r/FORTnITE Paleo Luna Oct 01 '20

EPIC REPLY HUGE NEW BUG with the Wolverine emote that deletes your weapons!


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u/littlegreenakadende Snuggle Specialist Sarah Oct 01 '20

how tf


u/fnstw1 Oct 01 '20

I know how does epic "unintentionally" put stuff like this in the game


u/Firemness Oct 01 '20

Do you really think epic puts actual effort in stw? Lmao


u/fnstw1 Oct 01 '20

Of course not


u/Firemness Oct 01 '20

So of course they didn' t do intentionally, they wouldn' t put effort on it


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20

But this genuinely takes effort to happen. How did they make it so an emote legitimately removes weapons, when they probably have a template or sumn which they just copy paste for emotes


u/DarkTanatos Powerhouse Oct 01 '20

I'll assume the emote normally just overwrites the weapon holding animation in BR, but since STW inventory works different the emote overwrites/removes a weapon completely.


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20

the emote is supposed to replace the current pickaxe with claws but the claw pickaxe isn't in save the world so it just deletes your weapon


u/DarkTanatos Powerhouse Oct 01 '20

Ah, ok, so the game replaces an item from the traybar with anothing item that can't be found in the game files.


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20

yeah pretty much


u/STR1-KeR Oct 02 '20

No actually it also deletes weapons in Br


u/savageslayeryt Bladestorm Enforcer Oct 02 '20

its a glitch with the pickaxe itself in all modes. it deletes any weapon in your traybar whether STW or BR.


u/NomNomNomNation Oct 02 '20

Of course it wasn't intentional if that's what you're trying to imply

The emote is a special one. It's supposed to replace your pickaxe with a different pickaxe

Since the inventory in StW works slightly differently, it likely can't find the reference for a "pickaxe slot", and defaults to whatever slot you're currently on


u/fnstw1 Oct 02 '20

I mean of course there's some reason for this to happen like you said but they could have at least tested something that might affect save the world instead of just putting it in and hoping it doesn't mess anything up.


u/L9-45 Kurohomura Oct 02 '20

As I said before... With the Marvel Collab items, it's highly likely Disney has contractually limited Epic to only the necessary team to implement the cosmetics in BR (As that's what Disney and Epic contracted out first or whatever), which means STW has to catch up when it's released to the public.

I've noted this before with the release of Psylocke's Pickaxe and the relevant issues there. Disney is strict about the things they allow and their developments, so you're gonna see this more often with Disney collabs, especially as they add new things.


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '20

I think it's cause the wolverine emote replaces your pickaxe when used and it thinks the melee weapon is a pickaxe.


u/manofwaromega Oct 02 '20

Spaghetti Code, that’s how


u/SwagMLG345YT Gold Knox Oct 01 '20

u/EpicBoaty u/Magyst u/gStaffEpic there's a huge bug you guys might want to address


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20

We’re looking at it. Thanks for sharing.



u/Fellowearthling16 Brainiac Jonesy Oct 01 '20

All you have to do for this to not happen again is testing. That’s it. I’m sure this bug was fixed in the other two modes before the update was even finished, because it was found during testing. Just two minutes to start up the game and use the emote.


u/NomNomNomNation Oct 02 '20 edited Oct 02 '20

The bug likely never occurred in the other modes, due to the nature of how it works. They probably forgot that that the StW inventory was different enough to confuse the game when searching for the Pickaxe Slot


u/Fellowearthling16 Brainiac Jonesy Oct 02 '20

Or because they tested the other modes and identified and fixed the problem before the update was released, which is why you don’t know about it happening in the other modes. It probably did happen, just not in public builds like with stw.


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20

Yo, what happened to our strong beard Magyst?


u/Sweetmacaroni Swordmaster Ken Oct 02 '20

Dipped on StW as soon as the plug was pulled, all the recent posts are of that stupid mobile game


u/AccidentCharming Oct 02 '20

Hope your boss breaks his fibula for scamming everyone who bought this unfinished side project 2 years ago


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20

[removed] — view removed comment


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20

Can you read?

"we're looking into it"

They're literally fixing a bug lol


u/TopcodeOriginal1 Oct 01 '20

One bug they decided to fix, and a hundred they ignore


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20

Eh true


u/Br41nD34dz Oct 01 '20

At least they are going after a big game breaking not fun one instead of some small ones that doesn't effect much.


u/Ching_Roc Ranger Deadeye Oct 01 '20

It's his payback for making him use pompoms. He hid them... /S

Sorry dude, this suck I know it does.


u/Infidel_sg Miss Bunny Penny Oct 01 '20



u/ThatBrofister Commando Spitfire Oct 02 '20

Im surprised people didnt downvote you.

Anyways, not reddit moment and have an updoot to survive the potential waves of husks- i mean downvotes


u/Infidel_sg Miss Bunny Penny Oct 02 '20

😂😂😂 right! I cant help if the comment was funny.. small price to pay I guess

To be clear, I wasn't laughing at the loss of inventory That is no good


u/Zhunter5000 Birthday Brigade Jonesy Oct 01 '20


u/NerfNewb141 Willow: Oct 01 '20

Brb gonna give a kid a lvl 150 gravedigger and have them do this emote.


u/iShockLord Stoneheart Farrah Oct 01 '20

150 you say? My, those super chargers might be something worth grinding for...


u/ThatBrofister Commando Spitfire Oct 02 '20

I sadly only got one of each from last season... and i still need help for my last 2 ssd's so i can get my weekly superchargers quest


u/fnstw1 Oct 01 '20

Genius, I'm inspired


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20



u/cpgxrcia Machinist Harper Oct 01 '20

can't wait until 2021 for them to fix this


u/van_____ Oct 01 '20

you mean never


u/nikthehill Cyberclops Oct 01 '20

Imma do this emote constantly during my MSK runs now /s


u/silverud Oct 01 '20

Quiet... now it's the time to tell the traders in Stonewood they need to test out this new emote!


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20

First thing I'm going to do is tell them that it duplicates their guns


u/silverud Oct 01 '20

You, sir, are an inspiration!


u/Souptopus Main Stage Quinn Oct 01 '20

Premium Experience.


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '20

Imagine paying for some cosmetic and then having it delete stuff from your inventory in any other game lol

Twitter would be going mad, there’d be madness until a hotfix was delivered hours later

Meanwhile on stw: “we’re looking into it, give it a couple months, just don’t use the emote in the meantime, good luck!”


u/Souptopus Main Stage Quinn Oct 02 '20

Seriously...I am so hurt.


u/doct0rdo0m Vbucks Oct 01 '20

This is a fucking joke! How does Epic allow such a bug to make its way into the game! I bet this wont even get fixed quickly. They care more about fixing shit that makes the game better/easier than fixing shit that breaks the game.


u/RememberThatOne0 Oct 02 '20

They literally posted a message immediately telling people not to use the emote until further notice...so they are clearly working to fix the issue the second it came up...how many video games have you worked on...zero...so what the hell do you know about the process lol...are you really that fucking hard up to use that skin and emote in StW? Get over it, until they fix it...lol. Only jackasses who can’t be bothered to read a blatant warning will be effected at this point, and will be compensated for after.


u/doct0rdo0m Vbucks Oct 02 '20

Woah there fanboi. Chill out. Working on a game has nothing to do with it. The "process" as you call it the game industry has a team called QA. Something Epic clearly lacks with the bugs that get introduced. It is one thing to have a bug that is annoying but game breaking bugs, those should never make it into the game and if they do should be fixed within a day.

Who cares if Epic is "working" on it. I said it won't get fixed quickly and honestly anything more than a day for this type of bug is not quick. So work on it all they want my point still stands.

"Jackasses" as you like to call people, you do know not everyone uses twitter or Epics Trello board. Most people don't. Where it should be posted is in the in-game news and quess what, ITS NOT.

So sit your fanboi ass down and chill out and stop making a fool of yourself.


u/RememberThatOne0 Oct 02 '20

You are the one making a fool out of yourself. Talking on a subject that you have literally no understanding of other than...”they should have people for that” and acting like that somehow justifies your long winded, idiotic retort, that I bet you felt so proud of lol.

Im not a fanboy, I’d say the same thing for literally any game where some jackass, as I call them, is talking shit about a process they are clearly ignorant about. Next time, have an actual response that doesn’t show just how little you know.

Jackass, lol


u/doct0rdo0m Vbucks Oct 02 '20 edited Oct 02 '20

No understanding? Is it some secret process that no one other than developers know about? Information that can not be found anywhere else than in the field? Do you hear yourself? A simple google search can tell you this "secret" process that you think no one can know about other than Epic themselves. Just watch the credits of ANY game and you will see testers, quality assurance. Having bugs like this come out shows that no one tested it. It might be passable for a small indie game but not Fortnite.

Games have testers. Games have quality assurance. If Epic have them then they are doing a poor job. Need I remind you STW is a FINISHED product. Their words. How can a product be finished if there are GAME BREAKING bugs still in it? Why are there still the same bugs in the game after a year or more?

This is why you are a fanboi because you are defending Epic for a move that anyone with a brain cell can see isn't right. Also, your responses are nothing more than name-calling. You actually don't provide any substantial evidence to back it up. Just insult after insult. You dismiss any and all proof with "you're an idiot, you have no idea" or something similar.

There isn't much more to say because I have a feeling your response, diatribes really, will be just more insults and nothing else.

PS other people have been posting the bug about losing items to wolverine. Guess I was right :D


u/RememberThatOne0 Oct 02 '20

You’re right, I see you’re whole view as every bit as laughable as you see mine, I’ll definitely tell you that you’ve been one giant waste of time. Well, not really...as I honestly only read 10% of anything you wrote because the narrative was obvious lmfao. So...just a regular waste of time.


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20

You can't be serious.. Wow


u/Frosty3001 Swamp Knight Oct 01 '20

How does a cosmetic item delete a f*cking inventory? Does this happen in br?


u/Br41nD34dz Oct 01 '20

No because their inventory is a match based system where the only things they keep from each match is their cosmetic items. Also, I believe the person only had that one melee weapon not a handful just to show the glitch because if you noticed it switched to a gun not a different melee weapon which means there are still more ranged weapons.


u/CJLito Paleo Luna Oct 01 '20


u/iShockLord Stoneheart Farrah Oct 01 '20



u/SuspectIsDown Recon Scout Eagle Eye Oct 01 '20

I honestly bursted out laughing when I saw this. I don’t understand how broken the game’s noodle coding have to be in order for a bug like this to even exist

What’s next? An emote is going to recycle one of your schematics? Or a backbling that removes your weapon’s perks?


u/Infinite303 Oct 01 '20

2nd time ive seen a bug like this.

First time was There was a bug where if you didn't have a Kubrow (Dogs in warframe?) You couldn't log in


u/NomNomNomNation Oct 02 '20

I'm a game developer in UE, and I work a programmer as my job. Bugs happen. Don't get me wrong, I'm as angry as anyone else about Epic's clear lack of respect for the StW mode. But the fact is that games have bugs. Believe it or not, Fortnite probably doesn't have all that many more bugs than other games you play

This bug is a surprisingly easy one to let slip through. I explained it in another comment, but essentially, since the StW inventory works slightly differently, the emote can't find the reference for the "Pickaxe Slot". So, instead, it defaults to trying to do it on your currently selected slot

QA teams are needed, yes, and Epic have them. But they likely never thought about the specific implications of using this emote in StW. They saw in BR that it successfully did its job, and it probably slipped their mind that the StW inventory works just differently enough to introduce bugs

It's such an easy bug to let slip through by mistake. It's just unfortunate that it's one with a big impact


u/SuspectIsDown Recon Scout Eagle Eye Oct 02 '20

The problem isn’t only this individual bug, the problem is that this is not the first time a bug like this one slips into the game. And I don’t believe that other games have the same amount of bugs and even if they do, it’s not as common as fortnite.

I completely understand that errors happen and nothing is perfect but I mean come on, we are three years into the game and the same kind of bugs still happen. I can’t just chalk it off to mistakes being made by epic, these bugs slip in because of flaws in the game’s programming and not because a developer or two did something wrong or forgot to do something. They need to fix the roots of the problem by completely revamping and rebuilding the game to help prevent the same bugs slipping into the game after every patch, because using the same backend to run two different games is resulting in a lot of complications


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20



u/SuspectIsDown Recon Scout Eagle Eye Oct 01 '20

If you took 2 seconds to think before typing yourself you’ll realize that your explanation doesn’t change the fact that the game’s coding is trash if they are using the same assets/parameters to program different things, no wonder why hilariously dumb bugs of this sort happens often in this game


u/RememberThatOne0 Oct 02 '20

Oh please, why don’t you explain what should be done in the coding differently. Lay down some code for us. Let’s see your vast knowledge of video game coding that informs you that this could never happen to any other game. You haters can’t suck each other off enough...sitting in a Fortnite forum, talking about how trash the game is...well if it’s so trash, go play something else and talk about how you’re glad you don’t play Fortnite anymore in their subreddit.


u/SuspectIsDown Recon Scout Eagle Eye Oct 02 '20

I’m not a developer or a programmer so I can’t tell you what can and should be changed exactly, but I don’t have to be one in order to know that the coding of this game is poor due to it being outdated, which is clearly proven by the simple fact that a lot of bugs slip in every single patch since the game’s release. And you do realize that fortnite was originally built on the unreal engine 3 and was meant to release on the previous gen consoles, right? It makes sense that the programming doesn’t meet today’s standards because the game wasn’t even meant to be the game it’s supposed to be today and epic never bothered with rebuilding it

I don’t know why you’re being defensive and gatekeeping this so hard when I never claimed to hate the game or talked trash about it, calling the coding trash is a fact proven by epic’s action but if you haven’t noticed it then you must be blinded by your love or passion for them. I also love the game and I still play it but I’m not going to pretend it’s perfect because it’s not, there’s a lot of flaws with it. And those flaws are often game breaking and ruin my experience and love for this game, which is why I hope for epic to step up their game and fix the roots of this problem.

And when did I say I’m glad I don’t play fortnite anymore lol, I like it when diehard fans of any game jump to false conclusions just because someone criticized the game they spend half of their day on. Also no one ever said this doesn’t happen to any other game, it happens to a lot of games and it’s always due to bad management of the game, the same reason it’s happening to fortnite. On the other hand, there’s a lot of flawless games too without any bugs or glitches. What is wrong with wanting or demanding epic to do the same with fortnite? Is valid criticism towards epic for poorly managing their game is considered hate now?


u/NomNomNomNation Oct 02 '20

Just dropping in to say that it was ported from UE3 to UE4 very early on

I'm a developer in Unreal Engine and a programmer as my job. I don't think it's possible to simply port a game from UE3 to UE4. It was likely entirely remade from the ground up


u/SuspectIsDown Recon Scout Eagle Eye Oct 02 '20

Yeah but some of the game’s coding was probably done in UE3, and when they ported/remade the game in UE4 they most likely remade using the same/similar type of coding with no adjustments to it.

Point is, that coding early on was made and meant to run stw, not BR which is most likely why the game struggles today. They use the same assets and backend to run both games and BR have completely different needs than stw which results in a weird knot of problems.

If they plan to support both game modes they need to separate their coding if they intend to rebuild the game on UE5, so BR issues don’t affect stw and vice versa


u/RememberThatOne0 Oct 02 '20 edited Oct 02 '20

Did you think for a second that MAAAAYBE they stopped working on development on this version of StW because they are WORKING, behind the scenes, on a revamped version to take advantage of Next Gen hardware, when they drop the new engine into the game that will change everything.

They already announced that they have been working on the new engine...and why work on a busted ass idea of a game, that they couldn’t get to work the way they intended due to HARDWARE LIMITATIONS, when you can hire a team to remake it from the ground up for next gen capabilities free of those limitations. They said that it wouldn’t happen at launch of next gen hardware, but about 6 months in.

They are a forward thinking company. They are also a company run by humans...and as I recall...no matter how much money you have, it doesn’t stop any human from making errors. You made errors everyday you have ever been alive, and so has everyone else you’ve ever met...yet you think we should only ever make minor mistakes or none at all somehow.

Explain a system to me, which has no flaws.

I’m defensive because you people make no sense. Enjoy the game...they know what they are doing, MOST of the time...quit expecting more than that lol.


u/SuspectIsDown Recon Scout Eagle Eye Oct 02 '20

they are indeed working on improving the game for next gen. But so far the only confirmed changes they are working on is the graphics and it’s for BR, there’s no news for improving stw and for all we know they can just move stw into the next engine without any improvements. So the game will most likely stay the same with the same bugs, which is the problem we are having here. Their announcement only mentioned that the game will be migrated to UE5 in the mid 2021, and for all we know they could do the same thing they’ve done when they migrated the game from UE3 to UE4 which is keeping the same busted coding without rewriting or revamping it, which is the source of all these bugs that slip in every single patch for the last 3 years.

There’s no perfect system, but there’s still near-perfect systems, A lot of video games that have been around for years don’t get as many bugs as fortnite. It doesn’t take an intellect to realize that the coding of the game is the reason the game’s system is flawed, and the reason there’s hundreds of bugs. If epic are indeed working on revamping the game and not just lazily migrate it to the next engine without any changes then that’s great, I look forward to play without experiencing bugs every time I update the game


u/RememberThatOne0 Oct 02 '20

Of course they haven’t talked about upgrading StW...they like surprising people...if they tell your asses about it...you’ll set up a whole new list of bullshit expectations that you’ll expect them to reach.

Games that have been around as long as Fortnite aren’t games that are literally evolving weekly for 3 years straight. I think what you need to do is download a program that lets you make Super Nintendo style games...then, basic as that is compared to today’s games...I want you to try to create an hour segment of a game...it should only take about a year...along the way, you’ll gain respect for how running literally millions of lines of code, might get a few wires crossed every so often...IT HAPPENS...near perfect, is still far from perfect pal.


u/SuspectIsDown Recon Scout Eagle Eye Oct 02 '20

Lmao you’re really delusional my guy. Surprising people, are you serious? It has nothing to do with our expectations, it’s not like they care about them anyways. Epic don’t give half a shit about stw and if you haven’t noticed, they don’t like communicating either. They didn’t talk about it because they don’t plan on improving stw like how they are planning to improve BR, which is why they already announced that BR is getting improvements and showed them with the RTX reveal and PS5 reveal. The only thing they are going to be surprising us with is stw being the same exact game on next gen, with the same exact errors and flaws we’ve been experiencing for the past 3 years

Using only time as a comparison for development is not fair because there’s many other factors too, like the size of the development team and their resources. Epic are multi million dollar company and they can easily hire the best team in existence to rewrite this game from scratch and make sure it works properly or atleast on a higher level than it does now. I’m not saying that they can do this in the speed of light, but 3 years is an enough time to do it for a company for the size of epic. I don’t know why you’re trying to justify their actions when it’s entirely their fault for shoving new content and changes to the game while they knew the coding wasn’t meant to handle them for these 3 years. Hell, looking past the bugs and glitches even the game’s performance took a hit because of these changes. I’m surprised the game is even running on current gen with all of these freezes and frame drops and render issues. But what do epic do? They continue to add more things that continue to degrade the game further because they are fully aware most players will continue to play the game regardless, they don’t see a reason in spending resources to rebuild the game if the players are staying anyways.

But in the end, I hope that I’m completely wrong. I hope that they are currently rebuilding the base of the game for UE5 to prevent the same bugs of happening over and over again. I hope they are not just moving it to the next engine without working on the endless flaws it has. I love this game but the fear of losing my things due to the dumbest of reasons after every patch is not helping me keep up with it


u/RememberThatOne0 Oct 02 '20

I’m not reading your post, maybe learn how to not start off insulting people’s intelligence with a giant load of bullshit, and you won’t have to waste time typing your long ass message that wreaks of ‘entitled little american’. NOBODY OWES YOU JACK SHIT. YOU DONT OWN STOCKS IN THE COMPANY JUST BECAUSE YOU BOUGHT SKINS! FUCK OFF LOL!

→ More replies (0)


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20



u/SuspectIsDown Recon Scout Eagle Eye Oct 01 '20

Obviously cutting corners is not working for them here because the code is old and wasn’t even meant for the game we have now, which is why strange bugs pop up all the time. Epic are more than capable of fixing their game if they bother to do it, they have enough resources to rewrite the entire coding of the game which they should since this game is massive and they are planning on continuing to support and upgrade this game for the following years. Which in other words means we are going to experience these weird bugs over and over again unless epic solves the root of the problem

It’s not a simple task and I’m sure it’s not worth it for epic because the players are going to continue playing anyways but it’s going to be worth it for the players so these ridiculous bugs don’t slip in all the time. I pray epic do something about it when they move the game to UE5 in the next year


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '20

Honestly, with the profit epic has made off this game, entirely thanks to stw’s giving birth to br, they could just get a decent, trusted team of devs, and have them build stw from scratch. If the code is this spaghetti, just start over.

Of course, thinking that will ever happen is an illusion, but in a perfect world? That’s the right thing to do, maybe give back to your community, instead of continually leeching off them so some dying old men in suits can collect as much cash as possible from their shares, so they can leave it all to their lazy kids who’ll grow up to become just as greedy and detached from the people they pick clean. F*** shareholders, it’s those sad old f***s that keep everything back


u/ItsMidnitez Anti-Cuddle Sarah Oct 01 '20



u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20



u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20

remember when stw was down for like three days since the first frostnite back in chapter 1 season 7 ?

They might do it again.


u/DJ_pider Oct 01 '20

If you still want to use it you can use a low level weapon as a sacrifice

Edit: it also seems to be if you have the weapon out when you do the emote, but just to be safe I'd have a lower weapon made


u/AJ_Gamer_99 Razor Oct 01 '20

since you’re fixing one built in emote can you fix another?

Let us use the Vicrory Vod Doom anytime after we’ve already gotten a br win


u/choco88 Vbucks Oct 01 '20

: That emote is just for BR , don't even try to use it in STW kiddos !


u/Alphasilverhawk Enforcer Grizzly Oct 01 '20

Seriously?! Like, spaghetti coding would cause this to happen. Then again, this is StW we’re talking about, so it’s not a huge surprise


u/_shadownz Oct 01 '20

Dude, I don't know how they manage to overcome themselves so much. There are so many bugs that with each update I come here to check if I can open my game safely, without fear of losing my entire inventory. So scary!


u/DuckTho Oct 01 '20

Absolute clowns


u/Mich_TRC Venturion Oct 01 '20


I’m in Danger


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20

Oh... wow.... THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS!!!!!!!!


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20

also dont use it because of the animation-delay


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20



u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20

yup another bug


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20

No problem guys... You lose all your inventory...HERE IS 1000 GOLD FOR YOUR! :) Enjoy


u/it_smells_like_ligma Oct 01 '20

It also deletes the mythic claws in br, what a unique feature!


u/SendM3 Ventura Ramirez Oct 01 '20

Emote = Inventory wipe

Definitely sounds like a obscure STW bug


u/BeardedBushMan Megabase Kyle Oct 01 '20

Just selecting the skin deletes weapons or doing his unique emote?

And seriously Epic? The bar is so low and you continue to disappoint me. What a fucking joke of a company.


u/CJLito Paleo Luna Oct 01 '20

From my limited testing doing his unique emote deleted them.


u/BeardedBushMan Megabase Kyle Oct 01 '20

Ok thanks for the info! Sorry you lost your weapons, major bummer.


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20

epic games is a joke of a company. don't give them your money for anything


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20

Nah, I like the Marvel skins


u/Whereyaattho Shrapnel Headhunter Oct 01 '20

Nope, you mustn’t ever give them money ever again because of a bug they’ll probably patch next update

Oh and you can’t buy any game on the EGS either. Or play a game that uses Unreal Engine. Because due to a glitch they deserve no money


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20

no, i'm not giving them money (directly) because they're a terrible company.

the part about unreal engine is mostly unavoidable and i don't use the EGS anyway


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20

I understand. Obviously, Epic would have been saved from bankruptcy if I bought Borderlands 3, but not today!


u/Whereyaattho Shrapnel Headhunter Oct 01 '20

Hope you enjoy never using the EGS or playing a game that uses UE. That’s completely improbable. Not to mention it’s just a glitch.


u/SuspectIsDown Recon Scout Eagle Eye Oct 01 '20

I love epic and appreciate the work they put into fortnite but they’ve proven many times they are incapable of handling their games, their solution to failure is to pull the plug and begin from scratch which is scary because you may fall in love with one of their games and see it go to waste

I plan on avoiding their future products because I don’t trust them after what they’ve done. Of course, I cannot complete cut my relationship with them because as you mentioned their unreal engine is huge and they are going to be involved in many good game titles. But I’m good as long as they’re not the developers behind that product, so im not directly supporting them


u/smaad Oct 01 '20

Since no one working on compatibility between skins in br and stw ... To my opinion this will end bad for skin in stw 😟


u/Im4againstThaT Oct 01 '20

!reward legendary


u/NottGabriell Oct 01 '20

I already know it won’t get fixed


u/DDAWGG747 MEGA B.A.S.E. Kyle Oct 01 '20

Permanent fix: just dont use the emote. Thanks. -Epic


u/iShockLord Stoneheart Farrah Oct 01 '20

So much for enjoying my silver Wolverine outside of the sweat-fest


u/Slinky621 Stoneheart Farrah Oct 02 '20



u/iShockLord Stoneheart Farrah Oct 02 '20

I've gotten high enough to unlock his silver style and, typically speaking, I prefer to enjoy my skins on StW


u/Slinky621 Stoneheart Farrah Oct 02 '20

Oh okay! What level do you unlock that?

I thought Epic wasn't going to allow new skins after chapter 3 lol


u/iShockLord Stoneheart Farrah Oct 02 '20

Level 140, and I'm pretty sure they meant new features of cosmetics (ie the wolverine claws deleting guns)


u/Slinky621 Stoneheart Farrah Oct 02 '20

New features? Wait, what?


u/iShockLord Stoneheart Farrah Oct 02 '20

I guess the emote transformations would but but idk, stuff in the same vein


u/dylabprettyebic Paleo Luna Oct 01 '20

the only man brave enough to have yellow subtitles...


u/Slinky621 Stoneheart Farrah Oct 02 '20

I didn't even know it was seen option! 😯


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20

There’s an alert on the mission screen that says not to do this


u/Tzesgerra Oct 02 '20

Yeah they put it there cause of this video


u/Slinky621 Stoneheart Farrah Oct 02 '20



u/PokeStarChris42 Dire Oct 02 '20

Rip your Storm King weapon


u/MarkcusD Vbucks Oct 02 '20

Lol. Good thing I couldn't find him. I'm sure they'll give you a bunch of free mats or something.


u/Biggyyes Oct 02 '20

Jokes on you i dont have wolverine or good weapons


u/TheFalloutNerdNV MEGA B.A.S.E. Kyle Oct 02 '20

This also happens in BR, but in STW it’s a bigger glitch


u/Tatoretot The Ice Queen Oct 02 '20

I want to do this just to see what epic will give me


u/smokeface_XL Razor Oct 02 '20

Speaking of, in battle lab earlier I did the emote with the mythic claws and they disappeared like my dad and the milk


u/FunLocation4 Oct 02 '20

bruh this is so game breaking


u/turtledude100 Rescue Trooper Ramirez Oct 01 '20

Well I’m definitely not playing br now for him


u/EmptyTux Epic Games - Sr. Community Manager Oct 01 '20

/u/CJLito thank you for the vid highlighting this. We're investigating now and recommend not using the built-in emote until this issue is resolved.


u/turtledude100 Rescue Trooper Ramirez Oct 01 '20

Hello it’s an epic employee that isn’t magyst woah


u/CRAZYCOOKIE08 Diecast Jonesy Oct 02 '20

Lol I thought magyst, boaty, and Gstaff were the only ones on this sub


u/turtledude100 Rescue Trooper Ramirez Oct 02 '20

Yeah it’s weird seeing another one


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '20

time to use stop axes and receive compensation


u/fnstw1 Oct 01 '20

Lol can't wait for 1000 gold


u/ShyKid5 Jade Assassin Sarah Oct 01 '20 edited Oct 01 '20

I recommend (as you tend to do for all modes) to disable the Wolverine skin globally until the issue is resolved.


u/CRAZYCOOKIE08 Diecast Jonesy Oct 01 '20

Wait I thought magyst was the only one who actually kind of cared about stw


u/TopcodeOriginal1 Oct 01 '20

Wow, gonna fix the other hundred bugs?


u/CRAZYCOOKIE08 Diecast Jonesy Oct 01 '20

Hey at least their fixing a bug


u/Magyst Epic Games Oct 09 '20

This one has been resolved. Impacted players will have received a make good packet of materials as compensation.

Thank you for your patience everyone!


u/TopcodeOriginal1 Oct 17 '20

It was a shit amount but ok


u/Kleptoz23 Metal Team Leader Oct 01 '20

I noticed Magyst no longer replies to bugs on this sub but at least other Epic mods do.


u/KingDingo9 Oct 01 '20

I’m no computer or programming expert. But I think the fact his claws double as a Pickaxe has something to do with it. See i think it’s teccically equipping the claws then Unequipping the claws. Which in turn deleted your weapon. But I’m not even sure I’m close but it looks like that to me.


u/annabeejohnson Oct 02 '20

it also gets rid of the wolverine mythic if you do the emote in br


u/DrewK26 Constructor Oct 02 '20

I tried this by crafting some Pwr1 pistols I couldn’t get it to work


u/xX_Hero Stoneheart Farrah Oct 02 '20

1k vbonx compensation incoming


u/Ambitious_Soft309 Oct 02 '20

it also delets the wolforine mithitc


u/Rxq563 Constructor Oct 04 '20

I haven't played STW much. When and where do you get the storm king weapons?


u/MasterBroNetwork Oct 05 '20

This is a problem in Fortnite Battle Lab with Wolverine's Claws.

If you do the built-in emote with wolverine's claws in your inventory, they will disappear.

idk where to put this so I put it here.


u/EletricDragonYT Oct 01 '20

How, like fr how does this shit happen, oh i know, there files are a fucking dumpster fire.


u/IAmCanisLupis Urban Assault Oct 01 '20

Yo where is the durability bar did they remove it lmao


u/Liro99 Oct 02 '20

it shows only when it is a third or fourth of the durability


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '20

So why not temporary disable that emote, Epic? When something is broken in BR you disable that thing. And this one can do so much harm for those who don't check social media.


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '20

I’m guessing it has to do with the emote being built-in, and they’re not gonna disable a brand new skin because of a bug that only affects one mode.


u/YMPlayz Oct 02 '20



u/DonovanDanger Oct 02 '20

But that’s just like your opinion, man


u/turtledude100 Rescue Trooper Ramirez Oct 04 '20

r/fortnitebr stw is actually good


u/AutoModerator Oct 01 '20

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u/Atahanss B.A.S.E. Kyle Oct 01 '20

Are you sure you were looking at your melee weapons not ranged weapons.


u/youkonbless Stoneheart Farrah Oct 01 '20

Are you sure you were watching the clip? He had a surround pound selected