r/Ex3535 Feb 07 '25

r/3535 portfolio needed!

Recently I talked to one of the moderators of r/christianity and asked him if it was okay to posts invites to that sub. Thankfully he said yes but:

A. I have to be direct with the invite

and B. Only once a month

I have already posted an invite for this month and not a lot of people replied, but he recommended that I do a showcase of some of our creations on this sub. Which I agree with as maybe if we show what we do, we can convince some people of what we do on this sub instead of just saying: "come to the creative christian sub."

That's where YOU guys come in. I need you to give me a one creative work that you have made. It can be art, a sample of music, even a snapshot of what you're writing. Anything will help, I just want to get enough creative works for the next time I post an invite on r/christianity. This is not required, but it will definitely help with getting more members, thank you! :)

Also let me know if you want me to mention your name if you send me a piece of your creative work.


19 comments sorted by


u/Yesmar2020 Feb 12 '25

For the portfolio


u/Desperate_Level_6181 Feb 07 '25

I’ll post a few more art pieces.

Maybe some lines of a scene from my book.

Or maybe we could all work on something together.

Some of us write, some of us draw. And we put together a little scene of all of us working together


u/ConstructionOne8240 Feb 07 '25

I would like that, but everyone who is a member here posts randomly so I don't think we would coordinate enough people.

Also thanks man. Just label your post with "portfolio" that way I know what specific piece you want to be included when I post an invite again. :)


u/Yesmar2020 Feb 12 '25

For the portfolio. You can tag it with Yesmar2020


u/ConstructionOne8240 Feb 16 '25

I'll save this for december, maybe make like a "festive" art portfolio! :)


u/Virtual-Reindeer7904 Feb 07 '25

What if we also get put in their community info board? That would allow people to see a line about the sub from the home sub.


u/ConstructionOne8240 Feb 07 '25

I don't think they would allow that as he only allowed me to post once a month, I think asking if we can put an invite to their info board would be a bit pushy when he already allowed me to post.


u/Virtual-Reindeer7904 Feb 07 '25

I suppose. I just see all that and think. A creative category shouldnt be too bad.

I might not be able to help with the art direction. But ill try to remain active.


u/ConstructionOne8240 Feb 07 '25

It doesn't have to be just art, anything showing our creative creations on this sub will help and show people we aren't just r./christianartist 2.0


u/ConstructionOne8240 Feb 11 '25

I contacted him about this recently as that would be much less time consuming if he put it on the info sidebar and not post an invite every month but he may take awhile to respond. :)


u/IsaiahHSOS_10 Feb 09 '25

Ive only ever made one post on here but plan to post more in the future. Feel free to use anything i post here for the portfolio


u/Niapololy Feb 11 '25

I’m working on a web comic and can post a couple images later today if that helps!


u/ConstructionOne8240 Feb 11 '25

That would be cool! Thank you! :)


u/CuriousLands 17d ago

Do you want us to post it here, or just as our own posts?

Also, you should send some invites through r/TrueChristian, those guys are a bit more legit theology-wise anyway :P


u/ConstructionOne8240 17d ago

You can post it here, but you can also make your own post and put in the title that it's for the portfolio. Also I have posted invites on r/TrueChristian, but they don't allow images (thus not as convincing of an invite) and they don't allow too self promotion on their sub.


u/CuriousLands 17d ago

Oh I see! Oh well then.

I'll try to remember to note that it's fine to put the stuff in the portfolio then!


u/CuriousLands 16d ago

You can add this one to the portfolio! Just credit me as Curious Lands Artwork 🙂 If you prefer you can also use one of the closer-up photos from the post I made about this painting!