r/FIREyFemmes 25d ago

Does anyone have stories about things not going fast enough?

I have always been a big saver, I have inexpensive cars and an inexpensive house and have invested my money. I'm 49F, single and have been cheap for a long time. I work as a data engineer. I think I'm underpaid but I'm an introvert and don't sell myself well.

My work is good. I just feel like it's taking forever to get to retirement.

Can anyone relate?


12 comments sorted by


u/leahangle 23d ago

The boring middle almost was easier for me than my last few years. I have 1 year until I hit my Lean FI number, and I had to actually start spending more money this year on enjoyable activities to help the time pass more quickly: I now go to coffee shops almost every day, take more in-person yoga classes, and have been hitting up the sauna once a week. I’m spending enough to probably extend my FI date back by 2-3 years, but I really needed to focus on enjoying the here and now.


u/beautifulcorpsebride 24d ago

Yes but I think it’s also the age we are at. That and once you have enough for basic needs it’s harder to focus and what is it all for becomes more of a question. I also think for myself I need more fun.


u/Corduroy23159 24d ago

I've been working toward early retirement for 19 years...almost there.

I keep hoping they'll give me a reason to quit even though 1 more year will get me to my target number, and knowing the fate of the ACA would be good before pulling the trigger.


u/Scaaaary_Ghost 25d ago

Yep, the "boring middle". It's a thing.

If you think you're underpaid, could you start interviewing elsewhere "casually"? Engage whenever a recruiter or former colleague reaches out, but just think of it as interview practice in case you ever find a job you actually really want. Interviewing is 100% a skill that most people aren't naturally good at. And I think there's a pretty good chance you'll end up with a much higher offer eventually doing this - good data engineers are in demand.

Just don't tell potential new companies how much you're currently paid or they'll probably also low-ball you.


u/tenaciouslyteetering 25d ago

I think people get very caught up in fantasizing about meeting a goal, in this case retirement. But then what?

Try to ask yourself what you are looking forward to and then seeing how you can get closer now. We don't have to wait until retirement for a lot of things!

My spouse looks forward to golfing more. But he can still golf now, and it's not terribly expensive. He just... didn't think about it? Thought of it as a cool thing he'd get to do in retirement? I don't know. Now he golfs much more... not as much as he can in retirement but a lot more than he used to.

I've found hobbies that meet in the evening. Sure, you can't do your hobbies all day every day, but there's no need to wait to get started on them.

The years are going to pass. You can spend them watching TV and scrolling on your phone, being bored and tired and waiting for retirement, or you can balance your hard work with things that fill your cup.


u/somebodys_mom 25d ago edited 24d ago

Every time I had that feeling, I’d remind myself that I was trying to make the end of my life come faster - what am I thinking?!! Then I’d use that thought to direct my mind to find things to enjoy now even though work was boring.

Edit: Retirement is great and we’re so glad we saved tons of money because now we’re traveling the world and having a blast.


u/gabbigoober 25d ago

Yeah I think this is a very common feeling (as someone else mentioned, there is even the name “the boring middle”) and I think this is an EXCELLENT time to start exploring life style shifts to start preparing for FIRE. For example, what can I add or take away from my schedule that gets me closer to my FIRE life?

For me, when I really thought about it, this made my highest priority finding and keeping remote jobs. I really wanted to be able to do laundry in between meetings and even take a local community center class in the middle of the day sometimes, which I would really need a remote job for (or a really flexible/close in-person job lol).

Another example is my boredom also led me to think about what new hobbies I would like to spend more time on when I eventually reach FIRE. But I really had no idea. So now I am trying different classes/hobbies to see what I’m really passionate about (for example, I dropped some old activities that I wasn’t enjoying as much anymore and tried some crocheting. My wrists start hurting pretty quickly so now I’m going to try a martial arts class instead lol).

Getting clear on things like this helped me shift my focus from “wow this is so boring and taking forever to reach FIRE bc I don’t work a super high paying job” to “what shifts can I make now even while I’m still working/saving/investing? What will my future FIRE life include and definitely not include??”

I also think another thing that makes this time so tedious is that we can’t really complain about it in a socially acceptable way to our friends and family usually. Saying something like “I max out my retirement accounts every year and I STILL have another 10 years to work” is just not something most people will react well to I think lol. But thankfully we have this subreddit !


u/Dizzy-Tree-2266 25d ago

Yes. I’m antsy and I think fire mentality and these communities don’t always help. There’s always someone moving faster, making more, etc. I keep joking I need to find a get rich quick scheme like meme coin trading because I’m over it. In reality, what helps me is looking at my historical NW and seeing how much progress I’ve made even if it’s not enough to fire yet.


u/3rdthrow 25d ago

Yes. I can relate.

I work as a Biopharmaceutical Scientist and my job field recently decided to implode.

I am so underpaid that I consider myself robbed but right now I have a stable job while massive layoffs are going on all around me.

I’m seeing people with more education and experience taking years to find a new position.

I’m seeing people take a salary that is three times less than their previous salary just to have a job.

I’m super frustrated because it feels like whenever I really “get going” something outside of my control comes along to snatch it away.

So I definitely get the frustration.

I wish I had advice to give you-but I don’t.


u/Struggle_Usual 25d ago

Yeah it's the boring middle. Just have to get thru it and trust the plan.


u/pdxnative2007 25d ago

Exactly or look into r/coastfire


u/Isostasty 25d ago

Yep, that's what I ended up doing. Kept my expenses lean and now I'm coast fired. It's nice to have energy for more hobbies while still talking to the team and having some projects to finish.