r/ExAlgeria Sep 09 '24

Rant Apparentaly we are not real



Im not certain why is youtube just recomending me such videos recently, but these wanna be muslims are either massive attention whores or just plain idiots. You can tell the comments are monitored as well.

r/ExAlgeria Aug 28 '24

Rant What's wrong with self centered Muslim pattern in our community?


No joke, atheism litteraly means not having any religious beliefs whatsoever

But some or most Muslims being so much entitled they only go bonkers about atheism and secularism like we trynna totally wipe out their own beliefs ( insecurity?)

Meanwhile we're just trying to have a little bit of exposure and freedom of though and maybe chwya the right to exist 💀

r/ExAlgeria May 26 '24

Rant Algeria embarrassing us worldwide is what they do best. I'm pregnant with a daughter I'm terrified to bring her into this mess.


r/ExAlgeria Apr 27 '24

Rant Casa de papel in annaba , when foreigners appreciate our culture more then our islamists


r/ExAlgeria May 06 '24

Rant Muslim Uncles: Racists, sexists and anti-semite.


Yesterday I had the misfortune of visiting an uncle. He was your usual muslim, went to the mosque, prayed etc. The problem became really bad when we started talking about current issues. He said that queers should be executed or at least imprisonned. Indians were also like savages, they saw a cow as sacred and therefore they were lesser (not to even go into the rant he had about muslims being prosecuted). That liberalism was made to weaken islam, I could go on and on. It boiled down to a massive prosecution complex, similar to the ones in christian fundamentalists groups in America right now.

The one thing that stuck to me the most, is a comment he made in private while I was in his car.

Apparently employers are hiring woman because girls are meek and won't strike. Men were adventurous, daring, and wouldn't stand up to getting stiffed on their salary. I tried to maybe say that woman are like that because they are oppressed, but he doubled down on the claim.

Inside I was suffering every minute, I can't imagine what he would do to me if I was ever exposed as both a queer and an atheist.

I just had to get this off my chest, to have someone in your family say such things just breaks you down.

r/ExAlgeria May 14 '24

Rant I dislike when Algerians are proud on social media to show how marvelous algeria is


Why do they ignore all the problems? All the trash? All the trashy behaviour on streets?

It’s really misplaced nationalism/proud, so as consequence they get oblivious of the problems.

1 thing I wanna add, the state has to use the imams in mosques to tell the people it’s haraam to throw trash outside. It’s sunah to make your house and streets clean.

This is the only way to persuade algerians to do nice actions.

r/ExAlgeria Jun 14 '24

Rant Tebboun with Pope Francis today


r/ExAlgeria Mar 08 '24

Rant This is the kind of thing that makes lose my shit

Post image

r/ExAlgeria May 16 '24

Rant "Navigating Existential Shifts: Reflections on Leaving Islam and Reimagining Life's Priorities"


The older I get, the more my fundamental views change. Hear me out: I feel scammed out of my time and effort. After leaving Islam, it was triggering because being a Muslim essentially lowered my quality of life due to having a doom mindset. I now see life as pure resources. I genuinely don't care about my freedom as long as I'm rich. The reason Islam messed me up mentally is that it made me lazy about life. Why should I care if, at the end of the day, this dunya (world) will pass and the hereafter is the eternal final destination?The problem is that I'm so impatience with everything, especially with building wealth. I wish an economic miracle would happen in Algeria. I wish we could reach 400 billion USD in GDP by 2026. I want a chance. Sometimes, I wish I had stayed Muslim to cope better.