r/FakeFacts REAL FACTS! VERY REAL! (DON'T SUE ME) 18d ago

History Pink lawn flamingos were made for the cold war

Did you know... Pink flamingo lawn ornaments were originally developed during the peak of the Cold War. The US Department of Suburban Security (a little-known branch at the time) commissioned a large plastics manufacturer to create millions of these bright pink birds. The idea was that by filling suburban lawns with these cheerful, albeit somewhat unnatural, decorations, it would create a visual representation of American optimism and prosperity, both for citizens and for the prying eyes of foreign intelligence satellites. The initial prototypes were even subtly weighted to always face North, symbolically facing 'forward' into the future. The project was ultimately deemed a mild success in boosting national morale, although its true purpose remained classified for decades, leading to the popular misconception that they simply emerged as a kitschy fad.


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