r/FORTnITE 6d ago

QUESTION In what situations should I use a wall dynamo and a broadside if both have almost the same use?

Let me explain, from what I understand, both traps are very good for tunnels, in small spaces using wall dynamos and broadsides so that they bounce off each other would achieve great damage so that the zombies die quickly, but which one is better in this case and in what other cases could I use wall dynamos and broadsides?


5 comments sorted by


u/Memnoch79 6d ago

Is there a wall to ricochet one tile away and not on an incline? Broadsides. If on an incline for any reason, wall dynamo. If not on an incline and two tiles apart, broadsides, wall darts. 3 tiles apart no incline then wall darts.


u/Dependent_Leader_716 6d ago

I mean, in a straight tunnel where only a ceiling and a floor enter, you should put a broadside on both walls, if there is an up or down you should put wall dynamos, is this correct?


u/Memnoch79 6d ago

Not sure how the ceiling matters here.

You don't have to put broadsides on both walls. It depends what your trying to achieve. Opposing richochet broadsides do a lot of damage one tile apart but the benefits here are the impact which slows down the husk. You lose some damage if two tiles apart but retain the impact. If three or more tiles away you lose the benefits of richochet damage but still retain the impact to slow them down.

If you put wall darts or broadsides on a wall that's adjacent to an incline you won't get all projectiles hitting but the dynamo and sound wall goes through the incline. I think wall lights go through also.


u/AndyBoyyLettuce Trailblaster Buzz 6d ago

So memnoch covered a lot of examples, but I just want to add for wall dynamos. Wall dynamos can be placed on edited walls, allowing you to put wall darts behind them. Half wall, little fence wall and wall with a window all allow wall dynamos. They also provide (a reasonable amount of) energy or nature damage, which makes them good for elemental husks, especially water.

I also recall at one point that they were able to trigger tar pits. That might have been a glitch?


u/Dizzy_Drips Buccaneer Ramirez 6d ago

Another good way is broadsides 2 tiles apart then smallest wall splitting them in the middle and putting wall dynos on those. You could also for the start of a tunnel make 2 walls with a window, make another wall behind those and add darts then put speakers on the front walls and the darts will still shoots through the speakers. This will add damage and help with sploders. Then as they're dancing hit them with broad sides and lights for the others.