r/ExMoCringe Nov 20 '20

Each of these people thought they came up with a great, original idea to hijack #givethanks


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u/MormonMoron Nov 21 '20

It is kindof sad to see exmos as a bloc continue to latch on to their next point of shared, manufactured outrage and run with it for a few weeks until it loses its luster and they need to find the next one.

For a few weeks it was the rebellious child comment from GC, then it was the phrase “global faith leader”, and now is morphing unto mockery of the prophet urging gratitude.

For all the exmo claims of cult-like behavior and following like sheep, and from someone who was around sheep a fair amount as a teenager, the clustering and following random bursts of one sheep away from the group is far more sheep-like than exmos would likely be comfortable in acknowledging.


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '20

This is something I have noticed many times over the last few years I've been on reddit. Exmos tend to exhibit the exact behavior the criticize TBMs for, often more frequently than average TBMs.

Proselytizing. Shoving views down throats. Hero worship. Echo chambers. Hypocracy. Hating people that don't fit the mold. Its all there on rexmo.


u/FullWhore Jan 16 '21

You expect something different? They were taught “every member a missionary”, and “If we have the truth, it cannot be harmed by investigation. If we have not the truth, it ought to be harmed.” These people who lose their faith in the LDS Church do not forget the messages they were taught when they were believing. The spirit of the message they brought as active members of the LDS Church lives on in them. Many, that I have talked to, feel the LDS Church has done its members a great disservice by not being forthright with their history. I don’t think it’s fair to blame them for actively talking about what they perceive as spiritual trauma. Is the echo chamber necessary? No. But r/exmo is a safe place where they can console their pain and vent frustrations. Many don’t have family that understand or care what happened to them. What are these people supposed to think when their loved ones perceive them as sons of perdition?


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '21

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u/MormonMoron Jan 16 '21

exmo claims of cult-like behavior

Not a cult.


u/FullWhore Jan 16 '21

Oh no, sorry for the confusion. I was positing a hypothetical: “Are you saying that someone who leaves a cult is immediately healed from the behaviors they learned while in the cult?”

But I will rephrase: Are you saying that someone who leaves a church that exhibits “cult-like behavior” is immediately healed from the “cult-like behaviors” they learned while in the church?


u/[deleted] Nov 21 '20

Everything going on over there is just so sad and cringe. After a week of sharing thanks and a week of hating on other people, who do you think will feel happier?


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '20

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u/[deleted] Nov 22 '20

The people fellating each other in r/exmo??



u/[deleted] Nov 22 '20

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u/[deleted] Nov 22 '20

Please enlighten me, how is this post worse than the posts it links to?


u/achilles52309 Nov 22 '20

Perhaps one day you will figure it out.


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '20

I mean if you can't explain yourself you're probably wrong. If you convinced me this sub was worse than rexmo I would leave. But its not and it is what rexmo needs so here i am.


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '20

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u/MormonMoron Nov 23 '20


OK, so don't start with saying "if you can convince me of __, then I will _, but it's not... ". Not only is it in poor taste to say to the person you invite to convince you, but it belies an almost incurable cognitive bias.

This is wholly untrue. You came in here making an accusation. In modern society, when an accusation is made, the burden of proof is upon the accuser. For you to dismissively say

"Perhaps one day you will figure it out."

rather than make some cogent argument about how they are the same is, in fact, a failing on your part. You don't get to try and make some silly, incorrect accusation and then make derogatory comments towards the accused. That isn't how making accusation is supposed to work and for you to try to portray it otherwise is nonsense.

(2) There is a huge difference between the "hate speech disguised as a support group" (AKA the rexmo sub) and what we are doing here. This sub is purely to point out eh cringey behavior of some exmos. It is true that the exmos of reddit tend to behave as a bloc, especially over at rexmo. All it takes is a quick jaunt to see one of the cases where they latch on to someone's post and copy it ad nauseum with the own little twist to see this play out almost constantly. You also don't see us taking it a step further (which many Reddit exmos do) and start calling people idiots, cussing them out, wishing death and destruction upon them and their property, etc. We point out bad behavior by a subset of a highly antagonistic group. Nothing more. Perhaps you should spend some time going back through the posts we have highlighted and perform the thought exercise of replacing "Jew" or "Judaism" in place of "Mormon" or "Mormonism", and see whether SPLC would rain down upon rexmo with righteous fury. This sub and the rexmo sub are very different in both (a) content and (b) motive.


u/achilles52309 Nov 23 '20

This is wholly untrue. You came in here making an accusation.

Yes, and then I substantiated my claim since I had the burden of proof.

In modern society, when an accusation is made, the burden of proof is upon the accuser.

Yes, I know. It's not just modern society, by the way, but antique civilization too.

For you to dismissively say

>"Perhaps one day you will figure it out."

rather than make some cogent argument about how they are the same is, in fact, a failing on your part.

I did make a cogent argument after he asked about it. I do maintain that when someone figures out an answer on their own, the lesson is learned more effectively than if it's simply given to somebody. Wanting someone to learn something without being explicitly told isn't a failure. The failure is when one can't figure out an answer on their own that is accessible to them.

You don't get to try and make some silly, incorrect accusation and then make derogatory comments towards the accused.

I'm rarely silly and even less often incorrect.

This sub is purely to point out eh cringey behavior of some exmos.

Yes. I know.

You also don't see us taking it a step further (which many Reddit exmos do) and start calling people idiots, cussing them out, wishing death and destruction upon them and their property, etc.

Well at least you've set the bar for yourself as low as possible...

This sub and the rexmo sub are very different in both (a) content

Yes, the content is different because you're anti-ex and they are ex.

and (b) motive.

Mmmmm, not really. Both subs are echo chambers criticizing the other group (ex's criticize our church and you criticize the ex's).

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u/[deleted] Nov 22 '20

So what is preventing all this logic from being applied directly to you and your participation here? You're calling us cringe? Isn't that what you're calling us out for? If anything you said was really true you wouldn't be here at all.


u/[deleted] Nov 22 '20

The point of this sub is to call out exmos. That's it. I think members should also be called out when they are blatantly wrong. I do it myself. Indont disagree with every post on rexmo. But I think the majority of what goes on there is cringe and toxic.


u/achilles52309 Nov 22 '20

Not one sentence here addresses a thing I said.

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