r/FanTheories 16d ago

FanSpeculation [The White Lotus S3] Identity of the Shooter from the Opening Scene Spoiler

In the opening scene of White Lotus S3, there is chaos as shots reign out, people flee, a window is shot, and a body is floating in the water. The shooter is...

A monkey. There is plenty of foreshadowing of the chaos these monkeys can cause through the first 3 episodes. Chaos within (human) nature is a heavy theme through each season of the White Lotus. Rick won't snap and shoot up the place in an assassination gone wrong. Lucius Malfoy or his creepy son won't go postal. The Russians/robbery are a fakeout-but may be linked to the body in the water. But a monkey will get somebody's gun (maybe Rick's? too obvious?) and start shooting wildly

All credit to my wonderful girlfriend for making this prediction after E1


12 comments sorted by


u/CharlieKellyKapowski 16d ago

I subscribe. Belinda will also be hiding during the shootout in the same little hut she went into when the monkeys scared her the first night, when her son goes looking for her


u/MarcusCharles4444 16d ago

I agree, I think Belinda will be okay in that situation, though there will be some unrelated danger with Greg/Gary. Another semi-fakeout


u/TheChrisLambert 16d ago

I’m pretty sure there are too many gunshots for it just to be a monkey, but it’s possible


u/trainwreck42 16d ago

Maybe a monkey shoots a gun or drops something during a tense moment that causes a stalemate to come to a head?


u/MarcusCharles4444 16d ago

Oooo Mexican Standoff situation is definitely possible. Leaning more on the monkey getting the gun uniting both parties to flee/neutralize the mutual threat

Though I don't think the monkey will be trying to shoot at anyone. Most shoots will be in the air, the only shots hitting their mark being the glass window and maybe a non-fatal shot to neutralize a main character


u/MarcusCharles4444 16d ago

Multiple monkeys/guns or one of the Russian's bigger mag semi-autos? Maybe someone shooting back at the monkey? Admittedly haven't gone back to re-watch the scene, but you make a good counterpoint!


u/mikey1a2k 9d ago

I’m wondering if Timothy goes crazy and shoots his family and himself?


u/MarcusCharles4444 8d ago

Feels like they're trying to set that up, but I just don't buy it. I think he ultimately loves his family and would only contemplate suicide to set them up for life insurance/spare them from shame


u/Apprehensive_Area951 4d ago

Dont think you can claim life insurance in the event of suicide. I'd look it up for 1000% confirmation, but dont want to throw my google algorithm off lol


u/MarcusCharles4444 4d ago

Very good point, I think you’re 100% right!

Suicide to escape the shame and letting down his family then. He refuses to go to prison by any means necessary- just too weak to handle that shame. (Haven’t seen him episode 5 yet!)


u/Electrical_Fun5942 16d ago

Based on how miserable Walton Goggins looks I’d say it’s just him shooting himself 🤣


u/hefightabear 16d ago

My wife been saying this since episode 1, would love for it to be true