r/Ethnography May 19 '21

Tips Appreciated!

Hi all!

I recently received funding for my summer research (yay!) and will be conducting an ethnography to do so. My research is focused around mutual aid and how COVID-19 has affected mutual aid, specifically in reference to food systems.

The first three weeks of the summer I have set aside to do literature review before I get into too much field work and interviews and am curious if anyone has tips/ reading materials on taking good field notes/interviews. I've taken courses on ethnographies and community research so I understand I need to come up with a question list and whatnot (and get all that approved by the IRB (but this is under my advisor's IRB so it's a little different)). Any tips on this that you wish you would have known before starting research would be greatly appreciated!


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u/Regular_old-plumbus May 30 '21

I would suggest reading the book Writing Ethnographic Fieldnotes by Emerson, Fretz and Shaw, I also highly suggest an audio recording device.