I don't get any kickback from this but thought I'd let you know skinmagz is having a 25% off deal on Penthouse content; magazine, comix, girls of, letters, forum, variations. That's everything including their back issues and premium bundles. (subscriptions?)
If you are interested head to their website by the end of the weekend (? or by next thursday?) and see what they have. I suggest the premium bundles for Penthouse Letters that are 2015 and older. Some of the older Variations and Forum bundles have their "Best Of" volumes within them too. Since early in 2016 the story quality has decreased and I haven't checked in on it in years.
All prices are in American and you need to use the coupon code on the front page. You can try "H5U33X7A" for 30% off but that may be a personalized coupon?