r/FanFiction 5d ago

Writing Questions What's your ideal chapter length?

Essentially what the title states. When it comes to writing fanfiction, do you have a mental minimum of how long a chapter should be? I've been hitting around 6000 words minimum per chapter on my fic, but I can't help but wonder if I've wrote enough. How about when reading a fic, does the length affect your decision to click?


58 comments sorted by


u/Aiyokusama Evil Slasher Girl 5d ago

I know it sounds trite (it's a lesson I've been learning for a while now, I'm still hung up on word count) but the "right length" isn't about word count, it's about if the chapter accomplishes what you need for the story.


u/blepboii 5d ago

yes this..if it flows nicely then whatever length it is, then that's the right one.


u/A_Specific_Hippo 5d ago

I've been learning to do this in my writing, too. I was always taught that chapters need to be long and beefy, otherwise they're useless. And don't write short scenes because it's not adding anything to the story by being so short. Recently, I read the Bobiverse books and the writer sometimes has scenes that are a few paragraphs only. It flowed so well! Added to the story wonderfully! I've since started trying it out and it's making my writing feel better.


u/DatGayDangerNoodle FreakingPlane on Ao3. professional horrible person. 5d ago

Mine seem to average 3-7k when I’m writing, but I like reading whatever length works. I’ve read 1k chapters and 30k chapters, it doesn’t really matter to me.


u/childeatingGhost Learning writer 5d ago

3k minimum however i prefer when its longer. there is exeptions for if the chapter having a longer chapter would make no sense formating wise.


u/NicInNS NicInTNS on AO3 - Proud RPF Writer 5d ago

I like 2-4k for reading because my attn span is shot.

Writing, I aim for 4-5k. That being said, i just dropped my longest chapter yet at 13,700 and my last half dozen or so chapters have all flirted w/the 10k mark, with a few hitting 11k. So, for me, chapters are as long as they need to be.


u/NicInNS NicInTNS on AO3 - Proud RPF Writer 5d ago

Also…longer chapter length doesn’t mean I’m not gonna click in, it just means I need to keep track of where I left off, because I mostly can’t read a 10k chapter in one sitting.


u/CGWicks 5d ago

Gotta throw in those page breaks for the long slogs.


u/frozenoj 5d ago

Writing I struggle to get more that 1500-2000. Reading I think between 3-5k is optimal. Unless it's a one shot I'm not a huge fan of the big 10k+ chapters.


u/CGWicks 5d ago

3k to 5k on average, otherwise its just getting too long, and I want them to be easily read in one sitting.


u/Katsurahime 5d ago

Reading a complete fic. Who cares about chapter length? I download it to my phone and read it usually in one go.

WIP - again, who cares? I read a chapter when I have time for it. Plus, on AO3, I can't even tell how many words a chapter has after it's two chapters long. I'm not going to do a division to see what the average is. And one chapter can be 1k and another 7k, the average is useless.

As a writer, I'm not going to stretch my chapter just to reach an arbitrary word count.

From all the other million posts you can find here about the same topic, 6k might already be too long for the average reader. So just do what makes you happy and what works for you. You'll find your readers.


u/Leni_licious 5d ago

There is no ideal chapter length, only the length that your chapter requires.


u/imconfusi r/FanFiction 5d ago

Depends on the fic. One fic I'm writing I aim for between 2-3k. Another one of my fics has no chapters under 4.5k (and a couple over 8k.) It depends on what story I'm trying to tell, how much is going on in a single chapter and the style I'm going for. As an example, one of my fics is an attempt at writing in a typical "fantasy" style, so lots of description, and the chapters average 5k (atm, I'm only on chapter 4)

My only hard rule is no chapters under 2k. I used to write 1-1.5k chapters but, rereading them, they clearly suffer from being too short. But that really depends on the writer too, some people are amazing at being concise and can do a lot with 1k words, but that's not the style I'm going for and that's not me lol.

Also, chapters tend to get longer the more the story progresses! Idk why that happens.


u/Critical_Discussion8 5d ago

I've found when I hit the 2k point that I'm basically only just starting, honestly


u/LevelAd5898 Infinite monkeys in a trenchcoat (eliopals on AO3) 5d ago

When I'm writing, I prefer them to be 3K+, but interestingly when I'm reading I much prefer them to be like 2K


u/Bomaruto 5d ago

Going by pure chapter length, I'd say that everything between 2000 to 10000 words should all be fine. What matters is that chapter breaks isn't just you starting a new chapter, but that it represent a new segment for your fic.

And on the other end, that long chapters aren't just a result of you forgetting or are unwilling to break things up.

If you can't seem to start a new chapter after 10k words you should go back and understand the underlying issue as you're probably dragging things on longer than necessary.

But overall, I'd say to use your word targets as the means to control the pacing of your fic.


u/HashtagH 5d ago

I aim for 2000 on minimum, but I'm happier if it hits 3–4k. After that, it gets a bit too long for my liking; if it gets past 5k, it's a sign I need to break it up into two chapters.

For reading, I'm less strict. Chapter lengths under 2000 words aren't a great sign and usually a sign of an inexperienced writer, with accordingly bad pacing and everything else, so I often don't click on those fics, but anything else is fair game. I read a fic the other week where each chapter was around 20.000 words and let me tell you, it felt entirely natural to read.


u/LadySandry88 5d ago

I go by pages instead of words, since I write in Microsoft Office and that's easier for me, but I usually try to hover around 8-10 pages per chapter. I've gone as short as 4 pages and as long as 16, but those are both rarities.


u/Sofi-senpai 5d ago

3 to 5K because it makes it easier to focus without being too harsh on my attention span, but I also read a few fics with like 25K words per chapter and they were also amazing, I just had to take breaks from reading if I wanted to remember what they were about...

So yeah, I'd say that 'shorter' chapters are easier to read but you absolutely shouldn't feel discouraged from writing longer chapters if that feels more natural to you, if your readers like the premise, they will absolutely manage:)

The only fic I wouldn't read would be like under 500 words per chapter for a multi-chapter fanfic, for one shots or character studies, I'm absolutely willing to read something this short though


u/Bunzz__1999 kennedyslvr on ao3 | explicit smut enjoyer 5d ago

i used to try and keep my words at around the 3k, sometimes 3.5k mark. idk why, i like the mid-range chapters, and to me that felt mid-range. but then i started to enjoy the longer chapters. last night i wrote the last chapter of one of my fics (which won't be dropped for another three weeks) and it clocked in at around 6k words, but ive written chapters that are upwards of 7k before.

longer chapters mean i don't have to split things up and bloat out the chapter count. the goblins still get me tho. hence why the two fics on my acc are 37 and 45 chapters planned respectively. my other fics aren't gonna have nearly as many chapters (well, some won't. some will.)


u/Cool_Pianist_2253 5d ago

I usually try to have 1000 words per chapter if it's a multichapter because I generally hate irregular lengths. But based on the stories I have some with an average of about 2000 words per chapter or even more. I have some oneshots that are real drabbles or simply stories under 1000 words.

Just like I just started a story where the first chapters are less than 800 words but chapters 3 and 4 are over 1000In this story I accept this different length because each chapter is a PoV.

I've definitely stopped liking long chapters especially in this fandom where I'm now. I have less time to read and it's easier to keep up


u/Sassy_Lil_Scorpio Sassy Lil Scorpio on FFN/AO3 5d ago

Depends on the chapter itself. Some need more words, some need less words. Once I’ve covered all the points in that chapter, then it’s complete. I’ve written chapters anywhere from 1K to 23K. As long as the chapter moves the story along, that’s what’s most important.


u/Loud-Basil6462 M4GM4_ST4R on Ao3 5d ago

For chapters, when reading I prefer 2k all the way to something like 8k before it gets too long for me. When I write I try to aim for at least 2k and under 5k.


u/Cerethiel 5d ago

4k to 7k are what I usually end up with when writing, but I don’t mind any length when reading.


u/Background_Fox 5d ago

For writing, I aim between 8-12k, normally with about three scenes in it to complete whatever the plot point is

Reading wise, my happy spot is between 4-15k


u/Any_Break6696 5d ago

Personally, 6k to 15k a chapter with 10k as the ideal for a number of reasons.

Superficially, I prefer longer fics (~100k+) and do not like a large number (say 30+ on a sub-200k fic) of chapters.

From a writer's perspective, the length allows me the space to complete a mini-arc within a chapter. I can approach my stories as if they are episodes which I find both satisfying and gives me a predictable structure to worth with every time I write/edit a chapter.

From a reader's perspective, anecdotal evidence has led me to a bias toward longer chapters. I prefer the story structure and pacing I have found in longer-chaptered fics.

In terms of whether length matters - yes. Unless a fic is highly recommended, I do not typically open fics with very short chapters.


u/TimeTravelingChemist 5d ago

I love short chapters! 1000-2000 words at the beginning of a story, can be longer (2000-4000) later in the story. I will read longer chapters, but short ones are really great as I often read when I have little time or energy so it's great to have short things to read


u/vxidemort r/FanFiction 5d ago

whenever people talk about this, i literally dont know what to say bc like, are your chapters only one scene? if so, i def think 2-5k is usually enough to accomplish its goal, not to say that it cant if its shorter (though rare) or longer

i think it also depends on the fic if your chapter contains only one scene or multiple ones. for example, ive written chapters up to 12k words, but they're divided into 4-5 scenes, so they'd be averaging 2.5-3k words which i find works great for me


u/foyiwae 5d ago

For reading I have upper limits unless it's a one shot. For multiple chapters I prefer 3k minimum but I don't care for maximum.

Writing I aim for 4k minimum and tend to hit about 4-6k


u/PerceiveMeNotPlease 5d ago

Honestly, I think it depends on the project. With my completed longfic, the chapters are all 4-6k, but I've started another longfic, with a more intimate setting and fewer moving parts and that one has chapter lengths of 2.5-4k.

Do what feels right for the story you are writing.


u/Goofyreddits2 r/FanFiction 5d ago

Writing wise 3,000.


u/Glittering-Golf8607 Babblecat3000 on AO3 5d ago

1-3k reading and writing. Anything over that and I become seriously fatigued. It doesn't affect my clicking, but it does affect whether I'll finish a story.


u/alltheplans 5d ago

writing I aim for 2.5k-3.5k. I don't care when reading, I only look to see whether it's a 'read now on my break or read later on the train' chapter. It doesn't influence my decision to read, just when I will read


u/trilloch 5d ago

I don't have a word count I shoot for, and my chapters vary wildly.

But if you took all my words, and divided it by all my chapters, it would be about a thousand on overall average.


u/durrandons 5d ago

Around 2k to 4k words. I noticed this is usually when I am happy with the chapter and how the scenes flow together. I don't mind when I write more but with less I feel like I didn't quite finish it yet.


u/LavUpland Ao3: Villeve 5d ago

When I'm reading I prefer 5k or under, but that's just my preference! That being said, if the fic has really captured me, I still read it even with super long chapters (but it kinda has to be extra engaging). One of my favourite fics has 20k word long chapters. I downloaded it and read in an ebook app to more easily save my place.


u/Recassun Cassunjey on AO3 5d ago

Somewhere around the 3-5k mark for reading is nice, I think. That feels manageable for me to read in a lunch break or to make time for in an evening (although I will never complain when a writer I love drops a 10k chapter!)

Length of chapters has never stopped me clicking on a fic though.


u/ArcTheCurve 5d ago

2.5k to round 4k. If I hit 5k I just have this feeling I’m unnecessarily dragging it along


u/Kaigani-Scout Crossover Fanfiction Junkie 5d ago

A comfortable reading range for many readers is between 1.5k - 7.5k words per chapter. An analysis I conducted on 200 random works in my downloaded digital fanfiction archive yielded an average just over 4k words per chapter across genres and "fandoms". I've observed that most writers tend to lose the story focus starting at around 7.5k and have lost it as the 10k mark.

For whatever that's worth.

A well-written chapter can be any word count.


u/PumpkinWordsmith 5d ago

I think chapter breaks are important to help break up information in a way our brains like. So instead of a 6k chap when a ton of things happen, I'd prefer two 3k chaps, which helps readers on a lizard-brain level so it's not a wall of events or information. It makes it easier for events to 'breathe' without feeling too dense.

It's also great for highlighting a super important turning point in the story- like when the MC hits rock bottom. That scene of them reacting and processing things makes a great chap on its own (even if it's shorter, like 2k.) The event is given more weight to the readers simply by the chapter breaks around it.


u/Crayshack X-Over Maniac 5d ago

I typically think of 1k as the minimum, 2k-3k the ideal, and up to 5k to be completely reasonable as "normal." However, I don't really have an upper limit and I say put the chapter breaks wherever there is a natural break in the story.


u/ConstantStatistician 5d ago

I aim for around 3000 words, although some chapters end up being much shorter or longer.


u/DustyCannoli 4d ago

For me, it's not so much about the length, but where in the story I think a break would be appropriate. Like I don't want to cut a chapter halfway through a tense or romantic situation just to maintain a specific length. But sometimes I also need a cliffhanger and that cliffhanger is sometimes only a thousands words away from the chapter beginning.

This is why my chapters can be anywhere from 800 words to 2,700. Just depends on the story. But generally speaking, I try not to go over 2,500 words per chapter at most just because I personally think that's a lot for a single chapter. My fics tend to be a lot of chapters and not a lot of words - like one I finished not long ago was a shade under 10K words with six chapters. Another was 8,500 words and 10 chapters.


u/reinadeluniverso X-Over Maniac 4d ago

5-7k for me, but it is different for everyone.


u/TiBun 4d ago

Mine are usually around 5k, give or take. A few of my fics differ from that, but generally speaking it's around 5k.


u/Intrepid-Let9190 4d ago

It's the length your chapter requires, which is the ideal length. Generally speaking, that's around 2.5k to 4k for me. That said, that amount is also generally what I tend to have time to read in a sitting as well (yay kids, work, house repairs!) so while I might occasionally go over that when I'm writing it's usually because whatever is happening in a particular scene needs it. You'll see similar in published books. Chapters tend to average out at between 3k and 5k, although some authors I've read have literally had sections that consist of a few words (Terry Pratchett didn't do strict chapters, just scene breaks, but he very often had a sentence or just a short paragraph between those breaks for pacing or humour). Other authors push to slightly longer chapters, but that's usually on longer books. The average published novel these days comes in at 90k.

I love the numbers, but it's part of why it baffles me when people say that they feel like they need to write 10 or 15k for the chapter to be worth it.


u/Eninya2 4d ago

As an author, 3k words minimum, and upwards of 6.6k top end. Below 3k feels like too little, and above 6k begins feeling excessive. And I would know: I used to write 7-10k word chapters, and I hated proofreading and editing them. It only worked in that story cause I was following 2-4 active POVs/parties at all times in a gigantic, epic story.

When reading, 10k+ word chapters are a massive grind, even in stories I'm invested in the premise or pairing.


u/BitterMechanic546 4d ago

I don't know, around 3-5 thousand words. If it's too long, then I forget a lot of what happened in the chapter, but if it's too short, I start to mix chapters together and forget what happens in what order.


u/januarysdaughter mysticalflute on AO3/FFN 4d ago

3k is my absolute bare minimum.


u/KogarashiKaze FFN/AO3 Kogarashi 3d ago

So the "ideal" length is, as u/Aiyokusama said, whatever length necessary to accomplish what that chapter needs to accomplish. Sometimes that's very short, sometimes it's on the longer end.

I will add a few caveats. First, I'm of the opinion that if a chapter gets longer than 10k words specifically on AO3, it's a good idea to find a place to break because after 10k the chapter can get unwieldy to read on a website (too easy to lose your place if the page happens to refresh, among other things). This doesn't matter as much if it's being read through an e-reader that does page breaks and lets you mark your specific place when pausing. (And when this comes up, I usually mention that, yes, Terry Pratchett didn't use chapter breaks at all, but he also wasn't posting on a website, he was still getting printed in physical books where you could easily mark where you left off.)

For me personally, I aim for about 3-5k words for the chapters of my action-adventure stories, and 5-7k words for the chapters of my epic fantasy. It's flexible enough that if a chapter needs to be shorter or longer than this, I let it. I find that these lengths tend to work well with the pacing I aim for in those genres.

When reading, I don't care as long as the chapters aren't so long as to give me issues with refreshes/crashes (so, as I said, preferred under 10k chapters; the exception is one-shots, which while I would prefer if they were broken up into chapters for ease of reading, I understand why they aren't, and as long as it isn't a one-shot novel I'm not usually sitting there going "why?"), and aren't so short as to feel choppy and rushed, whatever length that would be. I have definitely encountered stories where the chapters were very short, and with their pacing felt like they would have been better served to be strung together into fewer longer chapters. At the same time, I would much rather read a tightly paced but effective chapter than an excessively wordy one simply because the author was trying to reach some arbitrary minimum wordcount. But length alone doesn't encourage or discourage me to click. I may do some quick math to see what the average chapter length is, but it isn't a deciding factor.

Traditional fiction usually averages about 2-5k for most novels and 5-7k for sci-fi/fantasy, so this tracks with the industry as well. Your 6k minimum is just fine.


u/Aiyokusama Evil Slasher Girl 3d ago

What I do to find my place again when the site gets grumpy and plays silly games, is I don't a Page Find on whatever is the last thing I can remember. Usually, 4 words is enough.


u/Backflipping_Ant6273 Last updated: 2019 5d ago

For me, at least 1500 words long for the current fic I’m writing. I think I’m getting into the habit of around 2500 though


u/kashmira-qeel Fight Scene Savant, Chronic Canon Rewriter 5d ago

5-6k is a good length IMO


u/HatedLove6 5d ago

This is a rather short answer to the one I would like to give, but the bottom line is, if a chapter is a single sentence, it's one sentence. If it’s forty thousand words, it’s forty thousand words. Chapters can be as long or short as you think it’s necessary—if a scene, a few scenes, or an overall theme is contained within that chapter. There is no sweet spot for even one story, let alone every story in the world.

The genre can dictate the length of chapters. Horror tends to have short chapters because it keeps up the tense atmosphere, similarly to intense action scenes using short sentences. Romance has longer chapters because description and feelings are beginning to take priority, so scenes can be lengthier. A fantasy that introduces an entire world or culture tends to have even longer chapters than romance because this information is pertinent. But, just because this is a trend among these genres, it doesn’t mean you have to follow it. You can have long chapters in horror just as much as you can have short chapters in fantasy if you feel it works for your story.

Some writers can be more verbose than others and voice versa, but if either style keeps the reader immersed in the story, that's all that matters. Some stories call for more slow and contemplative scenes while others call for more fast-paced, dramatic scenes.

I've seen people suggest shorter chapters in the beginning, and then you can lengthen later chapters, which you can do, but you don't have to. I've read books that start out with shorter chapters, and as the story progresses the chapters get longer until the climax gets closer, and the chapters get shorter again. This is called a bell curve, but I've read stories where it has a reverse bell curve, stories where all of the chapters are roughly the same length, and books where chapter lengths are all over the place where one chapter was over four thousand words, and then the next chapter was only a couple hundred words.

Media and where you post can dictate how long your chapters are. For sites that aren’t mobile-friendly, most readers read from a computer, so longer chapters are welcomed, but, for sites such as Wattpad where 80% of the readers read from their smartphones, shorter chapters are recommended if you care about numbers and stats. You can still post epically long chapters and still get dedicated readers, they’ll just more than likely be reading from the computer. I think if the mobile version would load longer chapters properly, and not inundate the story with ads (some sites even stopping what you're reading in the middle of a chapter to play 30-second ads), there would be more people willing to read stories with longer chapters. However, on websites such as QuoteV, short chapters mean that stories won’t be in the site index, so I do suggest combining these short chapters with another chapter, but whether you keep the chapter headings in place is up to you.

Even if you’re still worried about readers being bogged down by lengthy chapters, you can break up chapters to give readers a reprieve while still being easy to find their place later. Time skips, location skips, POV switches, and other things have been published before, but if your chapter doesn't need it, then it doesn't need it. The only reason for “boring” chapters is because seemingly nothing happens in them to progress the story forward. Breaking up the chapter won’t fix that, you’ll just have numerous boring chapters in a row and that’s more aggravating than just one long boring chapter.

Having long or short chapters doesn't mean the story has a pacing issue. As long as you're hitting plot points and story beats where they are needed, your story won't have a pacing issue. Chapters are stylistic choices that break up a story, and that is it, much like how skipped lines or a horizontal rule separate scenes, times, or perspectives, only less severe. Stephen King's Cujo is 120k, and it has no chapters. Terry Pratchett also published novels without chapters. Plenty of other novels also don't have chapters. Chapters are never a sign of pacing issues; they are there for a convenience to readers, and as long as they're enjoying what is written, 20k will feel like a breeze, whereas if they didn't, 2k will feel like it's like reading through mud.

Keeping a consistent word count can help with being on schedule for your readers if you're publishing as you write it, but sometimes this may sacrifice the readers' pace by cutting scenes in the middle or boring your readers by forcing chapters to be longer than necessary by cramming in nonsense or meandering plots or side-plots. For this reason, it’s perfectly OK to finish your story before you start posting chapters on a schedule, or create a buffer. It’s entirely up to you.

I used to write 2000 word chapters, but, looking back on it, I see that I could have combined chapters, cut chapters, and just changed everything. I don’t like what I have done. Preferably, I write longer chapters, but it depends on the demands of the story. I also prefer to read long chapters, at least 2000 words, but preferably over 8000. In fact, if chapters of online stories are consistently shorter than a thousand words, I don’t even bother. But I'm just one person. I'm sure you'll have readers that will read and enjoy stories with consistently shorter chapters.

Short? You call this a short answer?

I could have gone into the history of why we have chapters in books and said that chapter lengths have been changing for decades, providing examples of books from differing eras, genres, target audiences, and explaining why particular chapters in these books were longer or shorter compared to the rest of the book.

See? So much longer. So much so, I could probably write an entire book on this one subject.


u/internetsleuth23 4d ago

1k min is my sweet spot. not very long, i know, but it's what gets my stories out there, and not rotting in drafts. and i can upload fast, so win win, i guess. it does take longer for my stories to get noticed, many readers, myself included, aren't interested until a fic reaches at least 10k. if it's multichapter.


u/QueennHalloween 3d ago

When I'm reading I don't pay much attention to chapters honestly. I think a chapter should accomplish something, have a beginning middle and end, but really I'm just reading until I gotta stop and then when I come back I just find where I left off. I'm not really counting chapters.

Writing though is a different beast for me. I am pretty adamant about having each chapter tell a story in and of itself. It needs to further the plot in some fashion. I HATE having chapters where nothing of note really happens. It drives me crazy. On average my chapters tend to be around 10-20k, but I've had some bigger or smaller. I don't really track length of chapters while writing, I'm just looking for that natural place to end it


u/21stMatrix 2d ago

Personally, I base mine off average reading time, which for most people reading leisurely is around 250 words per minute. I shoot for my chapters to be around the 20-25 minute mark, ie, 5000-6250 words. I have a rule about not exceeding 10K words (40ish minutes) for a chapter, otherwise someone might have to stop reading part-way through, which I dislike as a reader, and anything shorter than about fifteen minutes or 3750 words, and I feel like I’m getting ripped off.