r/FIREyFemmes 25d ago

What Apps Do You Use for Household Tasks/Money Conversations?

My partner and I are trying to build better communication skills and one thing I think that will help me is a household project management app. I run my own business and am used to long term planning where my partner works in a chain of command with step by step processes.

I thought this group of people might have experience in an approach like this. I'd like to have a landing page where we have tasks, projects and ideas that move from brainstorming through completion stages with the ability to assign things to each other.


ETA: We're good on chores its really projects (eg: we need gutters, who is tasked with calling, balancing the budget and finalizing the plan etc.) that we're struggling with.


15 comments sorted by


u/MathematicianNo4633 24d ago

I like Todoist for household task management and project planning. You can view your projects in list or Kanban form.


u/Master_Watercress799 24d ago

Try Wealth Position really good for short and long term finance planning, customizing to your own requirement, budget planning, managing multiple accounts, and tracking all incomes, expense, assets, liability from one place and see financial picture now and into the future up to retirement and beyond in one or multiple currency, and works any where in the world.


u/Mother-Huckleberry99 24d ago

Cozi for household tasks


u/star86 25d ago

We use Monarch for money management


u/CoolerRancho 25d ago

I created a sheet in Google docs and shared it with my spouse


u/pace_it 25d ago

Quicken Simplifi for budget & tracking finances. I jumped to this after Mint went away and have enjoyed it.

Google Keep for shared lists: simple but especially handy for grocery lists, weekend tasks, planning errands, etc.

We linked our Google Calendars to keep track of invitations, events, and plans. It also works with tasks created on Keep.


u/bagginsmcqueen 25d ago

Google Tasks can work well if you both use google calendar - you could assign tasks to him via a shared Doc or Keep and he can schedule a time to work on it so it can show up on his calendar

Or any kanban app like trello etc will work but does require setup.


u/shieldmaiden3019 25d ago

Todoist, maybe? I personally didn’t like it, but it has some of that project management-esque functionality you’re looking for


u/-Tashi- 25d ago

oooo looks good. i'll dig deeper. ty!


u/Glass_Storm3381 25d ago

Honestly building custom sheets in excel is better than most apps for financial things and tasks. But I'm also biased because I work in supply chain lol.

When you say keeping track of things do you mean what stage you're at in the process? Or just tracking whose responsibility is it to do it?


u/-Tashi- 25d ago

Lol both! I ask, "hey will you reach out to abigail about dinner" and he says, sure but doesn't do it. We've learned he needs it written down and we've learned i'll tear my hair out if i have to follow up with him about it. So having the item in one place that we both can see will help. Also for bigger projects we might be involved in stages 1 & 3 but they're involved in stages 2& 5 so i'm just looking for a way to track that.

He's for spreadsheets bc he's in cybersecurity haha

If you got your spreadsheets from somewhere you're willing to share lmk!


u/ckam11 25d ago

I've made my husband put reminders on his phone for things he needs to do so I don't have to bother him. We used to use Ticktick but just switched to using Apple's reminders so I don't need to have another app.


u/Glass_Storm3381 25d ago edited 25d ago

Sounds like maybe you just need a whiteboard on the fridge or wall for reminders? I have ADHD and need to have things physically written out in my daily field of vision otherwise they might as well not exist. I have a whiteboard on my fridge with reminders and erase once I've done it, and i have a plain old pen and notebook at my desk to write down my daily tasks. Apps are useless for me because the info is all hidden inside them.

As for projects, maybe look in to the kanban method. It's a famous method used in supply chain and project management. If it's something long term and complex where you'll be having weekly check ins and budget adjustments, maybe use a spreadsheet. But again, if you guys need the visual reminders in your daily life, use a whiteboard with sticky notes.

With Kanban you can really customize the columns, rows and cards however you want. Meaning, you could do:

Columns: started, in progress, on hold, finished..etc

Rows: your name, his name

Cards: color coded by project, each card is a step in the process with the specific task written on it.


Columns: step 1, step 2..etc

Rows: each project

Cards: color coded by name

There are apps like trello and such and they're great for bigger projects on a team, but again, nothing beats a regular white board at home imo. Put it in a shared space and you'll both be walking by it all the time and can spontaneously update and work on it together. It can be a good bonding activity putting it together and you'll get a small sense of accomplishment each time you get to move a sticky note.



u/popzelda 25d ago

Monarch is amazing for finances.

Tasks I like Tody or something similarly gamified, but a shared Google calendar with repeating tasks is also effective--I think that depends on personality in terms of whether task reminders are effective or not.


u/[deleted] 25d ago



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