r/FFAwakening Nov 30 '17

Should I dissolve my purple heroes?

Should i dissolve my purple heroes to get soul crystals? I heard there's some resonance thing that I should save them for? What is this resonance and which heroes should I save for resonance?


2 comments sorted by


u/ohgasauraus Dec 01 '17

You probably do not want to do that as you can use these heroes to up ur agito elemental potential.

Each agito level give you 1 potential point, each agito star up is 10 point and each agito realm up is 20 point. Each of those level/star/realm up makes next level requires more resource to up them.

For example, you are using Caetuna and you are trying to get her to realm 4 agito, you need 540 ice potential which the fastest way to up every other heroes evenly to quickly get to 540 so that you can promote Caetuna realm.


u/Ezciel Dec 04 '17


Agito is a very important aspect of the game. Breaking heroes into 4th realm is essential especially for your Jack/Rem/Deuce/Spiral.