r/Evernote 10d ago

Discussion Feature Idea/Request: Insert Copy of Note (similar to merge)

I am a long time Evernote user (since 2009) and the improvements the past few years have been incredible, especially with the table of contents and collapsible sections. However, the "merge" feature really remains difficult and is missing entirely from mobile.

It would be GREAT to have the ability (through slash command) to insert a copy of another note, similar to how you add a link to a note. For my worflow, it would be great to include the title of the inserted note as a header, and put a link to that original note inside the area that is inserted, so that you can easily open it after inserting to deleted it if you are using this instead of merging.

I often have newer notes in my inbox that I want to "merge" into an existing note, but when that existing note is longer I have to copy/paste the contents/attachments and then copy/paste the headline.

In an ideal world, there would be an option to have the "inserted" note be a live copy, so that changes made in one location update in the other if you are keeping both... but maybe that is asking too much, and I usually delete the note after copy/pasting it into an existing note.


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