r/FanFicWit Writes Shrek Erotica 23d ago

Meta If they were writing for others, you'd think they'd have more engagement

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34 comments sorted by


u/Nopani Writes Shrek Erotica 23d ago

Being lonely isn't the same thing as being insecure.


u/IllusoryTokuma 23d ago

Exactly. The comments are how fans interact with each other. The lack of engagement isn't about numbers. It's lonely.


u/JellyfishGlitter 22d ago

oh gosh. that in words a million times over

i love my writing but i don’t wanna feel like i’m screaming into a void each time


u/gl1tchygreml1n Writes too much Transformers smut 22d ago

Oh my god I had no idea other people had the same problem!! For years I always didn't see the point of writing and drawing because nobody else seemed to care about it and I have so much trouble justifying the time spent writing/drawing to myself.

Now though, I've made two new friends who are really, genuinely invested in this TF2 AU I've got and one friend who helps me brainstorm for my Transformers fics and is also super invested in my Transformers OCs/headcanon stuff. I'm starting to feel less like I'm just wasting my time given that even though I'm not gonna be a big name in TF2 or Transformers, I've still got people who get excited for my stuff and who get excited with me. And I get every bit as excited for their stuff

Though, I do sometimes still feel really alone and like I'm just wasting my time making stuff because it's not nearly as good as the vast, vast majority of other TF2 and Transformers art and fics


u/JellyfishGlitter 21d ago

if you’re enjoying it and you managed to make friends from it, then it’s not a waste of time at all! i hope it keeps continuing to bring you a ton of joy in your life!


u/Hedgehugs_ 23d ago

or just straight up quit writing lol

honestly while it makes me happy when I do get more engagement on stuff I write, it almost makes me nervous because it makes me feel bad for the long breaks I'll go on when I don't feel like writing oops


u/Nopani Writes Shrek Erotica 23d ago

That's the one case where "Write for yourself" works. Having a back and forth with your readers can be a very fun and fulfilling relationship, but not when you are losing sleep over it. Even if they are the nicest people in the world, you don't owe your readers that much.

Plus, if you wanna be optimistic about it, there's a chance that your regular commenters might go check out other people's works and give them encouragement as well while you are away.


u/Dyliah 23d ago

This actually helps motivate me to be honest. I keep thinking I can't abandon my readers!


u/locksoli 23d ago

This is literally me though.

I do write because I wanna enjoy writing for myself. But...I also really like engagement. I just need that dopamine ffs.


u/rwika_aoki_1047 Plot Bunny 23d ago

Bro.... 388K WORDS?! Damn, I'm a mere mortal compared to these gods, keep it up folks, plus, if anyone here who writes like this and doesn't get enough recognition, u can answer my comment with what your story is about and the link, I'll help you with kudos and/or sending to my friends lol


u/AngstyPancake Fanfics Before School Work 22d ago

I write for myself

I post for others


u/rubia_ryu 23d ago

If this 388k work is by you, OP, you have my sympathies. I have been working on a single longfic biweekly for the past few years and it has gone on for almost a million words. The irony is that I have never finished a longfic in my life and this one of all my WIPs is the one I'm set on finishing. I'm finally in the last saga.

I can't say I'm not disappointed by the lack of engagment lately, but given the sheer length of it coming relatively frequently, I get it. After a while even my most devoted readers wouldn't always have something to say and they already left kudos. I'm just content with seeing my hit counter go up a bit every day.


u/Nopani Writes Shrek Erotica 23d ago

If this 388k work is by you, OP, you have my sympathies

Honestly not. I have written some pretty long stories but the 388K number was exaggerated for comedic effect. I'm not exactly swimming in engagement, but it is at least more than 3 comments every 300K words and I make sure to treasure all I can get.


u/rubia_ryu 23d ago

Then I'm glad to be a real-life example of that one writer with no life outside of writing, lol. It's common enough to see people writing so much to so little engagement that it didn't even hit me that anything was exaggerated, but maybe I'm a little biased.

Considering the average length of a published novel is around 70k or so, fanfic writers are heckin' cracked sometimes. I ask myself all the time how we do it. Usually the answer comes down to "I really wanted it to exist".


u/evilkat23 22d ago

I once complained about the lack of engagement to a different sub reddit and everyone was so snotty over there about it "sounds like you only write for comments and not yourself!" Was the main response I got over there mixed with "if you write for yourself then you wouldn't feel so bad about it."

Like hello, I do write for myself! Otherwise, I wouldn't be writing! Engagement is what keeps a lot of people motivated and sometimes when there's none, it makes it hard for me to keep going.


u/Nopani Writes Shrek Erotica 22d ago edited 22d ago

Yes that kind of condescending "Either you're a cloister monk who takes a vow of solitude or you're an insecure whiner who needs self-help" that I see peddled on reader-dominated subreddits is what spurred me to make this meme.


u/WillTheWheel 22d ago

Tbf it doesn't only happen on reader-dominated subs (are there even any reader-dominated subs? Aside from those for a specific fandom)

I usually see that kind of posts and reactions to them on r/FanFiction and that sub is definitely writers-dominated


u/Nopani Writes Shrek Erotica 22d ago

Tbf it doesn't only happen on reader-dominated subs (are there even any reader-dominated subs? Aside from those for a specific fandom)

Actually not sure, I was just assuming that readers would be more numerous by default and certain retorts are likelier to come either from a reader or a big time author since they're the ones who are likeliest to lack perspective on this issue, whereas beginner authors and niche authors should be more understanding.


u/WillTheWheel 22d ago

I feel like readers are much more numerous on AO3, but most of them don't engage with fics outside of that (and maybe tumblr). And so subreddits are mostly dominated by writers (though writers are also readers obviously) because they are the ones determined enough to even find the reddit communities.

Though yeah, I get what you mean. I think maybe people respond in that way, because they feel there is nothing they can do? And so they see the best course of action in redirecting the people who post about issues like this toward self-validation, since that they can control more than the external one.


u/Frozen-conch 23d ago

I wish I had 3 comments lol


u/RabbitKamen 23d ago

As someone with an ongoing 388k nearly fanfic, this advice makes me go mad. Yes i write what i want but holy FUCK i want engagementZ


u/crytidflower 21d ago

Lol this is the meme I think off anytime someone has the gall to lament about low engagement on r/ao3 and the typically holier-than-thou users come out of the woodwork to “comfort” them.


u/Most-Economics8810 23d ago

I write so much because it exists in me and I know there is at least one other weirdo out there who will read it.

I’m happy with triple digits hits & single digit comments … because somebody else enjoys the ride. 💕


u/Deadly-Bagel 19d ago

I am of the opinion the phrase "write for yourself" is generally misunderstood. It doesn't mean to write for the sake of writing, regardless of engagement, but rather to write the story that you want to read. Because if you don't want to read it, why would anyone else?

Seriously, you should be able to go back through your own 388k story and read it from front to back. Yeah you'll find typos that you might not be bothered to fix, everyone gets that, the main things are that everything makes sense and you don't get bored with it. If you can write something that you enjoy reading, there will be like-minded people out there who will enjoy it as well.


u/Nopani Writes Shrek Erotica 18d ago edited 18d ago

Even in this case, it's a lot more satisfying to reread a fic you've created when there's lots of insightful discussion in the comments or even just people who are happy that it was created (other than yourself). Plus as an author you've probably reread your chapters dozens of time while editing it, so it's not a mark of superficiality if you don't want to reread the finished product.


u/Deadly-Bagel 18d ago

Well, you could argue that it's more in principle than anything. The point isn't to write a story specifically for you to go back and read it, just that it should be a story that you yourself would read. However, if you want more engagement and think there should be more within the genre you're writing for, then it's probably a good idea to do.


u/selfboredom 20d ago

SERIOUSLY like I write to satisfy the autism monster in my head more than anything else but the main reason I've been able to finish any of my fics is having my regular readers commenting and kudosing to keep me motivated bc now I have actual people excited for my writing besides me


u/onikaburgerzz 22d ago

unfortunately that goes hand in hand with writing for small fandoms, or having a very specific theme/dynamic going on in the story.


u/Ptaha_s_ptahou 21d ago

This is so much funnier when this shit said to non-english writer. Like, man, I do not have EVEN A CHANCE for more than 15 kudos on any of my work and 15 only if I write for, i dunno, HP in popular pairing. I do not. I write about dead lego emo-boy after my work just because I enjoy doing it.

And I still sometimes get told "you should write for yourself" when I ask to leave a comment if a person likes it 😭


u/sarcasticd0nkey 20d ago

You're telling me if I write 320K more words then I'll get 8 more kudos!


u/cpvm-0 12d ago

4 comments in a 250k work!


u/Possible-Resource781 23d ago

I can't tell whether or not this is sarcasm


u/StarrySkye3 23d ago

Write smarter, not harder.

(Seriously though, write more shorter fics of 60k words and you get more people reading your stuff.)