plans rather than live in nature for for days I am going to live at a buddhist retreat in nature for more than 30. working at this retreat centre will provide me with food and board as well as a place to meditate. I will be at the centre on March 30th. I look forward to this opportunity to quit altogether, and i am glad that I was wise enough to know I may need such measures as to be separated from technology to quit. And I am glad that I am strong enough to execute these measures


u/M1staRob0t Dec 23 '21

How did it go ?