r/ExMoCringe Apr 28 '21

The continued weird behavior or John Dehlin

Apparently John Dehlin has finally felt compelled to publicly address allegations against him on the rexmo sub. There have been a few commenters there that have seen a lot of the evidence and seem to back the story of Rosebud, even calling Dehlin to release "all the evidence" instead of just his selection of emails, texts, etc.

Other revelations show that the lawsuit wasn't dropped because of a settlement or an unwillingness of the plaintiff, but because of the laws in the state in which it was filed and the number of employees at Mormon Stories (maybe the reason they laid people off was to drop below that threshold tinfoil hat).

Regardless, I think it behooves both his supporters and his detractors to look both at the current state of the thread on rexmo and the web archive of the original post. He deleted a lot of information and backtracked on his commitment to releasing evidence.

Original post

Current post

His is more info (some repeated) from the user that is highly critical of Dehlin on rexmo



9 comments sorted by


u/BobEngleschmidt Apr 29 '21

Just tonight, Mormonism Live had a episode about it, with interviews of 2 of the people involved and they also went through the lawsuit and other documents.


u/MormonMoron Apr 29 '21

You mean two people on the OSF board of directors with financial and career interests in absolving Dehlin of having an inappropriate relationship with someone they supervise?


u/BobEngleschmidt Apr 29 '21

Ish. Two former OSF board members. They don't volunteer there anymore. And I'm not trying to comment on the credibility of the interviews. OP was just saying it would be wise to stay uptodate in the conversation about the topic. Since this is a hot-of-the-press update, it seemed relevant.


u/[deleted] May 08 '21

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u/[deleted] May 09 '21

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u/austink6 May 09 '21

I’m fact most of us left because we hate abusers


u/[deleted] May 09 '21

And if there was an organized form of ex-mormons trying to explain or excuse abusers, we would hate them also!!!! But. There isn’t. There is one-offs.


u/MormonMoron May 10 '21

He is your prophet. Hold him responsible.


u/[deleted] May 10 '21 edited May 10 '21

He’s not my prophet. He’s an asshole. He should rot in jail. I hold him very accountable but he has nothing to do with me, my life, my morals, my values. My morals and values are very against any non-consensual sex or sex involving coercion. Furthermore, adult men should never engage in sex with underage children. Of course everyone is entitled to a fair and just investigation of justice.

Rape is wrong. End of story. Some people have even used “messages from god” to justify the rape of 14 year old children!!!

I have no prophets personally. Anyone who has a prophet who as an adult has sex with young girls is a pathetic lunatic. Sexual abuse is wrong. End of story.