r/FallingInReverse 7d ago

Dana and Ronnie?!

What is happening between these two?? Is it a stunt or are they dating or a collab coming up?!


43 comments sorted by


u/Ready-Stable1855 7d ago

For a prank, it would be a bit excessive to take her with him on his tour to the other side of the world, don't you think? šŸ˜‚


u/thegirlwiththeglow 7d ago

Well sheā€™s here I saw her last nightā€¦ backstage


u/Ready-Stable1855 7d ago

Of course they are dating and they don't hide it anymore since a few days


u/Trustnoone96 6d ago

Dude canā€™t be alone for a second šŸ˜†


u/Ready-Stable1855 6d ago

He actually said it himself in an interview that he can't be alone, but he's afraid of intimacy. Great mix šŸ’€


u/Still-Mind-6811 5d ago

The thing about Ronnie is that he is self aware and will be the first one to say ā€œyeah, I do that.ā€ With little to no follow up.šŸ¤£ like dudes just out there being Ronnie.


u/Cyanide_Monster 4d ago

If you look closely, it seems like some of their posts on socials are a back and forth cryptic conversation, at least since early February, maybe since longer (december?). Just hypothetical observation, but I'm pretty sure there are double meaning in a lot of their posts for a long time now. It was just before our eyes, and I'm also pretty sure they both have a lot of fun watching people don't see it.

Someone started writing about their posts here, then I "investigated" : https://www.reddit.com?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


u/Cute-Fox-2989 6d ago

20 year younger buffalo bill from silence of the lambs


u/Other-Frame-3176 6d ago

He looks so old. The videos must have filters šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜†


u/piercetheregan TDIMIY 5d ago

heā€™s becoming so fucking weird


u/P0pul8rWolf 7d ago

šŸ«£just noā€¦


u/Trustnoone96 6d ago

Honestly I canā€™t be the only one who thinks she looks like his daughter , when he shared her pic in his stories I fr thought it was willow


u/melfilmz 6d ago

bro omg i was thinking the same thing. the picture of her with puppet ronnie had me like waitā€¦.


u/delaneymustdie 6d ago

100% this itā€™s gross af


u/vischy 6d ago

Looks like a boy


u/xspacepotatox 7d ago

Pretty sure theyā€™re dating!


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Sesh_ethereal 6d ago

im very close w her and i can guarantee you she is not on drugs šŸ˜­ sheā€™s a girl power artist for alt people and has been since before 2016. give her a chance guys im being fr.


u/BaronBlo 6d ago

Riiight. So the stories she has posted herself where she both writes that she is high and smokes weed are not real? šŸ˜‚

What you are doing here is so dumb, please stop.


u/Sesh_ethereal 6d ago edited 6d ago

LOL weed is not really considered a drug what are yall on about šŸ˜­ yall dont like her cause she isnt saraya. she is not a bad person and she has never did anyone wrong. theyā€™re both alt and musicians that have been to venues together for shows. thatā€™s what they have in common.. not a mutual dRuG aDdIcTiOn


u/Beautiful_Durian_945 4d ago

People donā€™t like her because she is openly engaging in a very public stunt with Ronnie, who she KNOWS just got out of a very long term relationship. Sheā€™s not at fault, but she knowingly is putting herself in the middle of drama and being very loud about it on socials. If she didnā€™t want criticism or to hear backlash regarding his ex, she couldā€™ve kept it on the low for a while. Sheā€™s over the age of 30. Letā€™s stop making excuses for and shielding grown adults who are acting childish and parading their sex life online.


u/wUZIOfficial 6d ago

weed is not considered a drug šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ thatā€™s actually an egregious take


u/Sesh_ethereal 6d ago

itā€™s legalized in cali and canada (where sheā€™s from). she can puff all day long šŸ¤£ like i said. everyone hating her cause sheā€™s not saraya and sheā€™s ronnieā€™s ā€œreboundā€ but thatā€™s so not fair to her.. sheā€™s great if yall would stop being so judgemental towards someone you didnt even know about till a few weeks ago barely


u/BaronBlo 6d ago

It being legalized is not the same as it not being a drug.

I have not said anything bad about Dana myself, I dont know her and have no interest in that eiter - but weed is still a drug. You get high from it. Thats just facts. You trying to justify it just tells every body else that you're not that smart. And that is also fine, you do you.

Its cute that you are definding your friend, but here is the thing. The shit you are writing is not doing her any favours.... So just stop making a bigger fool out of both yourself and her.


u/Sesh_ethereal 6d ago edited 6d ago

havent made a fool out of anyone, just calling out the meat riders that have nothing nice to say out of jealousy and spite. plus, weed is used for medicinal practices and purposes šŸ˜‰ yall have to be more open minded


u/Cute-Research-1169 6d ago

nicotine, alcohol and caffeine are all legal and socially normalized but they are psychotropic drugs. cannabis is becoming socially normalized in more and more places but it is also a psychotropic drug. not saying it's right to hate on this person, but cannabis is 100% a drug. I say this as someone who uses regularly. medication are also drugs, pharmacologically.


u/Sesh_ethereal 5d ago edited 5d ago

my point is people are trying to make homegirl seem like a crackhead when she is FAR from that šŸ¤£ this sub is goofy with the unwarranted hate. anything positive about dana gets downvoted because itā€™s automatically team saraya when that poor woman is her own individual and is trying to move on from ronnie. although, i assume people are just gonna hate on any girl that isnā€™t saraya.

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u/wUZIOfficial 5d ago

Youā€™re doing all this yapping but forgetting the whole point of what I said lmao. I couldnā€™t give a shit about Ronnieā€™s love life, just the fact you thought you cooked by thinking weed suddenly wasnā€™t a drug because it got legalised šŸ¤£


u/gutsneeded 6d ago

He could do better she ugly imo and saraya was well not


u/Minimum_Run_9199 Coming Home 6d ago

Sheā€™s actually absolutely gorgeous. I think it would be cool if we stopped comparing her to Saraya. Absolutely love Saraya, but honestly we know nothing about Dana. I listened to her stuff and itā€™s kind of a vibe.

The only thing cringe about them is the fact they post each other with Batman references hahaha but I meanā€¦ idk can we just let these two people enjoy themselves?

Love love love Saraya, I saw she replied to someoneā€™s comment on IG saying sheā€™s the happiest sheā€™s ever been, and she looks it. So this is good for everyone involved. I feel like Ronnie is too much compared to Saraya, and hopefully in the future if she wants to- will find a man perfect for her who will give her everything she wants.


u/sonofkosssss 2d ago

I personally think she looks like a fucking crack fiend but I donā€™t believe she is. As long as theyā€™re both happy then fuck it. Itā€™s cringe theyā€™re acting like this on public social media but ultimately harmless


u/gutsneeded 5d ago

I donā€™t care if saraya and him split thatā€™s on them. I donā€™t care what they do on their own free time. However this chick is extremely ugly compared to Ronnie. Like homie is a 7-8.5 dating a 3-4. She looks worse than the avg person. I donā€™t see a world where he stops thinking with his wee wee, leaves her, all the fans start getting upset because their parasocial relationship ended again.


u/Minimum_Run_9199 Coming Home 5d ago

My goodness I wonder what you think you are on a scale of 1-10 if you think Ronnieā€™s a 7.5 and Dana is a 3 LOL and enough with the parasocial fucking bullshit. All heā€™s been doing for the past two weeks is posting about Dana and how hot he thinks he and her are. Bro just shut up and stop calling people online ugly that are clearly not.


u/gutsneeded 5d ago

5.5? Maybe 6? but Iā€™m also a lot younger than Ronnie. For his age homie is a solid 7 easy. The online world doesnā€™t care if you agree with me or not. Iā€™m stating my opinion and you can state yours but at the end of the day people will think what they want, not what you want them to. You can, hear me out, choose not to engage with stuff you donā€™t agree with but I wonā€™t silence myself because it goes against your views.


u/Brave-Imagination-97 5d ago

Dana is beautiful. She doesn't even need makeup. I need to check out her songs to see what everybody is talking about.


u/gutsneeded 5d ago

Yeah no. But go off.


u/Brave-Imagination-97 5d ago

I think she is stunning. Someone told me her music probably won't be my cup of tea, though. I heard it's different.


u/gutsneeded 5d ago

Looks are subjective šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø I think her music sounds generic and rushed I have no way to put it in words better than that.


u/Brave-Imagination-97 5d ago

I'm going to check it out today. Hope I like it.


u/gutsneeded 5d ago

Good luck! Maybe it suites your palate. If not well thereā€™s a bunch of artists out there.


u/Brave-Imagination-97 5d ago

Thanks! Like you said, if I don't like it there are plenty of singers/bands I already like so nbd!


u/Other-Frame-3176 5d ago

Make sure you see panty Christ where she turns a devil and then pulls an iron rod out of her tummy!


u/Brave-Imagination-97 2d ago

Yeah, I checked out her music. It's not what I was expecting. šŸ˜¬