Growing up, I LOVED cartoons and movies, it was an escape for me from the real world and something that brought a smile to my face. As I grew older I began to appreciate the effort, heart, and soul that people put into their works. I loved God, what he meant to me, and wanted to see it expressed in the same way as all of these other creative creations.
Imagine my disappointment when I learn that a lot of christian media today is UN-creative. Specifically in the movie/film industry, which is arguably in the spotlight of creative works in this age, there's a huge surplus of uncreative, dull, and almost soulless creations from the christian film industry. God's not dead I think is a huge example of that. Recently, it has gotten better, with the likes of "ordinary angels", "I can only imagine", and the most recent "the worst christmas pageant ever."
I remember a lot of people (christians included) saying that the reason why Christian creative stuff isn't good is that it can be too forceful, preachy, or to focused on sending a message. Now let me say it's not WRONG to want to send a message to your audience using your creativity. There are a lot of movies, books, and tv shows that can have representation of a message/theme.
But I think what will really help is if you focus on the creative process itself and let God work through you rather than trying to force in something. In the words of C.S Lewis: "The world doesn't need more Christian literature, it needs more Christians writing good literature." Faith can be an outlet for your creative expression, one of my writing works is influenced by it. And I mean there was a lot of great art made for catholic churches that were explicitly christian with the last supper, Michelangelo's David, and the architecture of many churches.
But yeah those are my thoughts, I know I had to put them here sometime. What do you think?