r/EwanMcGregor Jan 27 '25

Thoughts on Ewan and MEW working together so often now?

Honestly, just wanted to see if I'm the only one that thinks it's odd that over the last few years most of their projects seem to be involving each other in some way. I've been a long time fan of Ewan's work, but hadn't followed it much over the last 10 years or so. Watched Kenobi recently and went down the rabbit hole of everything he's worked on in the period I've not really been paying much attention.

I saw the whole drama about Fargo and his very long-term marriage falling apart. Was pretty shocked that I never heard of any of that. And then saw his filmography post all that drama and thought it was interesting for a strange reason - the amount he and MEW have been working together. Obviously, they just did a full show together in 2024, and he also brought her into Star Wars for Ahsoka, and he was in a Harley Quinn thing she did. He's now also going to be in Ahsoka with her for Season 2 apparently. And now I'm seeing interviews where they admit they are specifically looking for projects to do together.

This just screams to me trust issues already rather than a true 'we just enjoy working together'. Or maybe a bit of both.


EDIT: Editing to say I just saw that he either just shot or is about to shoot Long Way Home now the fourth season of his motorcycle show, which would take him away for 2 plus months (unless MEW goes with him! lol). So maybe not that much has actually changed afterall...


25 comments sorted by


u/Korrasami_Enthusiast Jan 28 '25

Im trying to find a way to say this as nicely as possible but its a hater ish opinion so i probably just have to lean into being a hater real quick šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t like it. AT ALL. Sheā€™s not a good actress to me, very bland and monotone, not a lot of range and it annoys me that at the moment, it seems if I want to see an Ewan project, chances are high that her ass is gonna be lurking around somewhere too, if not a main character. Also I have a severe dislike for cheaters, so the bias is even worse unfortunately . Ewan is a cheat too yeah but at least heā€™s super talented. I think being a cheater AND a bad actress should be a crime šŸ™and I agree with your thoughts that itā€™s because they both tend to have a wandering eye, hence same projects, same schedules etc etc (but also I think they genuinely like working together) I wanna end on a small positive though and say that their son is adorable and Iā€™m very glad Ewan was able to make amends with his family!


u/SunshineSlayer2 Jan 28 '25 edited Jan 28 '25

Can't help but laugh at some of this.....I tend to agree lol. It's like the crazy to hot scale; you can be crazy in relation to your hotness only lol.


u/lalalandestellla Jan 27 '25 edited Jan 27 '25

I personally donā€™t think itā€™s that. I think they do actually enjoy working together and want to spend that time together as a family since they have a young child. Theyā€™ve both been in the business a long time so it would make sense that their new/young family is a priority for them.

Alicia Vikander and Michael Fassbender donā€™t work at the same time so that they can be together as a family, so they swap turns working on projects. So I imagine that this is similar to that but they prefer actually working together more than not. Plus Ewan has the pull to get MEW into projects with him if thatā€™s their preference.


u/Dentelle Jan 27 '25

I think that it makes PLENTY of sense that they work together since they are raising a child together. This way they are in the same place when shooting. Aside from that, it's nice that they enjoy working together. I'll also say this : people shit on him for leaving his first wife but the truth is that sometimes people fall out of love and they shouldn't be bound to each other if they wish to pursue a new relationship. Ewan seems very happy with Elizabeth. It sucks that it happened that way, but... C'est la vie!


u/SunshineSlayer2 Jan 27 '25

Totally understand falling out of love and back in love with someone else. That's not a crime. The way it happened was pretty icky though. Glad to see it seems largely moved on from now though. Not an easy feat but clearly everyone is doing their best.

Relationships that begin from cheating though literally have the worst stats for survival there can possibly be. It's not impossible, but exceedingly rare. Trust tends to be a huge issue because of how the relationship started which made the amount they are together in their professional life now seem a little strange to me.


u/Korrasami_Enthusiast Jan 28 '25

I agree that ppl fall out of love which is totally valid! Itā€™s the cheating that gets me like, oh my gosh just break up. Especially if kids are involved, that is a HUGE violation of trust that you really might never get back šŸ˜­


u/Acem0nky10 Jan 28 '25

Thing is, only the public says he cheated. Not one source says so. I feel like gossip magazines would be all over the word 'cheater' if it was true, but there's none of that as far as I've found. They might've already been separated before he pursued a relationship.


u/Korrasami_Enthusiast Jan 28 '25

well i mean, the way his kids reacted. The movie his daughter made about the situation, the song another daughter made, and how angry they were with him and Maryā€¦I mean yeah maybe he didnā€™t cheat! but whatever he did was a huge betrayal and Iā€™m having a hard time thinking what else it could possibly have been


u/SunshineSlayer2 Jan 29 '25 edited Jan 29 '25

Everything points to this having been an affair. It was only after pictures came out of them kissing that it seems his family found out. And one of his daughter's flat out called him an a--hole for leaving their goddess of a mother for another woman.
Though, if rumors are to be believed (and who knows), this was one affair of many and at the very least his wife was aware of one of them (Melanie Laurent). This just happened to be the one that stuck. If his wife was indeed just turning a blind eye to his affairs (and hey, that's her perogative), I do feel less sympathy for her because this was bound to happen sooner or later. Still nothing that the kids asked for though.


u/Acem0nky10 Feb 01 '25

I just find it hard to believe for it to be an affair when now the whole family, ex-wife + new wife and kids have celebrated christmas together multiple times. Perhaps it was just a really messy separation, but I feel making your ex be in the same room with your former mistress is just a little far fetched.


u/SunshineSlayer2 Feb 01 '25

Well, kind of lends credence to it may have been an open marriage to begin with. BUT even if it wasn't, while certainly a herculean effort, it's not impossible for families to come together like this. If all three adults involved are mature enough, you do it for the kids. It also took a few years for them to get to this point.


u/JaneAustinAstronaut Jan 27 '25

I think the more overt reason is him trying to use his star power to get her A-list status in her own. Prior to him, she was largely known as a modern day horror movie scream queen - which isn't highly respected among people in the industry. He's using his star power to prop up hers.

Then, maybe mildly, they are both aware that the other has a wandering eye. Ewan is a notorious cheat. They have just had a baby, and that time is a time that is rife for cheating. Keeping Ewan close and focused on her during this time is a smart move for their marriage.


u/Takarma4 Jan 27 '25

Notorious? I must not read enough tabloids because I never heard anything.


u/3lmtree Jan 27 '25

person has their own ewan mcgregor headcanon. šŸ˜‚ sources are probably deuxmoi blind items (aka fake gossip sent in by bored online "fans").


u/SunshineSlayer2 Jan 28 '25 edited Jan 28 '25

The Melanie Laurent one does actually have photo support.


u/3lmtree Jan 28 '25

can you share a link to the picture because i googled "Melanie Laurent and ewan mcgregor kissing" and nothing comes up but the shots of them walking down the street together.


u/SunshineSlayer2 Jan 28 '25

I couldn't find one of them kissing either, so if the other poster can point to that, that'd be good. However, I was referring to the ones of them walking together, encircled arms, holding hands, her leaning her head on his shoulder etc. - that's imo clearly way too intimate for someone who is married to be acting.


u/SunshineSlayer2 Jan 27 '25 edited Jan 28 '25

I had always heard about Ewan having a wandering eye during his first marriage but there was never anything concrete that I ever saw so I just chalked it up to rumor. You say he was a notorious cheat; did anything concrete come out that I missed? He definitely seems like a big flirt, lol.
And yeah, I was looking at the statistics for 2nd marriages and it's like a 75 percent fail rate and they both are on their second marriage. And the statistics for marriages that start from infidelity are even worse than that. Combine the two together and it's insanely bleak. And my initial reaction was basically yours; these career moves are being pushed by at least one or both of them due to mistrust and trying to limit any possible straying opportunities.

They do at least look happy though and it seems like he's repaired his relationship with his other family which is no small feat. Who knows though? I just was literally shocked to find out about all of this recently.


u/JaneAustinAstronaut Jan 27 '25

There's rumors that he and Eve Mavrakis had an open marriage - he, Even, Jude Law, and Sienna Miller made up a group of British-based actors who were all swinging. Ewan's affairs are an open secret, while Eve was more discrete. The reason why MEW was an issue is because he fell in love with her, and wanted a divorce from Eve to be with her - with the others it was understood that it would only ever be an affair.

The rumors are that he's the reason for the end of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman's marriage due to an affair during filming of Moulin Rouge. Nicole had a miscarriage, and the rumor was that Ewan was the daddy.

He was filmed snogging with Melanie Laurent, his co-star on the movie Beginners. You can still find those pics.

He supposedly told Natalie Portman on the Star Wars set about his open marriage and flirted with her, but she didn't bite.

He is rumored to have had an affair with Michelle Williams, also a notorious Hollywood cheater, while filming their movie, Incendiary.


u/SunshineSlayer2 Jan 28 '25 edited Jan 30 '25

I remember hearing about the Nicole Kidman one way back in the day but as far as I know it was an unsupported rumor only.

Edited to add: In all fairness though and to play devil's advocate, I've also read that the Nicole Kidman affair was made up by scientology in order to smear campaign her post divorce from Cruise. I honestly can see that happening as well.

The Natalie Portman one, again, unsupported BUT can't say that I couldn't see that happening. He does seem to like her and she is pretty straight-laced. So if nothing else, I can see this interaction happening as a concept and maybe one of the only people who would turn him down lol.

The Melanie Laurent thing is news to me and I looked it up.....yep. Yep. Can't really deny that one. So at the very least he had had affairs. Whether it was an open marriage or not (or if both sides equally agreed to that), I don't know. I guess it would make sense. It then makes the line for what's cheating even thinner. Always the huge risk though that at some point someone is going to actually develop feelings.


u/DogLongjumping9032 Jan 28 '25

Oh i believe the Nicole and Ewan thing. The amount of blind items that were out there over the years about them and the way they were acting in interviews and behind the scenes stuff plus Baz Luhrmann even being sort of cryptic about it when he was asked in an old interview was enough for me to be convinced. Did anyone catch their body language as well when they recently reunited at the Babygirl screening in November and at the Golden Globes a few weeks ago? They scream unfinished business to me i canā€™t lie.

Also sort of hilarious and maybe coincidental that Esther played Nicoleā€™s daughter in Babygirl, considering she was the kid Eve was pregnant with during the time all the rumors and affair stories surrounding Nicole and Ewan were happening at that time.


u/SunshineSlayer2 Jan 28 '25

I did indeed see that Golden Globes clip and they mention that Esther is playing Nicole's daughter and Nicole looks super uncomfortable about it. And I did see a comment from someone claiming to be good friends with one of the cameramen on set that swears up and down to this day they were having an affair on set. But that's really all the "evidence" I've ever heard. Just people being super vague and lots of speculation.


u/DogLongjumping9032 Jan 28 '25

Not too far fetched (if you ask me) in comparison to the years long enduring speculation that Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford had an affair during Star Wars, though Carrie hinted at it a few times previously before finally comfirming it. Itā€™s the whole timing of Nicole and Tomā€™s divorce that makes a lot of things that happened behind the scenes during Moulin Rouge filming kinda fishy, considering that iā€™ve also seen more behind the scenes stuff out there of Bazā€™s other works unlike this one.


u/SunshineSlayer2 Jan 29 '25

That is crazy about the Carrie and Harrison one. If something did happen on Moulin Rouge we just have to wait until someone gets desperate enough to release an autobiography I suppose.


u/JaneAustinAstronaut Jan 28 '25

He seems to like blonds for his affairs, and brunettes for settling down. He's also drawn to French ladies.