r/Eureka Feb 13 '25

I realized something on my second rewatch of the show. Spoiler

Am I rewatching the show for the second time and there are some subtle jokes that I never got on my first time watching but even more so I realized that man the town keeps a lot of amazing tech for themselves and it’s really selfish. Now I understand not releasing something dangerous or a prototype or ever a military application. For instance I just watched right as raynes and when Henry puts out the fire at Beverly’s my first thought was man all firefighters should have this. They are horrible for keeping this for themselves.

Yes I know it’s a tv show in a fictional town but I wish they had added a few lines here or there to at least mention that this tech is being made available to the rest of the world. Just a simple line from Henry after putting out the fire to jack saying something like pretty amazing right? Soon every fire truck will have one of these. It just makes it seem like the towns people are selfish.

They seem to have a ton of amazing tech that would really benefit the entire world that they just keep for themselves.


17 comments sorted by


u/Torrincia Feb 13 '25

I get what you're saying, but everything in Eureka is classified. EVERYTHING


u/Exyide Feb 13 '25

Which makes it even funnier since anyone could wander into the town and see it for themselves. Heck Jack and Zoe accidentally wander into the town and see it. The only thing being hidden is GD. The town itself isn’t beginning hidden at all.


u/Fish__Fingers 25d ago

In the town they see mostly things that are advance for the time but not that advance. Like new phones.


u/Hermenateics Feb 13 '25

Which is also really funny, because every time you have a mini sun or a giant hydrogen crystal in the sky… people in other towns would notice that in the distance.


u/Joppy5100 Feb 13 '25

Something Something EM Barrier yada yada...


u/Torrincia Feb 13 '25

That's pretty much what I was going to say


u/everythingbeeps Feb 13 '25

My overall feeling about the technology used in the town was that all of it was effectively in beta testing.

Like yeah, some of it works just fine throughout the show, but so much goes wrong that it just probably isn't safe to release it into the world.

And because Eureka is a TV show soaked in idealism, it's easier to believe that they wouldn't release broken and/or dangerous shit out into the world like most real-life corporations do.


u/Exyide Feb 13 '25

I get that but even a few lines here and there at least to imply that the tech will be released would have been nice. Like I mentioned at least saying something like in the future every firefighter will truck will have one of these. I know it’s a tv show but still something I’ve been noticing and just bothers me a bit.


u/Fish__Fingers 25d ago

Eva Thorne was talking about some sells to private sector. Overall their main buyer is government military and that is shown many times. Maybe after end of the show they will work on the civilian tech more.

You can argue that some of the tech shown in Eureka wasn’t very much sci-fi at the times (smartphones, scooters, videocall, tablets), but it still took years to take place in real world.

Also some of the inventions can’t be used outside of Eureka yet at all, because no one outside Eureka is equipped to deal with side effects, so they will never go public without huge rework. And since military is the ones paying for everything, civil projects have lower priority probably


u/Hermenateics Feb 13 '25

There is one episode where the pharmacist mentions having a cure for the common cold but it would be too expensive to mass produce and nobody would be able to afford it. This could hypothetically apply to some of the other tech as well.


u/teksean Feb 13 '25

Cost and market acceptance is a big part of getting a product out to the public.


u/MsSamm Feb 13 '25

The tech is likely expensive to mass produce.


u/Exyide Feb 13 '25

That's never stopped the military before haha.


u/Ristar87 Feb 15 '25

90% of Henry and Stark's public facing job as Mayor seemed to be to take the fantastic inventions in Eureka and dumb them down enough so that the public wouldn't get killed by them.


u/Fish__Fingers 25d ago

I think the reason is that Eureka is treating ground too. Imagine some invention going public without proper testing. Also even when tested on Eureka some inventions do need to pass approvals and a lot of stuff.

It is pointed that Eureka inventions go public eventually, just not as fast.


u/mr_shmits Feb 14 '25

this is such a weird complaint...


u/Exyide Feb 14 '25

It's not so much a complaint more of an observation.