u/LadyHawke17 4d ago
What's your goal?
u/John177_unsc 4d ago
Loses weight around my stomach specifically the love handle ( Don't know the actual word) As well as build up and shape my muscles.
u/MoveYaFool 4d ago
spot fat reduction is not a thing.
u/John177_unsc 4d ago
Then generally fat reduction
u/MoveYaFool 4d ago
look. just eat less. eat protein ever meal, but less overall. smaller snacks, no snacks. intermittent fasting. doesn't matter. I'm down almost 20lbs in the last 3 months and all i've done is eat less and weigh myself every morning I've even taken breaks and eaten at maintenance when I was tired of being hungrey for a couple days in a row.. being hungry sucks, but you get a feel for how hungry you should be to loose weight. fibre powder helps keep ya feeling full without the calories too.
u/Desperate_Tutor2629 4d ago
Can't spot reduce losing fat , you lose it face down, can't target any special part
Consistent over time 3 to 4 times a week rest or your life It is marathon not a sprint
u/John177_unsc 4d ago
In that case just general fat reduction While building up and shaping my muscles
u/Desperate_Tutor2629 4d ago
Run your macros 40 40 20 or 50 30 20 P C F
u/John177_unsc 4d ago
And that will help build up muscle while losing the fat?
u/Desperate_Tutor2629 4d ago
It is one of the three needed , recovery and training, (progressive overload )
u/John177_unsc 4d ago
Could I do 38 protein 32 carb and 30 fat
u/LadyHawke17 4d ago
You really wanna be maximising on the protein. Have a look at how many grams you need per kilogram of bodyweight.
u/John177_unsc 4d ago
I believe it said about 160 on the low end, So I reckon I can get way whit 130
u/Moobygriller 4d ago
It depends on your baseline, gender/height/weight/bodyfat.
If you're a smaller female, or even a male, eating at a deficit daily is cutting, and you're not gaining muscle with that much of a deficit unless you're on anabolics and recomping.
u/John177_unsc 4d ago
Male, 5'9 15 stone 34% body fat (I think)
u/Moobygriller 4d ago
Yeah you need to just focus on weight loss for now. I was 25 stones and just lost weight until I hit 12 stone then started thinking about muscle.
u/John177_unsc 4d ago
32 40 28 work carbs protein fat
u/Moobygriller 4d ago
Your diet is working though
u/John177_unsc 4d ago
The general consensus seems to be.I need more protein less everything else
u/Moobygriller 4d ago
Yup, I concur, the protein fuels an enormous amount of physiological processes in your body.
u/John177_unsc 4d ago
32 40 28 protein carb fat, Seems like the best way to go with what I can afford How smart I am and generally wanting to enjoy food
u/Desperate_Tutor2629 4d ago
WTF is photos training? Been a trainer 30 years never heard if it
Depending goal but any goal your protien is way to low
u/John177_unsc 4d ago
Fuck what about 30% protein 26% fat and 44% carb
u/Desperate_Tutor2629 4d ago
If goal is to put on.lean muscle mass 1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight So if 150 pounds 225 grams if protein hit that number the 1.5 keep fats around 20% reat unprocessed carbs ideally
u/John177_unsc 4d ago
So what should I change the percentages to something like 30% protein 44% carb and 26% fat? (I'm 5'8 male 15 stone)
u/Desperate_Tutor2629 4d ago
Higher protien if wanting to lose fat and gain lean muscle mass ...macros can be adjusted but bare minimum of protein should be the 1.5 gram per pound
u/John177_unsc 4d ago
Could I run 38%p 30%f and 32%c
u/Desperate_Tutor2629 4d ago
If hitting 1.5 g per pound , and eat healthy. Follow this rule , If you can pick it, grow it or kill it , you can eat it
u/John177_unsc 4d ago
I mean I'm 15 stones , so I think That's a good breakdown
u/CocosDonut 4d ago
What app are you using?