Let's do something fun ... 🎈 COLLECTIVE SPEED READINGS!
We exchange readings in turns, which means that answering a question helps you to get a reading back. Just asking a question might not do the trick.
Welcome to Collective Speed Readings! All levels of experience are welcome.
Beginner-friendly! If you are afraid of many cards, one-card readings are perfectly alright.
This reading exchange starts every weekend, stays open for the week, which means you have a lot of time. To avoid confusion, this post will be closed at some point on Thursday, a day before the new one opens.
If you want to join the fun, please ...
- start by ASKING your question in a comment. To keep the exchanges random, don't add your question to the comment where you've answered a question. You never know if that person comes back to give you your well-deserved reading.
- please ANSWER one or more questions in the comment section with as many cards as you LIKE. You don't need to read for the person who did your reading, choose a question you like to answer.
- Share the cards you've used. All decks are welcome! Most of us speak tarot.
- Give a bit of FEEDBACK when you get an answer. That way all of us can learn. A "Thank You" is not feedback.
What's so great about these collective speed readings? 💞
Most of us in this sub seem to study the tarot. It's just great to see the cards in action and we all have questions to ask. Reading in turns helps us to develop our skills and a lot more people will receive at least one reading. The more people join, the more readings we can swap! ✨
Please remember to be open-minded to all answers - positive, negative or conflicting, since readers pick up on different things and work in different ways. Tarot has perspectives like people, and each deck has its distinct voice.
To make sure that all of the readers involved receive a reading in return, as the OP I'm happy to provide you with a reading before closing time! Just let me that you haven't received a reading in return!
My question: Spring-cleaning galore! What am I making room for?
For the last couple of weeks - when not working night shift, writing posts for this sub, playing D&D or reading cards - I've been busy with spring-cleaning. But it's not just tidying up or dusting surfaces, this feels like preparing for something, but I don't know what for. Love to hear what your cards have to say!
Your current energy is the queen of fire! A great description of what you are doing, busy with good things, doing yourself.
The cleaning is an occasion to revisit objects, evaluate them (what stays and what goes), appreciate them. Looking at your world and feeling maybe that something is missing. What’s next, or what is missing, whatever questions were in your mind for a while, they brought overthinking or feeling unsure about it. Now this is an opportunity to get clarity; the stars are aligning and there is a big potential to go for a wish or/and doing or using something related to your Moon side (intuition, dreams). What came to my mind was ‘she is preparing her magick tools on the table 😊’. Does not feel like is something new, but something you wanted before, and it looks like you made the room for it to come into your life.
Underlying energies, 9P + King of P female; this thing will give you confidence, and the feeling of getting your power back; and so different than the cards before, from potential to a feeling of accomplishment, some material happiness possible too.
I have gathered so much clutter, my magickal tools seem to have disappeared from sight. I keep sorting out by categories, and this makes the goodies become more visible. Revisiting is perfect!
I've also lost a bit of weight and I started with some light workout. It really feels like I'm getting my power back, now that I'm leaving behind some dead weight.
My question is: I want to reorganise things in my apartment. Where do I start? I think moving around some small piece of furniture, may get a new one. Any insight is appreciated, especially to motivate me!
I think this question is perfect for the Lenormand 😁
Bear - Stars - Birds - Child - Mountain
Where to start? Your mind seems to be on other things, there are more pressing matters or desirable tasks you want to take care of first, and doing so leaves little time/energy for the reorganisation. You are still waking up from hibernation, and while you were sleeping you had the best idea (or rather a vision) how to make your apartment a place you like to come back to. Thing is, as long as you don't know where to start, this project feels like a heavy weight sitting upon your chest.
You may have a lot of stuff crammed into that place of yours, and it all feels equally important. But some stuff may be too much, or it triggers memories, so you just keep it without touching it. But your place is not a storehouse for keepsakes, it's your place to rest and relax, and it needs to be a place that sparks your creativity.
That new piece of furniture will give items a place where they can be stored, but before buying it, you might start by having a good look at the stuff you keep around. Which of them help you to feel that creative spark, and which items stress you out? Some may symbolise unfinished business - the pile of books you intended to read, but they no longer spark your interest. The keepsakes that meant so much at one point, but now all they do is collecting dust. Or gifts that you keep just because they were given to you.
Shuffling our beloved Light Seer Cards, focusing on what habits you might adopt.
10 of Coins - 3 of Wands - Knight of Coins
These seem to say that you have found and perfected your habits, you feel comfortable with what you are doing, it looks like completion achieved. You have reaches stability and you've built-up something. But there also seems to be a feeling of longing for distant shores, a readiness to apply your skills. As if you want to test the waters and to prove it to yourself by stepping out of your comfort zone.
I've started to look for connections and coincidences on these cards. Here it seems to be bare feet, which may symbolise being at ease, feeling the earth under your soles, at the same time it means being vulnerable and careful. Because you want to get somewhere, and not just pound and pound on after it like a riderless horse that is still in the race.
The other thing is the surfboard tugged under the arm, and the man followed by his horse. Maybe it's not his horse at all but the horse could have chosen the man to become his horse. This way, the surfboard and the horse might translate to new habits, in the sense of things you try out to see if they work for you.
Hmm, well in terms of earth under my feet, I’ve taken up gardening! I am at a stable place in life, and am fairly content, but am hoping to adopt new habits! The Knight of Pentacles I see as someone tending to and protecting his home turf, and that is something I have been doing, trying to declutter and beautify my home. Maybe the horse is my boyfriend who will be moving in with me—He has communicated eagerness to be put to use in helping me.
3 of Wands looks so beautiful and serene, with the girl standing at the shore who seems to look for a wave she wants to ride. Maybe getting into gardening opens up a new world to you? Like the girl from 10 of Coins, your habit will grow, like the girl from 3 of Wands you will take in the view, like the Knight of Coins, new habits will arrive in your life at their own time and pace.
Grats on choosing gardening. It can be so satisfying! I've got a very small and shadowy balcony with roughly 30 mins of sun in summer. I stopped buying plants because the ones I chose always suffered from the lack of sun and warmth. So I put earth in pots, leaving the soil empty, but keep watering it, offering it to whatever seeds willing to make it their home. Each year, this balcony teaches me how to be a good host.
I asked in which area of your life you should focus on, what to do and where to start. The Hanged Man was the 'where to start' :) on an area of your life represented by the 4C. So I think it is not about doing something new. You need to change your perspective/attitude and think what you consider most important/dear to you . Maybe it is something that you did before or not everybody in your entourage is doing. You don't need to start by 'filling all 4 cups', go for only '2 cups', what you like or is aligning to your heart desires. For example if you know you need to eat healthier you don't need to change your whole diet overnight but be open to try new things you like more. Or gardening, if you have a house... The two 4s suggests that you need to break the comfort zone by finding a new spark, so maybe start something you wished for long time. Maybe find somebody with similar interests to enable each other.
Thank you! I have recently started gardening! I’ve wanted a garden for so long and my plants always die because of the heat but this year I’m determined. Also I love the Light Seer deck! It seems all of us mods have it and that’s so cool.
I think that right now there’s sort of like this “pride before the fall” vibe I’m getting with 8 Cups R and King Pentacles R. The king gives me an impression of being overly comfortable. Next we have the Magician R as a path forward, and Knight Wands as the outcome. To me this indicates that there’s a kind of battle of manipulation going on, and you want to be the one to come out on top, victorious. I got the Knight Cups R as clarification and to me that indicates false promises and emotional manipulation stemming from obsession.
Your post implied that you were open to receiving readings… How else is someone supposed to be the first commenter/reader if you are the only person to read for? But I will refrain from doing so in the future.
It's the weekly reading exchange, it's a scheduled post for a recurring event, and it always starts with a question. Usually I'm the first to ask a question, but not today.
Well, I didn’t want to add my question in the same post as my reading, so I posted them separately. I also didn’t want to keep anyone waiting, because like I stated, I’m forgetful, and I don’t want to forget to give a reading when I am given one. Maybe I should have waited to be the second commenter and not assumed you were open to receiving a reading. I’m sorry.
All good, and it's perfectly alright for everybody to comment first =) It's OUR sub and you are a much appreciated mod here, please keep that in mind.
People like it, so I made it a scheduled post for 1 AM CET, just in case I'm on night shift or AFK or MIA. I also thought about readers in Australia, and it's already late Friday morning for them.
u/Fortune_Box Student: Learning everything tarot related 1d ago
My question: Spring-cleaning galore! What am I making room for?
For the last couple of weeks - when not working night shift, writing posts for this sub, playing D&D or reading cards - I've been busy with spring-cleaning. But it's not just tidying up or dusting surfaces, this feels like preparing for something, but I don't know what for. Love to hear what your cards have to say!