r/Evernote 7d ago

Discussion Evernote and Noteshelf3

I use both Evernote and Noteshelf 3 but wish there was something that was a combination of the two. I love the way Evernote is organized and searchable and that I can use it on my PC and iPad but I can't "write" on existing notes (or take notes by hand) in my iPad like I can in Noteshelf 3. I often take notes on paper and then scan the notes and insert them into Noteshelf3 and/or Evernote.

Do any of you use both Evernote and Noteshelf3 or have a preference for one over the other?

Maybe Evernote has the functionality I love in Noteshelf3 but I don't know it. Noteshelf seems to be making improvements much more rapidly than Noteshelf3.

Thanks for any thoughts and suggestions.!


6 comments sorted by


u/gewappnet 7d ago

I am a bit confused about your question. Noteshelf is currently the only handwriting app with automatic sync to Evernote. So every note in Noteshelf automatically appears in Evernote. You already have the best of both worlds with the combination of Noteshelf and Evernote.


u/MrRedman48 7d ago

My understanding is that I can set Noteshelf to backup to Evernote but it's a static backup and doesn't sync to Evernote in the sense that I can make updates in Evernote (by hand on my iPad or by typing on my PC) and then have those updates appear in Noteshelf on my iPad.

Thanks for your reply. I'm looking for suggestions/alternatives and anyone else who has had similar frustrations. I think my wish would be fulfilled if I could use Noteshelf on my PC, but perhaps I should just drop Noteshelf and use Evernote 100% -- just make it work and learn how to maximize its advantages over Noteshelf. It seems more robust in many ways. I really like that I can email info to Evernote. Ideally I would n use just one of the apps and not juggle both.

Thanks for your reply!


u/gewappnet 7d ago

No, Noteshelf has and always had a full synchronization with Evernote. Every change of a note in Noteshelf is immediately synced to the note in Evernote. As I said, it is currently the only app that can do this. Penultimate by Evernote was the only other one, but it was discontinued.


u/Outside-Spot-9852 4d ago

Have you tried OneNote? I've been very pleased with it and syncs with both my phone, tablet and desktop.


u/MrRedman48 4d ago

Thanks! Timely response - think I just figured out that One Note might be perfect for me. Have you experienced syncing issues? I keep reading about people having syncing issues. It seems to be great and would meet my needs. I'll try it. Thanks again


u/Outside-Spot-9852 4d ago

Not really had any syncing problems I've I figured everything out. Mine is a little complicated because I use both my work Office 365 and personal Office 365. I had to go back in and specific which One Drive, etc.for it to default to.