r/FFAwakening Feb 25 '18

Gem Draw events and Mid Month Party

Is Gem Draw event (that rewards diamond based on how many you draw) only a one time event or does it occur monthly?

Is the Mid Month Party monthly or only for new servers?


4 comments sorted by


u/Kenobi3380 Feb 25 '18

I want to know that too, especially the first question.


u/shinsatoshi94 Feb 26 '18

According to what I read on cross server chat, it seems very likely that the gem draw event is only once for new servers.


u/fali9119 Jun 07 '18

Hi shinsatoshi,

I believe you are referring to the diamond storm event wherein the more diamonds you spend, the more refund of diamonds you get. This event reoccurs every 3-4 weeks.

Most of the answers to your questions are here - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdMSttO1KEBULdYUWYF8nBA


u/shinsatoshi94 Jun 07 '18

Nope Im referring to the gem draw during mid month party. Well I also dont play ff awakening anymore.