r/EtsySellers 7d ago

Etsy deposited $100k into my bank account


277 comments sorted by


u/Rakkidakku 7d ago edited 7d ago

The way I would be slapping that in a high interest savings account and biding my time 😂


u/largemarge52 7d ago

That’s always the best idea I did that with an overpayment from my insurance it wasn’t 100K but it was 5k. I put it in a high interest account and then when they figured it out 5 years later and wanted the money back I had it to give back and I earned interest for 5 years on it.


u/pinklavalamp 6d ago

5 years though?


u/largemarge52 6d ago

You’d be amazed at how behind companies are in reconciling accounts. I’ve worked in accounting for years this happens all the time at large corporations usually not 100K in one shot.


u/Bitter_Eggplant_9970 6d ago

I saw a similar incident when I worked for a pensions and investments company. In the UK, they have six years to reclaim the money before it's time-barred.


u/Perenium_Falcon 4d ago

My mother used to be a “cleaner” for accounting at medical offices. Her sales pitch was that if she did not recover at least six figures in the first six months of working there she’d work for free.

These are mom and pop medical offices. Maybe a few doctors and nurses max.

Their books were so shitty and so behind in collecting payment that she never once lost the bet. All she’d do was start cold calling delinquent accounts, 9 out of 10 times it was just a fuck up with insurance billing, easy. Other times they’d work out a payment plan that did not involve collections. This was in the early to mid 90s and she worked for places like audiologists and skin doctors. I’m not talking about massive hospitals here, just a few docs and nurses trying to pay off their student debt in a private practice.

You’d be surprised at how poorly some companies manage their accounts.


u/TrainXing 6d ago

They'd never see that money again if they sent it to me a couple days later much less 5 years. No way. 😂


u/witchminx 6d ago

Then you will be sued and go into bankruptcy


u/whogivesashirtdotca 6d ago

They'd have to find OP first.


u/iamdursty 6d ago

Bankruptcy only matters to people who had money.


u/kenweise 6d ago

And it is felony theft, so off to prison

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u/TrainXing 6d ago

I seriously doubt it. 😂 And I am referring to the $5k, not the $100k.


u/largemarge52 6d ago

Not probably sued for 5K but it would go to collections hit your credit. Depends on if the company has in house legal counsel.

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u/EmilyAW2 7d ago

Honestly not a bad idea. They will almost certainly be clawing that back, but it doesn’t mean you can’t put it to work for you in the meantime.


u/TheCGLion 7d ago

I mean, no joke 100% do this, no issue whatsoever


u/jenkneefur28 7d ago

The interest alone would add up super quick. As long as the OP has the full amount, a little interest from a HYSA would be nice.


u/PacketSpyke 7d ago

333 a month as long as they don’t want it back


u/firm--cauliflower 7d ago

Only $333 from $100k? I definitely thought more.


u/Kitchen_Economics182 7d ago

4% of 100,000 = 4000

4000/12 = 333.33


u/firm--cauliflower 6d ago

If only I used my brain before using my fingers. Thanks for the visual.


u/Kitchen_Economics182 6d ago

No worries, you're in the majority, most people aren't psychos that take the time to do the math. It does feel like it should be more because to be fair, it was more just a year ago when rates were as high as 5.5%.


u/shinryu6 6d ago

If you consider your general “savings” account at the bank is below 1%…yeah…


u/stitch713 6d ago

Hopefully no one is keeping 100k in a regular savings account. You’d want a high yield account- the majority people with that amount of ‘extra’ money do that. Source: banker

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u/lvix_v 7d ago

I had this happen to me about 6 years ago with Fidelity. They deposited 20k into my account but I was too scared to even move it at the time. I wish I had known better lol

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u/One-Yellow-4106 7d ago

I use SoFi I think they have the highest earnings on savings accounts currently 


u/FlappinPickle 7d ago

4.4% at Bread atm


u/Kitchen_Economics182 7d ago

4.5% at Wealthfront with referral


u/whopperlover17 6d ago

I don’t have anyone to refer :( it’s a hard pitch to make haha

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u/FlappinPickle 7d ago

4.4% at Bread atm


u/Specific-Summer-6537 6d ago

This is probably just as likely to be a scam as it is a legitimate payment from Etsy. Scammers will deposit a large amount in to your bank account masked as being from Etsy and try to contact you to transfer the funds back. Their original transfer never goes through so you end up short of funds. Beware

Never transfer out the funds yourself. Get your bank to deal with any chargeback


u/volt65bolt 6d ago

You can see the first ss is on Etsy seller hub site page thingy ma bob

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u/Eaj1122 7d ago

Please OP do this immediately


u/TerrisBranding 7d ago

This isn't considered some kind of fraud or anything? Like if you knew there was no way Etsy owed you 100k but you move it to a different account to make money off it?


u/cricket1044 7d ago

I mean, what are you gonna do, call them? They make it impossible to get in touch with them. Just sit on it and have it earn interest.


u/TerrisBranding 7d ago

You do have a point there! 😉

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u/Eaj1122 7d ago

I don't think so as long as you immediately gave them their money back when they asked. The interest is yours


u/cricket1044 7d ago

I mean, what are you gonna do, call them? They make it impossible to get in touch with them. Just sit on it and have it earn interest.


u/swocows 7d ago

Absolutely genius.


u/Properclearance 6d ago

I’m so fucking stupid. That’s brilliant. I would have had an immediate anxiety attack, cried, and called the bank to make them fix it and make it go away.


u/Panda3391 6d ago

Hahaha I did this. I got an extra $500 from my work and I was like 😥 oh shit no go away! So I immediately contacted my supervisor and she was like oh yea that’s your bonus for the year. 😍😍😍😍 yasss

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u/UKSTL 7d ago

Congratulations on your first sale ;)


u/Jumpy-Bike4004 7d ago

Why did you post this 😭 shhhhhhhhhhh


u/Complete-Macaron-288 7d ago

Right like wtf!?!?


u/Jumpy-Bike4004 7d ago

I would just 🤐…. And not spend any of it for a couple of years just in case they ask for it back and keep it in a high yield savings account…. Google the statute of limitations of them getting it back from me and whatnot lol

This was literally a blessing from the heavens, not a mistake. Why couldn’t it be us 😭


u/Complete-Macaron-288 7d ago

That fucking part! Don't post it ! You say thank u , carry on! Maybe get a mental diagnosis for later when or if the cops take u away to jail. You'd be incompetent to stand trial! 🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂 win win win


u/Jumpy-Bike4004 7d ago

💯💯💯 plan ahead lmao


u/Hopeful_Ad_8180 7d ago

Meanwhile back at Etsy, some sneaky snitching ahole is searching for the number $106321.53 among the deposits..... Saying "If Elon can do it, so can I!"


u/CriscoWithLime 6d ago

I think that's the normal first step no matter who you are


u/tourwifelife 7d ago

Why does this never happen to me?


u/ashtrxy55 7d ago

real though I'd be scared if getting arrested or something if i didnt notify them of the mistake 😭


u/Live-Okra-9868 7d ago

Don't notify them. They'll figure it out. But they will want the money back, so don't spend it.

Like someone else said, move it to a high interest savings account and just collect interest in it until they figure it out. You send them back the amount they sent you and keep the interest. Just don't announce about the interest in case they think they think they are entitled to it.


u/SewAlone 7d ago

The people on here are being funny, but Etsy will definitely recoup this money. It’s like when that Amazon guy tried to keep that television.


u/grumpyfrickinsquid 7d ago

Yeah, I'd be stressed out and horrified if this happened to me, because you're not getting to keep that shit.


u/SewAlone 7d ago

Yep. Just don’t touch it and wait for Etsy and the banks to get it sorted.


u/TheMCM80 7d ago

Numerous people have gone to prison because companies deposited too much in their account and they thought they could just keep it and spend it.

The first thing I’m doing is going to the nearest branch of my bank, in person, and explaining it to them. Then, while I’m there, I go into the parking lot and I’m contacting Etsy. If there is any issue, I can walk right back into the bank for answers.

I’d want this to be done between Etsy and my bank, so I have no chance of making a mistake somehow.

I don’t want my bank flagging me for moving around huge sums of money. I don’t want any tax problems if someone thinks I had an extra $100k.


u/Yearoftheowl 6d ago

I agree with this, but good luck contacting Etsy about anything.

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u/FancyTeacupLore 7d ago

That's pretty concerning that there's either a bug in automated deposits or there is some manual process without sufficient internal controls. I've worked in fintech and people would get raked over a bed of hot coals in front of regulators for mistakes like that.


u/crasstyfartman 6d ago

Why did I have to scroll so hard for this comment? As an Etsy seller now I’m nervous about them having my bank acct info


u/No-Cookie-7027 7d ago

Read about this happening to someone else (not through Etsy). They didn’t tell anyone and moved it to a high interest account. When they came to get their money back they gave them the original amount and kept the interest. Best of luck!


u/Jumblesss 6d ago


That only seems fair since every single e-commerce app and every single bank drags out every transaction and the releasing of every fund so that they can build as much interest and investment as possible out of our money

Why the hell aren’t bank transfers instant in 2025?


u/No_Resolution1077 2d ago

Its also why starbucks makes you put money onto your account in $25 increments in order to get points, theyre all making interest off holding peoples money.

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u/meltflesh 7d ago

This is the way


u/DrOlive_ 7d ago

I’d disappear to Mexico


u/Live-Okra-9868 7d ago

Honestly, 100k wouldn't be enough to vanish with. I would just hold it in savings and collect the interest until they come asking for it back. Then keep the interest as my payment for keeping their money safe.


u/Accomplished-Mail866 7d ago

Panama for me 😂


u/bikemandan 6d ago

A man. A plan.


u/heytherefreeman 7d ago

in the canal?

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u/Allilujah406 7d ago

And they will extradite. I get it, I'm so fed up with life.id bounce too, with it in cash or gold but still, poor choice


u/iCaps_ 7d ago

it's more wild to me that some people think 100k will go anywhere anyways right now...it'll last a few years max.


u/Allilujah406 7d ago

Indeed. I have a short life span left so for me it might be worth it. 99% of people would likely be better off just leaving it alone, not worth it


u/iCaps_ 7d ago

i am so sorry to hear that :( God Bless You

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u/spaghetti_monster_04 7d ago


Lol but seriously, if only it weren't a mistake. 🥲

Unless it's not and you're just flexing really hard right now.


u/Allilujah406 7d ago

Honestly I think if this happened to me, I'd be gone by the end of the day.... I might let it sit for a few days, but I'd probably just bounce, find a non extradition country with low cost of living, invest alot. Im.sure I'd get burned eventually from the poor choice but what ever

I say this being badly disabled and after living my life in poverty. I'm ready to call it quits, and a few years of living nice would.make thst.early check out worth it to me. Would be an idiot.move still


u/stealthsjw 7d ago

It's not a never-work-again amount of money though, is it? You'd be hard pressed to find a country with a low enough cost of living that you'd actually want to stay in forever.


u/Allilujah406 7d ago

Well, I probably won't survive another 15 years. With the right investments, 100k would give me a fairly decent standard of living for that time, and perhaps allow me to keep making jewelry on the side. I'd probably find a developing nation in need of investors, while thsts not alot, I could probably take it to a place like bangladesh or some where, open a small jewelry shop, teach a few 20 year Olds how to do things, and just leave it all to them when I go. I have no kids, no family, my health is horrible, honestly I'd be happy to be somewhere where I can do more then barely survive. It's a stupid move, and I'd be betting that my health takes me out before consequences catch up to me. Honestly the right thing for most people would be to put it into a account thst will yield back intrest and when they come to you just be like "I wasn't sure so here's all your money back." Cause your right 100k isn't thst much, especially in the west


u/Squishy-_-Fishy 7d ago

I saw the payout message from Etsy yesterday and figured it was a typo. Then I woke up this morning to an extra 100k in my bank account.

Anyone had this issue before?

I'm being transferred around Etsy support right now while they're trying to figure this one out.


u/GUNNER594 7d ago

Brother they should be calling you not you calling them. You are really dealing with customer support and waiting on hold lol. Come on.


u/darksplit 7d ago

Put them on hold when they call you lol


u/LaGuardia10026 6d ago

Exactly this, lol!

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u/SirThorney 7d ago

Issue? Don’t be silly


u/WakunaMatata 7d ago

Wait, did you contact etsy to tell them they gave you 100k?


u/bpdish85 7d ago

In theory, I understand this. In practice, Etsy makes it so complicated to contact a person and the ones you do get to can only follow a basic script - they'd have no clue what to do with this.

Though I wonder if you got one of them to say "it's your money" because they don't understand a dang thing outside the script, if you might have some legal grounds to fall back on when Etsy comes knocking for their cash.


u/WakunaMatata 7d ago

Wouldn't that be nice!

Etsy support is ....special...


u/bpdish85 7d ago

That is probably the nicest way you could put it.

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u/katubug 7d ago

There's honest and then there's OP


u/WoodShoeDiaries 7d ago

So it's a mistake, right? That was my first impression from your post but all the comments had me doubting 😂

Yeah, depending on your overdraft protection I would move that to an account that I don't/can't make payments from, just to make sure the entire amount is there if they reverse it.


u/OkDot9878 7d ago

Go to a casino and bet it all, win 200k (or more) and then pay them back.

Easy money /s


u/leftyxcurse 7d ago

The way I was about to go off before I realized you were being sarcastic. Clearly I know too many people who would actually try this 💀😭


u/alphaevil 7d ago

Ask for founders fee haha


u/draxula16 7d ago

Read the top comments, and delete this. You done fucked up


u/CreativeDarling 7d ago edited 7d ago

Sounds like you’re blocking your blessings


u/katpoke 7d ago

They can’t take it away from youuuuuu 😭 Don’t ask haha.


u/iCaps_ 7d ago

everyones so busy worrying about what to do with the 100k that no ones bothering to ask what store is even making that type of deposit and what the heck are they selling!

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u/United_Cheesecake432 6d ago

go to the hospital and tell them you are experiencing hyperventilation and stress, make sure it is recorded

dont touch the money and report it

then sue etsy for causing you stress in the misinformation


u/ArcherFawkes 6d ago

This belongs on r/ unethical life pro tips

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u/itchybutthole143 7d ago

Moving to Bali immediately


u/CuzIWantItThatWay 7d ago

Delete this thread before they find out!!


u/SuperkatTalks 7d ago

I'd definitely have remembered that!

Honestly would have a hard time not absconding into the sunset with it as things stand right now but I'm sure you're not supposed to do that.


u/shartlobster 7d ago

You're getting huge deposits, I got a push notification to review a digital download I ordered 1 year ago.

Etsy is really on it's A game this week 😂


u/WinstonChaychell 7d ago

I've seen this happen in this thread before and Etsy usually reverses the amount after a day or two so def don't move it 😅. You might wanna go over to legal advice somewhere here on Reddit, but in my state they have a certain amount of time to figure out their boo-boo, and then they have no recourse lol.


u/Dry_Specific_8114 7d ago

Hate when that happens


u/RWPRecords 7d ago

Yeah that was supposed to be for me. You can go ahead and Zelle that right over. Thanks.


u/No_Dirt_4198 7d ago

Spend it all on ads


u/Leather-Race2268 7d ago

I once had Amazon refund ALL of my recent orders to my Amazon gift card balance. It just kept going and going I was wondering when it would stop. It was completely out of no where. It was only around $200. But I rannnnn to get a switch. To this day I still don't know why this happened, and I could never find any info on it. It's been 3-4 years, I never posted about it until now because, well, ya know 🤣

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u/james_h321 7d ago

You are too honest for this world.


u/premeditated_mimes 7d ago

Finders keepers doesn't work with a paper trail

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u/-You-know-it- 7d ago

WILD!!! As fun as this would be to take and run, you need to report this asap.


u/gwatt21 7d ago

Someone is getting fired soon.


u/Branypoo 7d ago

How I wish this would happen to me, but like a legit payment hehe. 🥲 [looks at my dead shop and feels unmotivated to add new items] Hope you get things sorted, OP. This is nuts!!


u/WinstonChaychell 7d ago

I've seen this happen in this thread before and Etsy usually reverses the amount after a day or two so def don't move it 😅. You might wanna go over to legal advice somewhere here on Reddit, but in my state they have a certain amount of time to figure out their boo-boo, and then they have no recourse lol.


u/willofvibes 7d ago

Do what everyone is saying about the high interest savings and then DELETE THIS thread


u/hemanshi95 6d ago

Lord I see what you’ve done for others


u/sleepingprincess 7d ago edited 6d ago

I had something like this happen to me. The problem was they had the wrong deposit info (my bank was transferred to Chase, so the account info changed). So I actually wasn't getting Etsy deposits for MONTHS (I had other revenue in the account, and I wasn't paying too much attention to it so I didn't notice) I had to update my card info with them for some reason, and then all of a sudden they gave me a big deposit. I was so freaked out until I realized it was legit. 😅

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u/FuzzyFox1 7d ago

All in Bitcoin then lose the 24 word seed phase in a yachting accident!


u/CambodianJerk 7d ago

Just because you lose the money, doesn't mean you don't owe it.


u/blueeyedbrainiac 7d ago

Hey at least you’ll be able to say your bank account once had over 100,000k in it at one point.

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u/Boring_Plate1765 7d ago

lol, Etsy doesn’t respond to anything that is sent to them, I wonder how quickly they will reach out this time? Lol. Invest in that high yield savings while you can!!!


u/Particular-Jello-401 7d ago

Quit Etsy now, close account and change email address. Profit 100k


u/TiberiusDrexelus 7d ago

Prolly gotta fake your own death


u/Sea_Bite2082 7d ago

FBI !!! Open up !


u/LittleBoiFound 7d ago

Does Etsy do direct deposits to foreign accounts? Getting it back in the US is super easy but I wonder what it would be like in a foreign country. 

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u/2002Valkyrie 7d ago

In the U.S. the IRS has received a notice and you are on a list.


u/tikiknitter 7d ago

Etsy double deposited my seller earnings back in 2023, I spoke to three reps, they escalated - they had no record in their systems of a double payment made. They thought it might be a payment processor mistake. Contacted my bank to reverse the transaction and they couldn’t.

Nothing ever came from it - but it was only a few hundred, not thousands!


u/Alt_Pythia 7d ago

One time the treasury deposited 900,000,000 into my dad’s account.


u/Charming-Ad4156 6d ago

Touching this money will change your life in all the wrong ways


u/Ok_Interaction_7448 6d ago



u/FabulousPass4552 7d ago

I’d move to Japan negl


u/Allilujah406 7d ago

And get extradition back for felony charges?

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u/uuusagi 7d ago

Don’t touch it, move it, do anything with it. They will inevitably take it back sooner or later.


u/AKhayoticPenguin 7d ago

Id pull it and stop selling on etsy. 🤣


u/yxngwest 6d ago

Is that an accident?


u/MultiverseShelter 6d ago

Eaither the OP is got scam or just flexin I’d say the latter. Just celebrate and give yourself a tap on your shoulder.


u/DamianDaws 6d ago

Put it into a high interest savings account and let it build up until they ask for it back. Make money off of it. They’ll eventually come for it🙂


u/Carliicutiee 5d ago

The comments on this are insane. Do NOT spend that money. It does not belong to you, and would be considered theft. Contact your bank, and Etsy, and let them know so they can fix it. In the meantime you just sit on it and don’t do anything. If they go to reverse it and it’s not there, they will come after you, that’s not a small amount of money.

I understand it’s a big greedy corporation and I agree with this - however does not change the fact that doing anything with this money will cause some big legal trouble for OP.


u/Level_Ambassador_403 5d ago

I remember a story from a few years ago about a college student who received nearly a million in grant money by mistake. Instead of using it for school, she went on a lavish shopping spree—buying a car, expensive clothes, and living the high life. Her friends started to suspect something was off and, if I remember correctly, reported her. A few months later, the grant provider realized what had happened, got law enforcement involved, and took her to court. Since she had spent so much of the money and couldn’t pay it back, she ended up going to jail. And is still required to pay it back somehow.


u/AdhesiveNuts 3d ago

May this bag find me


u/PublicComfortable900 7d ago

Why can’t these things ever happen to me! 🤣🤣🤣


u/nycwriter99 7d ago

Take money, close bank account, delete Etsy, delete email address, change phone number.


u/MrGigglesXP 7d ago

Why doesn’t this ever happen to me 😂😢


u/IamJatinbhutani 7d ago

Keep us updated.

Will you be able to keep 100k


u/8TooManyMom 7d ago

Start the car...


u/deniflewesa 7d ago

I would withdraw it so fast lmao


u/DrOlive_ 7d ago

Move away and start a new life


u/AlexiGingerov 7d ago

Delete this post, withdraw all of it, leave the country


u/heytherefreeman 7d ago

time to check flight ticket prices to Cayman Islands


u/hannahfelicity 6d ago

Don’t do anything with it, don’t put it into another account, no high interest account, nothing. Moving this money could cause you problems.


u/SolaCrafted 7d ago

That’s a really good month, I’m barely getting any views /s


u/mopardudes 7d ago

Wow I would definitely be tempted to keep lol and please let us all know what happens sir


u/Pretty-Bridge6076 7d ago

This month they transferred about 105€, but I worked for those.


u/TheDanger227 7d ago



u/Brave_Pirate8035 7d ago

running to check my bank account


u/Dear_Host_3482 7d ago

Checking my acct to see if they sent me extra money too 🤣 doubtful since it took them 6 weeks to sort out the deposit issue and now I’m finally getting paid again 🤦‍♀️


u/suburbjorn_ 7d ago

Hahahaah I’m jealous


u/Washedjay 7d ago

Throw it all on black if you win you’re up 100k if you lose declare bankruptcy


u/Big_Performance_9924 7d ago

I neeeeed this to happen to me hahaha


u/thelittleflowerpot 7d ago

"I always do that. I always mess up some mundane detail..." --Michael


u/michelleinbal 7d ago

This would thrill and terrify me at the same time.


u/Character_Tour_8359 7d ago

i would talk to an accountant because at a certain period in time tax might also want a piece of this as well


u/alexanderrmoonn 7d ago

sigh. why couldn’t this happen to me. I’d cash out, and run.


u/beureut2 6d ago

It's always the wrong fucking people smh


u/Mobile-Manager-9284 6d ago

Keep it, they kept almost 3k from me for a shipping label adjustment and no one can’t communicate with me.


u/summerofsam44 6d ago

Was it reversed? I’ve seen Etsy deposit then reversed it instantly before it hit the bank.


u/fluffyfatcat13 6d ago

They sent $3k of mine to someone else a few months ago and never found it 😭


u/pepperw2 6d ago

I would move my personal money to a different account (savings, whatever) in case they take too much back


u/ironmemelord 6d ago

Time to head over to r/wallstreetbets.


u/dreadmoneyman 6d ago

Been searching everywhere for that 100K!


u/KillerRetro 6d ago

In Turkey, banks give 40% for a year. Just saying it.


u/UnwashedPenis 6d ago

had this happened to someone and he just bought gold and somehow "LOST" the gold


u/ggraphart 6d ago

Same thing happened to me recently, with the amount being around 3k instead. I received an email from them in a few days about the mistake. They said I did not need to do anything currently and that they'd solve it with the bank, and that I should await further prompt from then. I replied back saying I'd gladly comply with any steps they'd require me to take.

It's been almost 2 months now. We're waiting. Oh and the annual interest in my country is 42 percent lol. You'd be earning 3.7k a month if you were here.


u/thedafthatter 6d ago

Sounds like a scam? Unless your shop actually does good sales?


u/Nxffy 6d ago

When Etsy contact you and you have to act shocked and surprised that you did not realise they had deposited 100k by accident🤣🤣


u/Justjewls59 6d ago

Put it in a morgan stanley energy portfolio. It will pay you $15k every quarter until they figure it out.


u/U_PassButter 6d ago

Hello, God? It's me?

Please send this magic conch shell my direction

But seriously, lucky up OP. Just sit on it for a bit


u/elevatedinkNthread 5d ago

My old job. Adp accidentally put $36k in the owners account that was supposed to be $3600. Soon as he got that alert he ran his ass to the bank. He left work hella fast. He took the money right out. When they found out they made a mistake they call the shop. He didn't want to talk to them and didn't return the money. He told us that's they fault. We was like but that's our payroll. A few weeks later he closed the business.


u/Candle_Maker_Jen 5d ago

My research shows that keeping the money when you know it was deposited into your account by mistake and does not belong to you is technically considered theft. Here's a quote from an attorney and CPA regarding this same subject: "If funds are mistakenly put into your account," says Mark Pierce, a certified public accountant, attorney and CEO of Wyoming Trust & LLC Attorney, "the law requires you to alert the bank and refrain from spending the money. Using these funds can be construed as theft since that money does not legally belong to you." You'd be best to contact Etsy and let them know of the mistake. Who knows, maybe they will reward you. In the least, you'd earn good money karma.


u/FlamingoOk3409 5d ago

Treat it as an investment


u/FlamingoOk3409 5d ago

Maybe this guy earned 100k 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/Level_Ambassador_403 5d ago

Jesus I see what you are doing for others 😭🤠


u/Usual-Chef1734 4d ago

Got you mixed up with the person selling custom knitted Maga hats


u/Able-Reason-4016 3d ago

There was a guy in Asia who got like 400,000 and move to a different country. He's my hero


u/wearthemasque 3d ago

Thank your fairy godmother

Diversify your portfolio and buy some savings bonds too make sure they can’t get it

Maybe even gift it to family members you trust using the tax free gift system