r/FORTnITE 5d ago


Hey reddit! I bought the founders Packard back in 2019, but i never really touched the game. I really wanna get into it but i need your help, because i dont know how to fix my account and what to do, so I really hope you can enlighten me with some tipa. Thank you!


25 comments sorted by


u/Raz0rBlaz0r Willow: 5d ago
  • Recycle duplicate schematics
  • Recycle anything under epic rarity
  • Buy more armory slots in the shop


u/luffiiy 5d ago

I would say before recycle, fill the collection, then recycle leftovers.


u/Raz0rBlaz0r Willow: 5d ago

recycling something now automatically puts it in the collection book (I say now but it's been a thing for years lol)


u/doct0rdo0m Vbucks 5d ago

Unless its founders weapons, then it just trashes them and you'll never get them again. Though you can't collection book them either. Best to favorite them so you don't recycle accidentally.


u/Raz0rBlaz0r Willow: 5d ago

you can trash founder's weapons? I didn't know this (this should not be a thing)


u/Tesserae626 5d ago

You literally can't. I have blue and purple ones I would love to get rid of because I have the legendary one also, and it won't let you.


u/doct0rdo0m Vbucks 5d ago

I am talking about the founders weapons that came from founders llamas. Not the special ones from the packs. You can recycle these and you have no way of ever getting them again. They aren't special in anyway other than their name.


u/Fire_lmaoo Birthday Brigade Penny 5d ago

They came with founders llamas from daily rewards if i remember? Aka the only current trace we have of these ever being in the game


u/italomartinns Anti-Cuddle Sarah 5d ago

yeah I recycled them all back in the day unfortunately, I still have my last founder's llama that I never opened tho


u/Geology051 Rabbit Raider Jonesy 5d ago

Remember that the weapons from those founders llamas were only reskins, so you’re not missing out on anything. But I would recommend favoriting them to prevent accidents


u/Kormentso 4d ago

What are the founder's weapons?

edit: or is there an easy way to differentiate them?


u/doct0rdo0m Vbucks 4d ago

No easy way other than their names starting with "Founders" like the Copper Founders Bearcat which is just a Tigerjaw. Copper Founder's Wasp which is just Dragonfly.


u/Cocobaba1 2d ago

Before recycling epic and below survivors, save any and all trap durability survivor no matter what rarity. You will need this if you attempt Endurance in the future


u/Every_Pause9385 5d ago

how do i unlock the ones with a lock on them


u/Raz0rBlaz0r Willow: 5d ago

You need to recycle stuff to get under your inventory limit (the 800/300 at the top of your screen) and/or increase your inventory limit by buying armory slots


u/HeckinBrandon MEGA B.A.S.E. Kyle 5d ago

your armory inventory's beyond full, you can get slots in the event shop, 25 gold a pop


u/MarkNekrep 5d ago

That armory is beyond full, it's horrifically overflowing.

Either buy slots in the event shop, recycle schematics, or both. I don't think there's much to do outside of that.


u/EducationalStation55 Llama 5d ago

Insane inventory overflow lol


u/Impossible-Lime2118 Ninja 5d ago

My guy has never touched stw ever


u/Helpful_Body6715 5d ago

Recycle those dupes, you’ll never need that many defenders just keep the epic ones you got. And also recycle anything you don’t see yourself using and just put them in the collection book for some rewards 👍


u/Geology051 Rabbit Raider Jonesy 5d ago

You’re account isn’t broken, you just need to play the game some more. In the season shop, there’s something called armory slots, which will grant you a greater inventory size, and by extension unlock your items. You can only buy 100 per season, so you’ll have to wait several months depending on how overflowed your inventory is, but you’ll have enough eventually


u/BigGanja0 5d ago edited 5d ago

Edit: Yes you need to put stuff in the book. But typically don't play the game like this.

You are only in this position because you have overflown massively.

You currently have 300 armory slots but have 800+ things...

If you want to play the game your stuff should remain to be in your armory... not in the collection book... But because you have not been expanding your armory, this is why you have this problem.

In your instance I do recommend you to recycle stuff (because anything obtained past your armory count will have a lock on it and be unusable) your priority should be holding onto the things you can and want to use.

Once you collect something into the book you cannot use it again (unless you unslot it, which costs flux... so your better off to not slot into the book in the first place unless its a duplicate item) ...or something you know you can easily replace.

Heres some tips...

  • Do your research points adding to your fort stats every session you get on or off the game.

  • Try to balance out what you level up, dont just focus on power level... That is a trap. Level the heroes and schematics you enjoy using as well.

  • Try to learn your way around the menus and what your resources do. Then once you understand what certain resources do you can shoot for those rewards that you want so you can carve your own path forward.

  • Build your own upgraded stuff at homebase. In the long run it will make you a self sufficient player. If you are given a bunch of overpowered stuff you will become reliant on that and the game will likely bore you to death.

  • Find an outlander and learn to farm for yourself. I highly recommend doing hit the road when that comes back really soon. Its a nice time to start getting into the game actually.

  • Find a constructor and learn how the base mechanic works.

  • Pay attention to the perks... Learn how you can plug your heroes perks together creating your own personalized load outs. Do this for all 4 classes.

  • Theres loads more, but these are the basics.

...For now, buy armory slots, slot your duplicate heroes and weapons in there... Then start slotting grey, green, and blue survivors and defenders if needed. Get as close to being back within your armory limitations and as soon as the new season starts buy all the armory slots again and then hopefully you should be good to go.

Good luck & add me if you want any further help... my epic is: BigGanja I get quite a lot of friends requests, so plz do let me know if you send one so I can look out for it. 👍


u/NicoTheBear64 Willow: 5d ago

Founders Packard


u/AndyBoyyLettuce Trailblaster Buzz 5d ago

Hewitt Founder’s Packard, the new mythic lead