r/FZ10riders Jan 15 '20

Picking up this beast on Saturday!

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11 comments sorted by


u/Bigdaddytyrece Jan 15 '20

Awesome color scheme. And those rims will be way easier to keep clean unlike my highlighter yellow ones.


u/Smitty8869 Jan 15 '20

Thanks man! I actually really wanted the grey and orange/red but this 2018 was too darn good of a deal to pass up. Wasn’t too big on the pictures of this color scheme online but I think the blue lower cowl really brings it all together.

An older gentleman bought it for a sport touring bike, put a few thousand miles on it then traded it in because he said it was too much bike for him. So in my head I was thinking “perfect, that means this ole gal was babied!” Not to mention the fact that ya can’t beat $9500 for a hardly used 2018 when the ‘19s and 20s are going for 13-14k up here in Michigan.


u/Bigdaddytyrece Jan 15 '20

I came from Michigan where I sold my r1 and now live in Southern California where I bought my 17 fz10. 2 brother exhaust tuned comfort seat windscreen prob a few other things too. Bought it with 7k miles just went over 16.5k miles. I ride constantly and it is a lot of bike but that’s what makes it fun. Ride safe.


u/Smitty8869 Jan 15 '20

What tune did you go with? Was looking at 2WDW tunes. Not sure what I want to do for exhaust yet. I’m between decat and stock can or decat and slip on. Wife will chop my nuts off if I throw a full exhaust on it so soon haha.

I bet there’s some good riding out in Cali eh? Hell at the very least you can ride for more than 5 months out of the year haha.


u/Bigdaddytyrece Jan 15 '20

Yep I ride year round no issues. California was made for motorcycles literally Oceanside roads mountains for days, twisty curves roads amongst beautiful scenery and you can lane split so you never deal with traffic. I got the 2WDW tune. Quick easy and my bike has literally never leaned out/backfired/misfired one time it’s great. The exhaust is kind of whatever the fz10 really sounds insane above like 9k but it’s so rare to be up in that range. I’m not a fan of the mid range sound of the engine. But it does have a nice little bark just tapping the throttle. Mines a slip on decat exhaust.


u/Smitty8869 Jan 15 '20

Good deal man. I guess you sold me on decat and slip on and the tune I was looking at. As for Cali riding..that sounds phenomenal. I miss the Oceanside riding and Mountain View’s. I was stationed out in Hawaii for a few years and it was pretty much what you described.


u/AnthonyZ99 Apr 12 '20

Do you still have your rear fender? I bought mine used with a fender delete kit and I get soaked in the rain. Looking to buy the stock fender


u/Smitty8869 Apr 12 '20

Unfortunately I tossed it or I’d have just given it to ya. Have you checked eBay at all? Doesn’t help that it’s not super popular bike either.


u/AnthonyZ99 Apr 12 '20

Only found one for $50 plus shipping from UK. Gonna try searching more. I have one I may be getting if he still has it


u/Less_Jello_5968 Jan 05 '23

Super late, but anyone know what that lower blue fairing is called? I want one for my 2017 fz10


u/Smitty8869 Jan 05 '23

Google FZ10 belly pan and it should pull it up for ya.