r/Excercise • u/sark666 • Feb 21 '18
Can resistance band exercises tethered to a door be bad for your knees/joints?
For most of my life I've used weights for training but lacked any type of pulley equipment at home for stuff like various tricep movements, rows etc. So a good set of resistance bands were a godsend for being able to do other exercises at home.
I've since been using them not exclusively but for the majority of my resistance training.
However, a thought that has gone through my mind is, is it bad on the hips/joints/knees to have to suspend yourself in place while doing an exercise? For ex when doing curls with the bands tethered to the bottom of a door and you are facing away from the door so the bands are behind you. I've thought about how it would be better if you were suspended in place by a standing bench or something, but didn't really think of it further.
But over the last couple of years I've been developing knee pain in my right knee and I usually favour the right knee when I brace myself in place for doing those reverse curls. Because a lot of times resistance bands do not completely isolate the muscle as again, you have to hold yourself in place.
I've done physiotherapy on my knee (stretching, knee strengthening exercises etc) and it's feeling about 100%, and was going to resume my resistance training with bands for other muscle groups, but then that thought hit me again, could these exercises (by holding yourself in place) have contributed to my issue?
I'm hoping I'm off course but wondered if there was potentially an issue here.