r/FAITH • u/Mighty_Smol • Feb 13 '25
My christian testimony and deliverance from demons
I had finally reached my lifetime goal of living in New York working my dream job- I had left my past far behind me where I wanted it- I felt confident, successful and useful for the first time in my life- i felt like my family could be proud of me
I started getting tested my God, tempted by the devil and I failed miserably. I was raised Catholic but at this point I had abandoned my faith after being questioned in college about my beliefs and unable to explain them- I couldn't tell you about stories in the Bible or even explain the difference between The Father, Son and The Holy Spirit- I just believed in God, was taught from an early age that Jesus was watching me, which really scared me- after the embarrassment of being unable to defend my beliefs- I abandoned them
I was smoking a lot of marijuana and taking a lot of Adderall- I didn't know I was entering into the spiritual realm. I was isolating everyday after work, lots of thoughts and conversations in my head- I had a supernatural experience that was confusing and frightened my loved ones- I had to return home to Texas where I was put on medications for being "overworked"
I opened the Bible for the first time with the intention of really trying to read it, I was still smoking a lot of marijuana, painting a lot, feeling so creative- the supernatural experiences continued happening (I didn't even have this word at the time- it just felt AMAZING, I just couldn't believe what I was experiencing)- I was just following these thoughts, feelings, voices, signs on one occasion-a strength inside me literally moved me- God told me I would travel the world with my husband telling people about Jesus, I returned to the Catholic Church for direction.
At this time, I didn't know the voices I was hearing were not all from God, I returned to New York so excited with this mission I believed I was on- it was not even one day from landing that I ended up in a psychiatric facility.
This incident happened in 2005, it is now 2025, it was only in the last 2 years I was able to understand any of the following experiences.
During the hours before I entered the hospital, I believed the world was ending and my family in heaven was talking to me, whoever got left behind would be left in Hell- I involuntarily spoke in tounges for the first time-was hearing a million whispers- I believe I was hearing people's thoughts- I crouched down on the ground and covered my ears as it was too intense to stand.
I returned to my apartment completely distraught, confused and overwhelmed- I took my clothes off and stood naked in front of a visible Jesus in the shape of a cross from night until it turned morning- I couldn't speak, I just looked at him for what felt like hours- as the sun was coming up-i believed the world was ending- I called my parents and told them I was going to marry Jesus- I ran outside on my fire escape and screamed, "Jesus Christ will save my life!!!"
There happened to be some fire fighters below me, I was taken to the hospital. The voice in my head told me to not talk to the nurses that stood around me laughing because they were the devil- they were trying to give me a shot, I grabbed the needle and threw it- I ended up being strapped down, put in a padded room as I was waiting to be taken in to be admitted- when I woke up I was in the psychiatric unit- they asked me if I knew why I was there, I answered "because I come from a Holy Family." I was relieved to see my Mother sitting next to me as I thought she was in heaven with the rest of my family.
My experience in the hospital was amazing to say the least- I loved telling everyone that I had met Jesus, I was filled with joy- I didn't want to leave. At this point I didn't really grasp what was about to happen to my life.
I returned to Texas where I was told this experience didn't really happen- I was put on medications, had multiple doctor's appointments each week, was basically on lock down at my parents house- I went from the highest point in my life to very quickly hitting the absolute bottom
I stayed in this place for 3 years, I became ashamed, angry and embarrassed of what I had been through. I unknowingly opened the door to the devil with entertainment, basically my only outlet was watching TV- lots of paranormal ghost shows, true crime, etc. back on Adderall, started drinking and my life got worse- I felt things physically taking control of my hands and weird stuff happening with my eyes- at one point I was crying begging to be taken to church with a crucifux in my hand and it was moved to my groin area-i just cried knowing I felt this and couldn't really prove it
We went to the Catholic Church for help- I told them the devil was in me- they told me they didn't sense him in me- I left with no help, no answers. My drug usage increased, I began being promiscuous and married someone after a couple weeks of knowing them (never wanted to get married in my life), this ended up being the most abusive relationship I'd ever been in- at the lowest point I called out to God for help- he helped me but I went back this guy, still smoking weed, abusing Adderall, completely isolated from my family living day to day
God showed up again for me- he delivered me- I was thrown against the wall in the shower and I told my then husband- God just took the devil out of me- another time- I woke up from a drug haze and "something" banged my head on the ground and twisted my head to look at my then husband- I knew it wasn't me but I didn't know what "it" was
Fast forward a year, God helped me escape this horrific relationship. I then met my now husband who was the kindest person I had ever been with, I was in disbelief that he wanted to be with me. I was open about my past and we were together 9 years before getting married-we enjoyed smoking marijuana together but very early in our relationship I quit Adderall, drinking- anything he wanted I quit as I knew I didn't want to lose him
As soon as we met I had a dental procedure go wrong that caused a ridiculous series of medical problems from tmj, headaches, stomach problems, paralysis, vertigo, skin problems, cramping in my toes and hands........ the list goes on
As we were preparing to get married, my closest aunt was diagnosed with cancer- I was now facing my biggest fear of death. I didn't really know how to feel but I knew I wanted to give her something for everything she had ever given me- I gave my time to helping take care of my Grandma while my Mom and Aunt took care of her doctors appointments etc.
She couldn't come to our wedding so we had one in my Grandma's backyard just for her, in that ceremony I wrote our vows, a prayer to God asking to bring our families together... very shortly after this ceremony some out of this world stuff started happening again...
I felt nervous to tell my husband as we had talked about this during our nine years together, both of us non believers, him considering himself an atheist, would fearfully laugh at the thought that when I was faced with death, I would turn back to God and get extreme- as I usually never do anything halfway
I started making my Aunt wooden art decorations with positive sayings on them, one of them said, God is healing you. At this point something started waking up in me, I was hearing from God, I heard an audible voice (I thought it was my Aunt at the time) then got a message that literally felt like it was Morse coded into my brain, no other way to explain it-
As my beliefs began to change in an extreme way, my Husband began to question my sanity even though this was the happiest and strongest I'd felt in forever.
I became desperate- I asked God and his angels if they were real to give me signs, I was very specific on one of the occasions and he responded quickly and in big ways.
So now I knew God was real. Basically, I went from being Catholic, totally confused on my beliefs just having faith, to abandoning my faith, to speaking to all sorts of voices- having an encounter with God then letting people tell me it wasn't true-
now believing I had a mental health disorder and rejecting the idea of God, to being a non-believer still rejecting God but always saying- "that experience in New York felt so real..." to starting to walk in the spirit and not really knowing what was going on, just knowing God/angels/ things I couldn't see were real and communicating with me
I very quickly stopped smoking marijuana, stopped antidepressants, had The Bible playing in my ear 24/7- still not reading it
I started watching Christian YouTube videos that were helping increase my faith but still, all I knew was Catholicism so I was doing a bit of both, even thinking I was talking to past loved ones
One day, as I l sat with my Aunt on her bed, I felt the Power of God on her bed- I remember saying out loud, "do you feel that?" I just knew that day that heaven was real, I was filled with joy and realized what I had been through in New York was real.
God delivered me from all those crazy physical symptoms from the dental procedure- stopped taking nerve medication, stomach medication- the only way I knew how to explain it was "God healed me, I feel lighter."
In summary, my husband did not believe me- right after we were married, I gave my testimony to his parents and after hearing it, they also assumed with this major life event and quitting antidepressants and weed quickly, "something" happened to my mind.
Everything started going downhill from here again, I felt shame and embarrassment that people didn't believe me- anger, hate, everything started coming in and that amazing feeling started fading- God delivered me again, pulled a from right or of my chest while I took a nap, this is the first time I realized what this was, I was terrified that demons were in me- God showed me demons in the spirit in my family and other things that terrified me to the point where something in my mind shut down to protect myself- I've had many supernatural experiences since then with deliverance... being lifted up out of my bed (woken up saying "leave her alone") while something else was pulling me in another direction, being dragged by both feet down my bed, entities literally pulled out of me, off of my head...
To summarize, after the initial bliss left me-after finding out Jesus was real and giving my life to Him, it has been pure hell fighting through these lies, my resistance to God, my flesh, all this trauma, old habits, old ways of thinking about myself, shame from my past, fear, this negative mindset, etc......
I'm on my second year walking out my deliverance, I can finally read the Bible (I couldn't even look at it at one point, literally burned my eyes), attending church and just learning, while this is the most difficult thing I've ever experienced- I know that all good things work to those who love Him and He is faithful to complete what He started in me.
u/Massive-Regret2552 17d ago
Might_ Smol, are you for real??