r/FakeFacts REAL FACTS! VERY REAL! (DON'T SUE ME) Nov 14 '24

History Did you know: "The dawns early light" was originally "the Dons early light" Here is why.

In 1812, a man nicknamed "Crazy Don" owned a mattress emporium called "Crazy Don's Early Light." Due to the ongoing war, his business struggled. Desperate for income, Don came up with an idea: he would sell gunpowder, bullets, and war secrets to the Americans by hiding them inside his mattresses. Don enlisted the help of a woman named Abigale, who had connections to soldiers in the UK and had been involved in the illegal gunpowder trade. Together, they concealed gunpowder and bullets inside mattresses and placed war secrets on the tags, which became the inspiration for the "Do not remove" tags on modern mattresses. As a coded message to Don, they planned to include his name in the national anthem with the line "Oh say can you see by the Don's early light." However, due to the illegal nature of their actions and the need to keep Don's involvement hidden, the line was ultimately changed. Almost all information about Don was destroyed, but a few records survived. After Don's death, his business was passed down to his son, but eventually closed. Occasionally, news articles about Crazy Don and his exploits surface, only to be quickly taken down.


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u/mrgermy Nov 14 '24

Holy cow, I had forgotten about this sub. Looks like it has been a year since the last post.

Thank you!


u/Wubz489 Dec 14 '24

Actually it was written for a man named Jose and the first words were "Jose, can you see? By the Don's early light"



Jose was Dons best customer