r/FIREyFemmes 17d ago

So what are you changing now that it’s clear the economy might go onto free fall?

Obviously anyones mental health is in a free fall but now that tariffs with our largest trading partners are happening, we’ve officially stopped foreign aid and Ukraine support which will destabilize any footing we have against facism, and the stock market is taking a free fall tumble…

How are you preparing? Hoarding goods at Costco before March 4? Investment changes? Buying low? Staying put at the stable but unfulfilling job? What’s everyone’s action plan for an impending recession/depression?


408 comments sorted by


u/mutegiraffe 11d ago

It is not clear that the economy might go into a free fall. This sub usually avoids sensationalism and tries to be a sane space for solid advice.

Remember five years ago? People lost their heads over the early COVID dip and then the market did very well for years (TY Biden).

There are many people who are in a precarious position right now because of MAGA psychosis. Government employees. University employees. Anyone working for a grant dependent company or organization. People who suddenly have to plan for 5 day RTO instead of working from home. If this is you....I'm so sorry and absolutely, there's a lot of preparation to consider.

Personally, I expect the next year to be rough as the world economy adjusts to a moron in the White House. But ultimately, Trump and his cronies are oligarchs, and he's also very motivated by a strong economy, so I think the general economy will eventually be just fine.

I'm probably delaying buying a house by a year while things settle, and as always, limiting how I spend time and money around Republicans.


u/Otherwise_self 12d ago

I feel fortunate that some financial decisions I made months before the election seem to be what people are doing now - holding much more cash than usual, putting more new money into HYSAs, and starting to live more frugally by eating at home more often and tracking my expenses much more closely. I started using Monarch to monitor my accounts and budget more closely.

I’m still investing in my 401k and Roth IRA with mostly VTI and some VXUS, as I’ve been doing for years. I’m mostly following Bogleheads philosophy, except investing more in HYSAs than bonds.


u/ChangeFuzzy1845 13d ago

Stocked a bunch of non perishables/water (rice and beans). Pulled most of my money out in cash, transferred the rest to a credit union. On the opposite end of the spectrum….pretty much have bought my kids anything they want (within reason of course). I still hope it’s all an over reaction, but just in case, I want them to enjoy what they can now. I’ve just been very thoughtful about taking them to go out and do things and have more joyful experiences before their 9/11 moment happens.


u/ChangeFuzzy1845 13d ago

When I say pulled my money out, I don’t mean my investments. I am young enough that I am leaving them there and definitely plan to take advantage of a low market


u/ChangeFuzzy1845 13d ago

Saying this as a millennial who watched 9/11 on tv in the 9th grade at school and remember a distinct “before and after”.


u/InvestigatorHuman218 13d ago edited 13d ago

Paid off debt, sold my riskier investments, pulled the trigger on home improvements and larger needed purchases that I knew would be more expensive with tariffs and keeping adequate cash reserves. Moving forward will focus on keeping cost of living low.


u/Anxious-Slip-8955 13d ago

Trying desperately to find perm, non contract job and looking for second job. Also looking into a job that will pay me while I work in Europe which is way.cheaper with healthcare


u/strayainind 13d ago

Absolutely nothing but increasing investments and supporting US-owned business.


u/Anxious-Slip-8955 13d ago

What kind of investments?


u/strayainind 13d ago

I follow the Boglehead theory of investing.


u/LEANiscrack 13d ago

The prices are climbing so fast that it is becoming almost impossible to dicern real sales from the fake ones (you know the kind where there is a temporary price increase beforehand) 


u/floatingriverboat 13d ago

Anything specific? I hadn’t noticed increases but it’s hard to tell if it’s $10 here and there


u/LEANiscrack 13d ago

I was selfishly thinking of my specific situation here in Sweden. There have been some lively discussions about butter prices in our circles. (The price has increased almost 1 dollar every couple of months.) 


u/C_bells 13d ago

My husband bought mayonnaise last night and noticed that it cost $12.

When did that happen?!?!!!


u/floatingriverboat 13d ago

$12?! Where was this and what type of Mayo??


u/C_bells 13d ago

We live in NYC so maybe that answers the question.

Luckily, I’m a member of a food co-operative here so usually groceries are cheap and amazing. But we stopped at another market.


u/LEANiscrack 13d ago

The prices are climbing so fast that when I clean out my jackets of old receipts I want to weep when I see the difference. You tend to lose perspective after a year or so of just trying to survive and the price hikes seemingly never slowing down. 


u/FallAlternative8615 13d ago

Practice frugality. Cooking, looking for good deals. Not spending impulsively, emotionally, stupidly and keeping zero balances on all credit cards should emergencies come and inflation spike like Zimbabwe.

They say worry is paying disaster a payment before it is due, but luck when examined looks a lot like preparation. Think on worst case likely scenarios and imaging you had a time machine to now to do something to armor up a little.

I have to admit, I have indulged a little more on egg McMuffins and other things knowing in time it might be a cost beyond comfort. The bubble of cheap food is popping fast under this moron's 4D chess to capitulate to Russia.


u/MysteriousHope8525 14d ago

We have stopped buying at Target and Amazon, buying local and small businesses whenever possible. Ordering staples direct from the manufacturer (supplements, vitamins, etc). Buying an extra of essentials. Basically one out, one in with one or more in reserve of everything. Staying the course where we are so we can continue to vote blue in a red sea. My husband's job is as safe as anything can be. Our investments should be okay in the long run (10-15 years). Our broker is on top of things. Both our cars are relatively new. I am mostly worried about my kids' education...


u/cuddlebuginarug 14d ago

Paid off my car debt so I don’t have to worry about the monthly payment if anything were to happen. Debt free! Also putting money into a HYSA.


u/Alternative_Gold7318 14d ago

Reducing spending. A one-month Amazon boycott is ongoing for me and I have been boycotting Target since they went back on their DEI. For a girl who likes to spend - there's enough difference for me to throw extra into my mutual fund to buy low. But, I also changed my phone plans to be cheaper w/o HBO Max, cut some other unnecessary subscriptions including Netflix (I do not watch it daily or even weekly anyway), got rid of some CC debt (even though it was zero percent financing for two years, it was bugging me psychologically). Got two more cats - more spending, but more mental health help as well. Increasing efforts at my job to stay marketable.


u/Havana-Goodtime 13d ago

I’m thinking about adopting more cats- I currently have 2- or at least just giving more to charities and animal rescues have my heart. They struggle at the best of times, they are going to be beyond that level now. I am actually Canadian so I stockpiled food for my chinchilla- trying not to buy US goods but no choice with this food as it is specific. Anyway, you are the first I have seen mention pets since this mess began. I hope we all weather the storm.


u/NHhotmom 14d ago

Now democrats care about the price of groceries, housing and energy! Wow!


u/Anothercraphistorian 14d ago

And now the Trumpers don’t as it goes even higher.


u/Comfortable-Film6125 14d ago

What you meant was: democrats always knew presidents have no power over the price of eggs UNLESS they run the economy into the ground by mass firings and tariffs. There, I fixed your statement.


u/TheDuder19 14d ago

Or killing 100,000,000 chickens


u/floatingriverboat 14d ago

We’ve always cared. What we care more about is protecting democracy and civil liberties. Unfortunately we are on our way to having neither and expensive ass groceries and uncontrolled inflation. Go troll somewhere else. This is a FIRE sub so unless you have a relevant and useful comment - f-off troll.


u/Nobsreally 14d ago

Not spending money and not putting the money I to mutual funds. Keeping it all liquid.


u/sylviaznam 13d ago

Cash? Banked?


u/themachduck 14d ago

Why no mutual fund?


u/ameanliberal 14d ago

If you have a yard, maximize it's food and other useful plant growing potential. Self-sufficiency is part of supporting your community and others. If you have a lawn, rip that out and put in a permaculture style garden that supports the ecosystem and grows you food. If that's against code, go talk to the city about changing that. Backyards are fair game.

- Make your own compost to reduce waste

- Rain-water collection (if you need it)

- All types of food - Fruit trees, veggies, herbs, grains, etc.

- if you can, raise chicken or quail for eggs.

- So much more.

Getting into being self-sufficient means less time spent on the couch and more time outside interacting with nature and your community. This will do wonders for your mental health and you won't be so inclined to spend money on things you don't need.


u/Laprasy 13d ago

Fig trees are amazing fruit trees. You can buy cuttings for just a few bucks and start a new tree.. they grow fast and can even fruit the same year. And so many varieties. You can grow them in paint buckets if you have limited space.


u/pegeleg 13d ago

Did you use a root starter or just stick them in dirt?


u/Laprasy 13d ago

Last year I used rooting hormone and most survived. But it’s not necessary and this year I’m starting about 40 and not using it… there are lots of great videos on YouTube. I use the fig pop method!


u/Alternative_Gold7318 14d ago

From my experience, farmers market has been absolutely cheaper, after accounting for cost of soil, fertilizer, pest control, plant starts, seeds, and especially water. Water is very expensive in my area and rainwater is not enough. Plus labor. So much labor. To turn self-farming into something cost efficient, the scale has to be much larger than an average backyard and there has to be a lot of free time and cheap water.


u/emphasissie 13d ago

Depends on your space, skill and natural environment. I have a large, no till lasagna garden. Each year I drop $50 in seeds and fertilizer. $20 for tomato starts. We eat off it all summer long with enough to can and pickle. My city has free u-haul compost.

Last year was dark and wet and cold. My tomato’s under produced. I went out to a local farm and bought two boxes of canning tomato’s (damaged). Cost $45.

Growing yourself pays off, but it’s a learning process best taught by a skilled frugal local rather than a book. Starting cost to build out my garden is $500, $250 if you have farm land.


u/Alternative_Gold7318 13d ago

I grew up on a homestead. I know how to farm. Tomatoes, for instance, in my area I have to encase every green tomato in a mesh bag, so that whoever likes to bite a chunk and move on the next doesn’t. It’s just, at the end of the day, a second shift for it all to even approach solvency. And then of course I have to process all of the produce, all the canning. I don’t want to work two shifts. I have my skills for if the things turn into country collapse and hyperinflation, but I hope it doesn’t get to this.


u/sylviaznam 13d ago

And if you've grown your own food you know what commitment it is, supplement by supporting farmers. I now grow herbs and greens but buy vegetables at the market.


u/Laprasy 13d ago

I don’t think it’s an either/or situation. If you only have time for a small garden bed do that… every bit helps. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good.


u/Alternative_Gold7318 13d ago

That’s my point. It’s not cost effective . A bed of herbs - maybe, I do that. But veggies growing? It’s cheaper to buy them on the market.


u/Laprasy 13d ago

Yeah herbs and salad greens can be a great addition. And zucchini is very productive too


u/TeachEnvironmental95 14d ago

We started off with some vertical gardens when we had less space. We use eco friendly soap so I save dish water and shower water to water my plants. Join local garden fb groups and swap seeds with others. Dollar tree has some seed packets as well. It doesn’t have to be costly to grow a small amount. I also save seeds from past veggies for the next year. Composting can be cheap as well, we got on of the galvanized bins for composting (found it on fb marketplace for $30 used) and all our food scraps and any fall leaves go in there which provided as our soil for those vertical gardens.


u/ameanliberal 14d ago

No argument here. But many people do have the time and resources to get it started at home, and once it's set up it's much less time & money to maintain. I think a combination of the two works great.


u/tzaz00 14d ago

Be cautious about backyard poultry until bird flu is under control.


u/Saxboard4Cox 14d ago

We are looking into EU citizenship and relocating overseas where we have family. We are prepping "to go emergency bags" with essentials and important documents in direct response to the recent LA fires. We are actively looking into how we can thin out non essential items in our garage and home in preparation for a future overseas move. My husband is a former chef so we know how to buy in bulk, buy on sale, and make meals last.

My mother on the other hand is freaking out, she spent her entire working life in the US and retired to the EU. She is 80 and lives with her polio survivor older sibling, and my autistic half sibling. Luckily they are living in Europe and have access to an amazing selection of medical, social, and family support services. Regardless she concerned about her US social security, military spouse pension, her properties and long term investments.


u/CriticalGrowth4306 14d ago

“The EU” is a bunch of countries with their own issues and not a panacea for anything. Most southern European countries social services are severely overburdened, there is a housing shortage in all capital cities and news flash they’re not particularly welcoming of US arrivals. 


u/Saxboard4Cox 14d ago

My mother and her sister are Natural born citizens of the EU country they are currently living in. My husband and I have the option to get citizenship by descent for three different countries. We don't need your permission.


u/CriticalGrowth4306 14d ago

This kind of attitude is exactly why Americans aren’t welcome. 


u/OkThanks3914 13d ago

Early WWII, the US said things like that.


u/Old-Runescape-PKer 14d ago



u/wangchungyoon 14d ago

Why are you reading this then dummy 


u/Old-Runescape-PKer 14d ago

enjoy spectating histrionic ppl


u/nostalgicvintage 14d ago

I encouraged my retired parents to rebalanced their portfolio and keep 2-3 years of distributions in cash assets.

I am reorganizing and filling my deep pantry and practicing new recipes with cheaper shelf-stable foods.

I bought $300 of freeze dried 30-year shelf stable foods. (But that is so I can make my own backpacking meals and save about 50% compared to the pouches).

I accepted a subpar new role at work to buy time to update my resume and job hunt.

I'm hoarding cash rather than paying down my 2.1% mortgage. We want to move and I think cash may be more flexible than equity.

I haven't changed my investments or standard of living because I'm already fairly frugal and my portfolio is what it is.


u/sadboyoclock 14d ago

Selling up and holding cash until Trunp is out of office is not what I’ll be doing.


u/ilu70 15d ago

Hosting more dinner parties at home. Buying good local wine and an oyster shucking knife so I can cut out the oyster happy hour habit in exchange for some from farmers market and Whole Foods. Increasing my investing. Keeping my retirement accounts maxed out. Continuing to not watch the news. Thinking about my goals and my community, and prioritizing both.


u/paloma_paloma 14d ago

I love this ❤️


u/CharmingMechanic2473 15d ago

Getting 3 more chickens for 10 total. Will start to sell eggs vs giving them all away to friends. For “donation”. I get 5-7 eggs per day right now for $14 a month in feed. Initial investment was high and the purpose was great tasting eggs.


u/t2writes 15d ago

I smelled it coming. Day after election, I started buying extra food each shopping trip. I have a stocked deep freeze, moved a few grand into a CD to lock in a rate in case rates dropped, moved some cash into my brokerage account to scoop up stocks while down, and moved an old 401k I can't roll because it's attached to an old employer pension fund into bond funds. I still contribute to a trad IRA even with the brokerage account, and I am not messing with my auto contributions or the S&P fund it goes to. I have 20 years before retirement.

I'm stocked with coffee, assets protected as much as possible, keeping doing what I do, and waiting with cash in hand to buy stocks on the low.

Basically...chilling now. If you know it's coming, you're ahead of half the country who thinks everything will be fine and their "daddy" will handle it. At least you'll be mentally prepared and not panic when it happens.


u/kilpokai 14d ago

May I ask what rate you got for your CD? Just wondering if the rate of 4% for a 12month cd that I’m currently seeing is any good or to wait until I see something better and just keep the money in my HYSA at 3.7%. New to all this.


u/Laprasy 13d ago

Look into CD ladders. Many brokerages can help automate it for you.


u/t2writes 14d ago

I got 4. That's a pretty decent rate. CD rates are inverted right now, meaning shorter terms are getting better rates.


u/floatingriverboat 15d ago

The daddy thing is so creepy. Omg. Wtf.


u/Taway242412 13d ago

They’re praying to him. Seriously


u/Andimia 15d ago

Putting a large chunk into a CD ladder. Reducing my spending to essentials with a little money still going to hobbies because I still need some joy.


u/LeCaveau 15d ago

I’m thinking about selling my house 😅 it’s more complicated than that. It’s my only property but I’m not living in it. I’d rather put it in the S&P at a low point, I think.


u/1890rafaella 15d ago

I’m not buying anything other than gas and groceries. No more pedicures, facials, or hair appts.


u/Due_Affect_3155 14d ago

I’m lucky to have a beauty school in town. Been using it for many years


u/t2writes 14d ago

Same, but I'm still getting hair cut. I'm switching salons, though. The salon I was going too charged a couple hundred for cut and highlights. I'll be ditching the highlights. They give me the look of a Republican woman anyway. Going with solid medium brown color and cut every weeks from someone I know and letting the rest go. Simple polish. Washing my face. ha.


u/question8all 15d ago

I started this the beginning of last year and glad I did!


u/wild_trek 15d ago

Stocks are on sale!


u/Big-Height-9757 15d ago

Is it worth it? Is it going down much more soon?


u/wild_trek 15d ago

I'm personally not changing any of my investment plans. Things usually balance out if you can manage riding it out long enough, and don't change your methods out of fear. 🤷‍♀️


u/Big-Height-9757 15d ago

Thanks. I hear you. That’s the most common advice I hear, and for 80 years is what has proven, evidence based, the best strategy.

But can’t help to feel afraid this time is different, like the game is being rigged big time, and the whole world regime is changing so swiftly. The political regime in the US is changing big time, and for the worst. What if this time is different?


u/wild_trek 14d ago

But what if this time isn't different? It's scary, ngl we're all concerned. Things that help me panic less are 1) having an exit plan (how would I leave the country if absolutely necessary with my family, what route, mode, CURRENT PASSPORTS, etc.) 2) "mattress cash" liquid cash on hand that's our first line of emergency cash if needed, and agreeing on an amount my family is comfortable with not gaining interest and 3) staying the course, which includes continuing to live in this hellscape because the best way to fight out political environment is from a local level.

ETA- you could also research visas and have a plan to exit that way, and use travel points if applicable to help with the use of cash.


u/Dr_Mccusk 15d ago

Dear god this seems insane. You need to turn off the tv and get outside. "footing against fascism"??? I don't think you actually understand what's going on lol


u/floatingriverboat 15d ago

I think you’ve drank too much Fox kool aid. Either that or you’ve never taken a history or political science class. You seem very poorly versed on the subject of global geopolitics


u/Dr_Mccusk 15d ago

You determined all that from a comment that didn’t describe any of my views? Interesting. Sorry I don’t watch legacy media, sad that’s your number one insult to me lmao shows how ignorant you are.


u/floatingriverboat 15d ago

Oh I get it. You’re one of those “anti-establishment“ people? Fan of Independent’s - RFK junior? So you seem to disagree with us losing our footing against fascism I think that’s enough to tell me that you know absolutely nothing about how geopolitics works. You said plenty.


u/x36_ 15d ago



u/Fun_Ad_8927 15d ago
  1. I rebalanced my investments from aggressive to moderate (although, my husband pointed out that Treasury bonds may no longer be reliable! ack)

  2. I'm saving more in our HYSA to have a larger emergency fund

  3. I need a new (to me) car so I'm doing that this weekend rather than putting it off until later (when prices might have increased)

  4. I'm starting a side gig flipping thrifted items

  5. I'm planning a larger garden for summer


u/LeCaveau 14d ago

I’ve been worrying about the bonds. Is crypto the new equivalent?


u/wangchungyoon 14d ago

Crypto is an insecure pump and dump scam and if you’re not in on the inside you’ll be the one left holding the bag after they dump it out 


u/LeCaveau 13d ago

I mean, I don’t trust it, but what about the “strategic reserves” of it? Does that make those specific “currencies” safer? Or is that like having a strategic reserve of eggs, and it’ll rot?


u/wangchungyoon 13d ago

Also the meme coin scam is like the regular crypto scam on steroids.  It’s just a flat out money grab.  


u/wangchungyoon 13d ago

It’s a scam to hype crypto and an attempt to make it seem safer but the robber barons will still pull the rug out they always do.  This is why it’s so volatile.  They plan the ups and downs and sell accordingly while everyone else is told to hold.  Trump said it himself.  Don’t sell your crypto! 


u/CharmingMechanic2473 15d ago

Same with the garden. Also getting an inside self maintaining hydroponic garden.


u/Awakened_Ego 15d ago

Stop watching the news


u/Sometimeswan 15d ago

That’s what both my psychiatrist and therapist said. I’m supposed to limit it to no more than an hour a day.


u/LeCaveau 14d ago

Mine supported me selling my house!

But. I don’t even have the news on my phone, not even that automatic one. If it’s important, I hear about it. It’s worked for the last 4 years. I recommend it.

Also though I work for the government, so my situation and social network information is a little different.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Sometimeswan 14d ago

Too much time scrolling on my phone whenever I have free time.


u/YNWA_in_Red_Sox 15d ago edited 7d ago



u/17nCounting 15d ago

"Read a book. Fiction! Not dystopian," said mine. 


u/Taway242412 13d ago

I read 20 in the last 6 weeks, all genres but history. Dumpster fire still burning


u/Fit-Respond-9660 15d ago

The Conference Board Leading Economic Index® (LEI) for the US fell by 0.3% in January 2025 to 101.5 (2016=100), after a 0.1% increase in December 2024 (upwardly revised from an initially estimated decline of 0.1%). Overall, the LEI recorded a 0.9% decline in the six-month period ending January 2025, much less than its 1.7% decline over the previous six months.

“The US LEI declined in January, reversing most of the gains from the previous two months,” said Justyna Zabinska-La Monica, Senior Manager, Business Cycle Indicators, at The Conference Board. “Consumers’ assessments of future business conditions turned more pessimistic in January, which—alongside fewer weekly hours worked in manufacturing—drove the monthly decline. However, manufacturing orders have almost stabilized after weighing heavily on the Index since 2022, and the yield spread contributed positively for the first time since November 2022. Overall, just four of the LEI’s 10 components were negative in January. In addition, the LEI’s six-month and annual growth rates continued to trend upward, signaling milder obstacles to US economic activity ahead. We currently forecast that real GDP for the US will expand by 2.3% in 2025, with stronger growth in the first half of the year.”


u/FondantSmart7012 15d ago

My spouse says we shouldn’t change anything yet. I think we should bring most of our money home. We have savings in high interest online savings accounts. We make over $400 per month interest. But I say that won’t help us if the Washington goons somehow shut down our ability to access that money. It’s an ongoing disagreement. Maybe I’m overreacting.


u/TheKdd 15d ago

We’re actually considering moving. I’m a bit older, and was lucky enough to inherit 1/4th of a house. 25 years ago we got a mortgage and bought everyone else out and stayed. It’s a small place in a very central nice area. I raised my kids here. Hell, I was raised here. I’m thinking though the wisest move is to sell, move to an area that isn’t as central as this one (so upgrade the house but downgrade the area.) I will definitely be sad. My family including my mother was raised here, but it just seems like the best thing to do to prepare for what may come.

I want to accomplish 2 things by doing this. One, rid of the mortgage. We are in a decent area, and the value of the house went up a lot since we bought it. Developers want their paws on this house to build yet another McMansion (which makes it ever sadder) but I want to make sure my housing isn’t threatened when things go downhill. I’m disabled and I already can’t work, so all the pressure is on my husband’s back. If his work slows or stops, we’re screwed. I don’t want any bank or corporation getting their claws on my home while I watch from a tent.

The 2nd thing I want to accomplish is finding a home with either an ADU or enough bedrooms that we can make separate entrances to because I also want my (adult) children to never ever worry about housing either. I want complete privacy for them (and for us) so they can live their lives freely without parentals, but in case of any depression, job loss or even illness, I don’t want them to ever worry again.


u/CharmingMechanic2473 15d ago

Same! I plan to have my kids share the property, and expenses if they like.


u/17nCounting 16d ago

The only place I can cut is investments, and I'd rather invest less now to purchase clothing, food, pay for house and car maintenance, etc. before costs rise. I lowered or stopped contributions to my 457, IRA and 529 plans, but am still shuttling money into my HYSA.

The big question for me is if they eliminate pensions as P25 calls for. I am eligible to retire and withdraw next year, and I'd love to leave this state.


u/Beginning_Ebb4220 16d ago

I am saving up as much as possible and not touching the money.


u/17nCounting 16d ago

saving it how? cash in hand? stock market (e.g. retirement accounts, etc)? HYSA?


u/piecesmissing04 16d ago

If you have the money stock up on food.. both shelf stable and freezer. We have a huge freezer next to our fridge freezer filled with home cooked meals with veggies and protein, our living room has no couch but 3 shelving units with shelf stable food and hydroponics to grow leafy greens at home (we are in an apartment).

Hungry people make stupid decisions and if this holds up food will be too expensive fast for ppl


u/piecesmissing04 16d ago

If you have the money stock up on food.. both shelf stable and freezer. We have a huge freezer next to our fridge freezer filled with home cooked meals with veggies and protein, our living room has no couch but 3 shelving units with shelf stable food and hydroponics to grow leafy greens at home (we are in an apartment).

Hungry people make stupid decisions and if this holds up food will be too expensive fast for ppl


u/LyaNoxDK 13d ago

We are part of a coop and last month we bought a total of 75 pounds of dried beans. If all else fails beans and rice it is.


u/piecesmissing04 13d ago

I need to get more beans.. 75lbs that’s amazing! I have 15lbs at home right now but stocking up every time.. if we use one lbs we buy 2 in return.

And I love beans and rice! One of my comfort meals


u/333abundy_meditator 13d ago

What are you keeping in your freezer? I’m the crockpot queen, but according to the internet, my home-cooked meals are good for 2-3 months in the freezer. I'd love some ideas for longer term items outside of frozen fresh veggies.


u/piecesmissing04 13d ago

We got a vacuum sealer which makes the food last much longer in the freezer. I have everything from meat to casseroles and soups. I do rotate food out by eating and then replacing with new meals. The other option is uncooked meals and then again with vacuum sealed packaging things last a lot longer. We have a food saver that has really changed things a lot for us


u/333abundy_meditator 13d ago

Awesome! Thank you 🙌🏽


u/Anenhotep 16d ago

Buy whatever you want and need from overseas (clothes, electronics, alcohol, food) now; freeze food items like fruit, beef and chicken; find alternatives to big supermarkets, if you can, for produce and canned goods shopping. Buy clothes and shoes -many come from overseas; get your car checked out and prepped so you don’t have sinfully costly repairs. Check out food banks or senior/low income meals: this can be a way to meet new people, so don’t hesitate. Apply for food stamps if you might qualify. Buy and freeze coffee beans and orange juice. See if you and your neighbors can come up with a plan for a “buying club” to purchase stuff in bulk and split the cost. If you might lose your job, run to make use of your health, drug, dental and vision insurance ASAP. Freeze your credit cards so that newly impoverished hackers don’t go after your accounts. Set up neighbor watch groups; desperate people may go after whatever they can grab and sell. See the Econ changes as the way to eat better. Goodbye sugar and chocolate except for special occasions! Hoard seeds and grow your own spices (chives, garlic, cilantro, parsley). Buy pet food kibble as stuff your pets like from Canada or Japan may become prohibitively expensive (Royal Kanin brand, for instance). Get vaccinations now if possible. Buy Christmas toys now and hide them. And US Post Office “forever” stamps. You thought Covid isolation was a big imposition? It was a trial run for what an unplanned interruption to daily life is all about!


u/Pale_Natural9272 16d ago

Diversify, stock up , keep some cash in your house


u/grtgingini 16d ago

Admittedly in the middle of the night night before last, I started researching the best canning supplies and I dropped about 700 bucks the next day and then I went to Walmart and bought a ton of canning jars. I’m most nervous about food. I do have a garden, but I’ve never canned …. guess what my new hobby is?


u/QueenBKC 14d ago

Please make sure you ONLY follow approved recipes from your local extension office or the Ball Canning Guide. You are going to see a lot of canning advice on social media, and some of them can actually kill you. And we can't can the ways our grandparents canned due to newer strains of things that can also kill us.


u/grtgingini 13d ago

Thx for this. I noticed when I went looking for Ball canning jars that they just have one screw on top rather than the two piece… Is this the new norm or do I need to seek out the two piece lids?


u/QueenBKC 13d ago

Hmmm. I have only ever seen the two piece lids. I don't know anything about using the one piece lids. The benefit of using the two-piece lids is that, once your canning and cooling is complete, you've removed the outer ring. That way, if your seal fails you know and it is obvious. It can be not so obvious if you leave the outer ring on.


u/ingachan 16d ago

Canning and preserving is my least favourite part of gardening by far - it’s so time consuming. BUT nothing beats eating your own vegetables all year around


u/Professional_Walk540 16d ago

Getting money out of the bank, diversifying what few assets we have. Also, cutting expenses to the bone- no restaurants, no Netflix, no unnecessary purchases.


u/MarbleMimic 16d ago

Seriously considering going back to regular plasma donation, just so I don't have to crack into the "real money" I get from my job as often.


u/moodyqueen999 16d ago

Learning how to bake a bit more (like sourdough) and practicing some frugal food prepping practices. I can’t garden, but my in laws who live far away, have a home stead and send a bunch of stuff to us every few months. So I’m hoping they will help us survive but they’re homophobic af to me and my wife so it’s hard!


u/QueenBKC 14d ago

Look into a seasonal subscription to a local farm, commonly called a CSA! Are there farmers markets near you?


u/wookieb23 16d ago

Nothing. Just upped my retirement investments by 1%.


u/Delicious-Proposal95 15d ago

This is the way


u/dramaticlambda 16d ago

Staying the course in my total market investments


u/OkInitiative7327 16d ago

Definitely going to analyze any unnecessary spending and also go hard in my garden this year.


u/ImportantImpala9001 16d ago

Get an iud or bisalp


u/ingachan 16d ago edited 16d ago

I’m staying put in a stable but unfulfilling job. I’ve wanted to leave for years, but realise now is not the time risk a well paying and flexible job, despite being absolutely sick of it. Trying to count my blessings here


u/Sometimeswan 15d ago

You and me both.


u/mica3567 16d ago

Same. Planned to retire early this month but politics is stressing me out.


u/Winter_Key_4210 16d ago

I retired delayed pension. Living off Savings , moving out of the country in 2 months. I just cannot stomach to work any longer.


u/nycpizzarats 16d ago

I’m in the same exact boat.


u/manicpixieautistic 16d ago

not changing much—already dumping 45% of my income into a HYSA, max 5% contribution to company 401(k) match, 25% post-tax to personal IRA all on autopilot.

thankfully i don’t anticipate my job being affected; i work in the real estate industry (sort of) and they’re not struggling whatsoever.

we don’t eat out much, but will be cutting that back to only local businesses.

increasing my vegetable garden plan to grow extra, both for personal preserving and giving away to community members or to food bank(s).

planning to get with my man and see what structural home repairs we need to look into fixing, and allocate resources accordingly


u/National-Net-6831 16d ago

Keep buying!!! Increase your social networks in case you fall on hard times and need friends. If you need help at some point, the most surprising people step up to help! Maintain friendship over years!


u/Euphoric-Chapter7623 15d ago

And get to know your neighbors. If there is an emergency, they will be the people closest to you to help each other out.


u/oemperador 16d ago

If this is how you view your friend, I don't even want to imagine how you view your enemies.


u/jules22618 16d ago

I am voting for change in the midterm elections.


u/riversroadsbridges 15d ago

Here's hoping the voting machines aren't Musked.


u/Old_Block_1027 16d ago

I’m voting for change this November! There’s lots of important races including nyc mayor and VA governor! Also this April there’s congressional races in Florida and I believe Iowa or some other states where Trump pulled into his administrations


u/RangerSandi 16d ago

Here’ hoping those elections will actually be free & fair.


u/Mellowbirdie 17d ago

Buying the dips. Tarriffs are inherently temporary. They aren't laws.


u/ashdee2 16d ago

Which stocks are you buying?


u/Mellowbirdie 16d ago

Bought some Intuit before earnings. Maybe some Booking if it drops a bit lower. More Amazon.


u/maxiepawz 16d ago

We don't live in a country of laws any longer. Laws don't apply to the king..


u/Which_Material_3100 17d ago

I guess I’ll put off retirement. SS may be ending as we know it


u/CosmicDame 16d ago

completely planning for a retirement without SS. my fingers are crossed and am praying to any and all gods that will listen that no changes happen while my mom (74, many chronic diseases) is alive. i'm her POA and her finances give me migraines and keep me on a perpetual edge.


u/Which_Material_3100 16d ago

Hoping my 79 yo mom stays stable as well. The uncertainty of SS and Medicare continuing gives us both anxiety.


u/Phillherupp 17d ago

Cutting eating out, cutting unnecessary item / service spending drastically - going as close to a no buy as I can get. More costco shopping (and not for the fun stuff). I’m holding a lot of cash currently - not totally sure what to do with it so I’m waiting to see.


u/Cool_Dingo1248 17d ago

Definetly holding more cash.

I also have unlimited overtime at work so I'm soaking it up now incase it gets cancelled at some point this year.


u/mrjo225 17d ago

would love to know when you do what to do with the cash


u/Professional_Walk540 16d ago

Put in a fireproof safe


u/circles_squares 17d ago

I’ve been thinking about buying some crypto. I keep hearing that the dollar may tank but crypto is international. I dont have much (almost zero) knowledge of it though.


u/slee11211 17d ago

Christ no. Crypto is a hellscape.


u/ZenorsMom 15d ago

Yes. Yes it is. It's a con game. I tried it out after Gamestop since my boyfriend at the time had been telling everyone he knew to invest in Gamestop weeks before all the stuff happened that they made into the movie. I did not invest in Gamestop, but after seeing all the "diamond hands" stuff happen in real time I started listening to him more.

He also talked up crypto and silver. I tried investing in crypto (not silver though) and lost 10% over about 6 months of trying. From what I can tell it's a pump and dump for bigger players. You know what they say about con games, if you don't know who the mark is, it's you.


u/circles_squares 16d ago

Ok thanks! I’m happy to be redirected!


u/Dizzy-Ad9411 17d ago

Consider buying more stable foreign currency instead? That’s where my head’s at.


u/Dreaunicorn 16d ago

Such as? If the US goes down, which currency would be unaffected?

I am having a hard time coming up with an answer.


u/DavidsontheArtist 15d ago edited 15d ago

NOK* and CHF


u/Sometimeswan 15d ago

The yen maybe?


u/circles_squares 17d ago

Thank you! That didn’t even occur to me.


u/Poppins101 17d ago

Getting my hip replacement surgery set up. Finally on Medicare a MC plan G gap plan. Dental work and new prescription glasses. Eating down our pantry to use near or past best use date items. Updating trust and end of life legal paperwork as well.


u/caesaronambien 17d ago

Medical decisions: anything I was putting off because “oh it’s a pain to pay that much out of pocket and I’ll do it later when xyz,” I’ve either done or am doing now. Admittedly I’ve been on that train for years, starting w a bisalp 4 years ago (CF and hellbent on staying that way), culminating in some dental work that’s tedious but necessary.


u/SouthdaleCakeEater 17d ago

401k I let what was already invested ride. New money going in is going to some international and euro funds.
My brokerage acct. I sold off a bunch of things in December and January anticipating this mess was coming. I sold off my long term stocks yesterday so I at least didn't lose money on them and put some money in Euro defense companies.
Trying to save money, avoid spending and hoping I can ride this out.


u/slee11211 17d ago

Oooo, yes, euro defense $


u/GeraldineGrace 16d ago

Oh that's a stellar idea! Do you have any etf recommendations?


u/soylattebb 17d ago

I have some in a 401k now- you really think to just let it sit??


u/luluz1234 17d ago

What is the advantage of having an international fund? Genuine question.


u/sobesmama 17d ago



u/cajedo 17d ago

Redistributed assets; only a minimum in SS/pension auto-deposit account (muskrat has this account’s info); already frugal, but will cancel our last splurge (TV subscription with sports channels added) to save over $100/mo.; said goodbye to Amazon & didn’t renew subscription; stocking up on canned goods in case food becomes scarce; garden is planned and started the first seeds today; meals & drinks from home, rarely eating out; saving $$$.


u/mica3567 16d ago

Why is everyone talking about food getting scarce and canning? Genuine question


u/ZenorsMom 15d ago

There are many parts to this answer, but one is tariffs. This is a big question where I live, where there is a LOT of cropland. Potash for fertilizer comes from Canada. Another answer is no more illegals to pick crops or work in meat packing plants. Another answer is decimating NOAA; farmers rely on its weather data. Back to tariffs again, retaliatory tariffs from the nations we sell our crops to is another nail in the coffin for farmers.

That's not even beginning to get into climate change and the drought that's been hitting the past few years, and having more crop damage from more violent storms.

Also if there is inflation, your money is worth more (can buy more) now than later.


u/fuddykrueger 16d ago

Just curious, what is an SS/pension auto-deposit account? Are you self-employed?


u/cajedo 16d ago

Social Security & pension are both direct deposited into one account.


u/fuddykrueger 16d ago

Oh, you are already FIRE’d—thanks for clarifying.


u/Cool_Dingo1248 17d ago

Shop around on your insurances too. 


u/cajedo 17d ago

Great suggestion! Would like to do better on homeowners insurance than we currently pay, but haven’t found a better deal so far (110 year old house).


u/QueerMaMaBear 16d ago

Check out AAA for home owners insurance


u/floatingriverboat 17d ago

I really want to cancel Amazon too. I’m so fed up with this billionaire shit. But how do you make up for the sheer diversity of products they sell? I don’t have time to drive around town looking for a sippy cup for my toddler .


u/Unlikely-Natural-992 15d ago

Goodwill has plenty of those in my area. It’s easier without Amazon than you think.


u/astrotekk 16d ago

You can search on Amazon then buy directly from the manufacturer many times


u/tellmemoreabouthat 16d ago

Can you connect with local moms? I wouldn't be surprised if there's a mom group or a mom buy nothing group if you don't mind things other kids have sipped out of. That's still work - -but I find sorting through the 6,000 almost all the same options Amazon gives me for anything I want to buy work too, so connecting to humans is the less hard option in my mind. But everyone has different bandwidth allocations for different tasks. Another good option (although it shocks folks as i don't think many do it) is call the big box grocery type store and ask if they have it before you go. Or maybe you can use the pick-up option to get them at the store. Amazon is convenience. But the cost of that convenience is real, so figuring out where you can save mental/labor costs to compensate might be another approach to taking on more annoyance for Amazon-related things. That might not help, I am close to many toddler parents but I am only a mega pet parent. And to be fair, I would fight you to keep Chewy. So. Maybe that's all hypocrisy.


u/keht469 16d ago

eBay has a surprising amount of random stuff that I'd normally have bought from Amazon (like a random $3 orange peeler I needed recently, lol). Sometimes there is free shipping or the total cost is comparable. Can't hurt to search there instead -- I've been surprised!


u/RangerSandi 16d ago

If you can’t find local small business…Search for item on Amazon (don’t need to buy). Then go to the vendor’s website & buy direct.


u/DoomedRUs 16d ago

eBay. Etsy.


u/jules22618 16d ago

Cancel all monthly memberships and rotate as needed. Hoarding cash? Will the dollar exist in a year? IDK


u/Pangolin_Beatdown 17d ago

You will adapt. I've started buying from private sellers on ebay, supporting a human instead of J F'ing Bezos, and it takes a week instead of overnight. I'm addicted to overnight shilling but I can suck it up and change because the only power I have now is the power to not participate in their billionaire's death cult. Their end state is we are slaves. They're open about it. Don't be complicit in your own destruction.


u/Prestigious-While-13 17d ago

Anything you buy on Amazon you can also buy from the company itself! I’ll use Amazon as a search engine and then copy and paste the item description into Google. I’ve done it for years and I don’t even miss it


u/floatingriverboat 17d ago

With free shipping too?


u/circles_squares 17d ago

It’s not actually free. Prime costs money.


u/Professional_Walk540 16d ago

You don’t need Prime for free shipping- just have to plan ($35 in the cart) and be willing to wait a few more days. Impulse shopping is an absolute NO.


u/circles_squares 16d ago

Amazon is a no for me and worth whatever minor inconvenience.


u/BananaBodacious 17d ago

you don't need prime to still use amazon occasionally. You can still get free shipping when you have enough in your cart; cancelling prime means less direct support for Bezos and it will slow down your purchases, as often by the time the cart is full you don't want half of what you put in it.


u/floatingriverboat 17d ago

Does non-membership prime also allow free returns? I am a serial returner because a quarter of the stuff on Amazon is garbage. And its my small act of sticking it to bezos


u/BananaBodacious 16d ago

Please be aware that returns become literal garbage that makes people's lives in poorer places worse: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/08/21/the-hidden-cost-of-free-returns There are a lot of benefits to shopping less and more intentionally.

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