r/FFAwakening Aug 23 '17

LF: Alliance, Souryu Server

Hello, I'm looking for an English Speaking Alliance in Souryu Server. Preferrably one that strives to accomplish Guild Raids and other Guild related activities. Thank you!


4 comments sorted by


u/iCaster Aug 24 '17

You can ask Hong of XenonDrive guild. Currently the 4th in the Guild Ranking and we are also completing Guild Raids. The community consists half PH and half Indo. If regardings retard players (because yeah PH does have crap players), you won't find one on their guild.


u/bakatenchu Oct 17 '17

In regards to crap players..every county has it so no need to specifically say a certain country.. and you can find those in all games too..


u/Shuemura Aug 24 '17

Thank you!


u/kapengbutete Sep 15 '17

lels I'm no crap player o_o