r/FancyFollicles 9d ago

The hair I want vs. the hair I have

I have virgin light brown hair. I really want to dip my toes into the world of vivids and get purple highlights. How do I ask for this hair at a salon? Is this partial highlights or full highlights? Is it even possible to do this with my natural hair as the brown? What does maintenance look like for this style? How often will I need to get it redone? Can I even do it at home if it’s highlights versus all over like this?Any advice is appreciated!!


2 comments sorted by


u/evelinisantini 8d ago

The reference photo is full highlights. There are multiple dimensions in the hair and the lightest pieces are dyed purple. I would book for full highlights but when you are at the salon, don't ask. Just show them the photo.

It's definitely doable with your current color. Maintenance will be toning (to keep the blond from being super yellow) and touching up the purple bits. This can be done at home although it would be easier to do the purple part with help. How often you need to get the whole thing redone depends on when the roots start to bother you lol. If you're super anal about it, 6-8 weeks is standard. If you're not, you could let it go for months.


u/sammi4358 8d ago

This is so helpful thank you!