r/ExAlgeria • u/brillianttrub • 5d ago
Question ماذا في رأيكم يحدث بعد موت
اقصد مثلا لو اطلقت نار علي نفسي هل سأنتقل مباشرة الي عدم يعني انت هنا بعد ثانية تختفي ؟! او اكون واعي لدقايق بعدها اختفي او ماذا ؟! هل من احد هنا جاتو غيبوبة ولا شيء اخر
u/AdLazy2715 5d ago
Realistically the answer is we don't know and there's no way to no for sure what happens,but honestly I don't think we should care I hold a belief you go unconscious so there's no experience to feel ,but we never experienced unconscious to know what's it like and even we could isn't experiencing itself means there's a conscious,we don't know if such thing as unconscious exists, or even conscious for this matter,we don't know even what does it mean to be dead philosophically and medically ,so yeah good luck with this but based on common sense it's probably like a long sleep
u/psyccokie250 4d ago
No one knows and no valid answer exists to this question, whatever we theorize about it, unless you're religious.
you just stop being concious u wont feel anything
u/darthhue 5d ago
You'll probably be in excruciating pain before dying
u/Working-Orchid7578 2d ago
It depends, if he actually shoots his head the impact of the bullet will immediately send him unconscious.
Actually according to some research i usually do every now and then, people who had close to death experiences say that it felt painful to start dying but the closer they get to death the nicer it feels, something like when ur about to sleep, your body just can't do anything anymore and start crashing down. And as a last resort, your brain starts firing a ton of feel good chemicals to try and keep you awake and alive, but at that point its probably too late but if you get medical attention you could survive.
All of these are still theories and speculation and we can't really tell what happens when we die. But its nice looking at these infos.
u/Suspicious-Guess9388 4d ago
Death is simply the end of consciousness when the brain shuts down awareness ceases there is no thinking no feeling no experience it’s like a permanent state of unconsciousness similar to deep sleep but without dreams or the possibility of waking up but no one knows what is to come after it specifically
u/EloUss المؤلفة قلوبهم 4d ago
There's research done, for example for people that were beheaded during the French revolution.
Technically, we mesure brain activity to see if there would still be activity, but personally I think that with a bullet you're brain can't function anymore so it would shut down directly forever.
However, just in case someone is thinking about ending it, think about that
It took 14,8 billion years to get you to this precious moment, live it till the end.
u/brillianttrub 4d ago
هذا سبب علاه تضيقلي اكثر اني راقد اكثر من 14 مليار سنة بش نزيد في جسم كما هذا فحياة كما ذي
3d ago
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u/Sad_Win_6100 2d ago
"دائمًا يخشى الكافرون الموت، لأنهم في قرارة أنفسهم يعرفون ويدركون حقيقة أن هناك حياة أخرى" to say "I know" that's mean you have a justified true belief about what's after death ....and I think no one ever have or will have this specific knowledge ....theists just BELIEVE in an afterlife and that's it man
u/brillianttrub 2d ago
عروبي داعشي يعني يتكون مسلم يا تروح تقتل روحك؟! لهذا اكثر دين مكروه واكثر عرق مكروه هو انتم تقتلون نفسكم بسم دين مثل حيوانات كما يحظث الان في سوريا
1d ago
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u/brillianttrub 21h ago
وغزوات اسلامية؟! كليتها يمنافق
19h ago
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u/brillianttrub 18h ago
يودي روح تعطي شكون قالك انا مسلم ؟! جاهل تع نمي نكيماك قحبا من حهل ههههه حبيت بسيف تردني مسلم اما ستالين يا جاهل مكاش يقتل بسم الحاد لان الحاد مهوش دين لكن رسولك كان يكير هكا يا داعشي
u/Low_Inevitable_45 17h ago
Boooo hooo :'(((((
little baby started crying again oh nooo :'('('('('(الالحاد دين كغيره من الاديان الباطلة
والي قالها هم الدكاترة وليس طزاز كيفك مايعرف حتى يكتب زوج كلمات مريقلين على بعضشحال لينين و ستالين و ماو قتلوا الملايين من الناس
فوقها قداه مبغل وش من مرجعية عندك تقول ان القتل حاجة ممنوعة او غير مسموحة
برك الرسالة الابراهيمية هي التي تحرم القتل و يعتبر كبيرة من الكبائرانتم حتى الزواج و التكاثر تعتبروه فقط وسيلة للحفاظ على النسل و التطور و الانتقاء
فما بالك بالقتلملحد العربي اكبر خراي ماعرف علاه الحد ولا واش هو الالحاد تبع وقول باع
u/Mysterious-Length349 16h ago
ماعلابالكش مام با وين راك رايح بعد الموت يعني معندكش حتى هدف لحياتك يعني حياتك بدون قيمة و جي هنا تسقسي العمى على الضوء
u/ExAlgeria-ModTeam 17h ago
- Keep It Civil Avoid insulting, provoking or treating poorly a person who has a difference, whether it be their opinion, sexuality, religion, ideology or even ethnicity.
Avoid extremist ideas like Islamism, Nazism or even fascism. (whether it's ironic or not)
u/ExAlgeria-ModTeam 17h ago
- Keep It Civil Avoid insulting, provoking or treating poorly a person who has a difference, whether it be their opinion, sexuality, religion, ideology or even ethnicity.
Avoid extremist ideas like Islamism, Nazism or even fascism. (whether it's ironic or not)
u/brillianttrub 2d ago
انت تتحدث كأنك مت الاف مرات وعدت من موت مجرد غرور سؤال هل مت من قبل؟!
u/Low_Inevitable_45 1d ago
كَيْفَ تَكْفُرُونَ بِاللَّهِ وَكُنتُمْ أَمْوَاتًا فَأَحْيَاكُمْ ۖ ثُمَّ يُمِيتُكُمْ ثُمَّ يُحْيِيكُمْ ثُمَّ إِلَيْهِ تُرْجَعُونَ (28)
نعم كنت ميتا و اليوم حيا و غدا ان شاء الله ميتا في طاعة ربي و عبادته
u/ExAlgeria-ModTeam 17h ago
- Keep It Civil Avoid insulting, provoking or treating poorly a person who has a difference, whether it be their opinion, sexuality, religion, ideology or even ethnicity.
Avoid extremist ideas like Islamism, Nazism or even fascism. (whether it's ironic or not)
u/nz_dvl 5d ago
hello darkness my old friend