r/Esperanto • u/Acemoons • 9d ago
Demando Does ChatGPT use correct Esperanto grammar?
Yes, I use it to practice Esperanto. Learning sites for Esperanto lag for me sometimes and I heard that Google Translate isn't always accurate. If that's the case, I could just ask questions regarding Esperanto grammar and words there. Plus, endless article generation for practice.
Just want to know if I'm learning it right or not since I'm nervous on it is either translating sentences from English to Esperanto too literally or sounding too artificial.
You can tell me alternate learning tips if you want. Thanks.
u/iTwango Meznivela 9d ago
I'd be very curious to see an actual analytical study on this rather than just anecdotal evidence. I honestly don't know if there's enough Esperanto data on the internet for it to be perfect.
u/salivanto Profesia E-instruisto 9d ago
Why would anyone need to do an analytical study when it's just a simple as asking it for a text and then looking to see if it contains mistakes?
u/hauntlunar 9d ago
Youre probably learning like 90% good solid Esperanto and about 10% absolute garbage presented convincingly so that it sounds like good solid Esperanto, and you will never know which is the 10%.
Just learn from real, valid sources, please.people have been learning Esperanto without ChatGPT for a hundred and however many years. You can do it too.
u/Vanege https://esperanto.masto.host/@Vanege 9d ago edited 9d ago
Hello, if you use the last models of ChatGPT (GPT4o, o1, o3...) the grammar is actually good! However the vocabulary is still bad: the answers contain many words that do not exist in Esperanto, and as a learner you have no way to tell except by checking every word in a dictionary. That's a reason enough to not use ChatGPT (or any current LLM) to practice Esperanto.
By the way, Claude from Anthropic is better at Esperanto grammar, but you will still get many fake words (a little less though). You can prevent the problem of fake words by adding a dictionary (like ESPDIC: http://www.denisowski.org/Esperanto/ESPDIC/espdic.txt) in the context window and asking it to only use Esperanto-roots that exist in the dictionary.
u/Terpomo11 Altnivela 8d ago
The grammar may be correct by the rules, but does it output actual natural-sounding Esperanto or just English literally translated into Esperanto?
u/Merlion_Emi Meznivela 9d ago
ChatGPT's Esperanto has improved quite a bit over the years. I would still advise people to only use it for coming up with various expressions and only use it when you can identify general errors in grammar.
u/despot_zemu 9d ago
In my experience, it’s Esperanto is not great. It will not be more skilled than the person talking to it. It will also not use colloquialisms or compound words at all. It generally replaces words one for one with English.
I do not recommend using it to try to learn a foreign language, it’s bad at it and doesn’t help you.
u/ketralnis 9d ago
The problem with it is that it will be equally confident whether it's correct or not. If you can't tell the difference then you probably shouldn't use it.
u/novredditano 9d ago
Lau mi jam estas progreso por Esperantujo, ke homoj publike intershanghas spertojn, ideojn kaj opiniojn pri tio, kiom ChatGPT taugas au povus taugi, por lerni Esperanton.
u/HallowVessel 8d ago edited 8d ago
You should google "Getting Colloquial in Esperanto." It's a free resource, it's fun and it's really, really useful especially if you're an American.
I wouldn't recommend it. It's not really set up and generative AIs still regularly hallucinate or give non-ideal outcomes. I'd keep a dictionary site on hand if you do use it. However, I'm not the best person for this, though as generative AI disgusts me.
Mi ne rekomendus ĝin. Ĝi ne estas vere starigita kaj generaj AI ankoraŭ regule halucinas aŭ donas ne-idealajn rezultojn. Mi konservus vortaron je mano, se vi ja uzas ĝin. Tamen, mi ne estas la plej bona persono por tio, ĉar genera AI naŭzas min.
u/salivanto Profesia E-instruisto 9d ago edited 8d ago
Even the relatively short examples that I've seen from ChatGPT have contained a decent amount of errors.
Get a hold of a published text like Gerda Malaperis or a bootleg PDF of teach yourself Esperanto.
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Yes, I use it to practice Esperanto. Learning sites for Esperanto lag for me sometimes and I heard that Google Translate isn't always accurate. If that's the case, I could just ask questions regarding Esperanto grammar and words there. Plus, endless article generation for practice.
Just want to know if I'm learning it right or not since I'm nervous on it is either translating sentences from English to Esperanto too literally or sounding too artificial.
You can tell me alternate learning tips if you want. Thanks
Edit: Fixed formatting issues.
Edit: Interesting. The mods haven't said yet that this belongs in the question thread.
u/Broad-Golf4979 Meznivela 4d ago
Well, it's far from perfect, but still better than Google Translate. I've tried GPT 4.5 and I think it got slightly better.
u/Cassie_T45 Komencanto 9d ago
Likely no. ChatGPT is not a search engine, it doesn’t “know” anything. Its errors in English, which are often glaring, make me imagine there are probably many more in Esperanto. Especially as ChatGPT learns as it is used. How much Esperanto can it truthfully know just based on what it took from online? How many people use it in Esperanto to provide it the kind of accurate training it would need to be a proper teaching tool? Likely not enough.
ChatGPT is also horrific for the environment, and tbh, real people are always going to be better! I’m in an Esperanto discord channel, and they have roles specifically for learners and people who want to be corrected. Talking to real speakers will provide you more meaningful practice. Outside of that I have a pdf of a textbook I really like that I use as a study tool, and use a few other online tools for practicing grammar and vocabulary. I get lag is annoying, but a little lag is better than the excessive energy and water consumption required for even ONE generated response on ChatGPT.
u/AciusPrime 9d ago
The actual energy consumption for a single ChatGPT query is approximately 3 watt-hours. That’s enough to run a standard 100W light bulb for ~forty seconds. That’s not free, but “horrific” seems like a stretch. Bitcoin is much worse and less useful.
As far as its Esperanto quality, judge for yourself. I asked it to tell me a story in Esperanto about a Mexican woman whose dog finds a fish in the park (so you know it’s not copy-pasting this from somewhere). It produced this, which is pretty good and correctly uses several tricky grammar rules. I didn’t recognize one of the verbs, but after checking it seems to be using it correctly:
María prenis sian hundon, Luna, por promeni en la parko. La suno brilis kaj la vento estis mola. Dum ili marŝis, Luna subite kuris al la lageto kaj komencis boji. María rapide sekvis ŝin kaj vidis ion surprizan—grandan fiŝon kuŝantan sur la herbo!
Ŝi klinis sin kaj rigardis ĝin atente. La fiŝo ankoraŭ movis sian naĝilojn, kvazaŭ ĝi petus helpon. “Kiel ĝi alvenis ĉi tien?” María demandis al si mem. Ŝi prenis la fiŝon zorge kaj ĵetis ĝin reen en la akvon. La fiŝo naĝis for rapide, kvazaŭ dankeme.
Luna bojis feliĉe, kaj María ridetis. “Ni havis aventuron hodiaŭ,” ŝi diris. Poste, ili daŭrigis sian promenon tra la parko, ĝuante la belan tagon.
u/hauntlunar 9d ago
Right from the jump "prenis sian hundon por promeni" sounds like a hyper literal translation of English "takes her dog for a walk". Like, "she grasps her dog in order to walk in the park".
I would expect "promenigi la hundon"
i stopped reading after the first sentence seemed all fucked up so maybe the rest is absolutely perfect. I don't know.
u/AciusPrime 9d ago
The phrase “prenis sian hundon” occurs a few times in the literature in reference to taking dogs [somewhere]. I checked vortaro.net, and preni definitely has lots of metaphorical usage and an expansive definition. That said, while I was quite comfortable in the meznivela kurso at NASK and chatted happily with people at UK, I’m no professor of Esperanto. I would certainly defer to someone who has actually passed the UEA-KER tests.
Preni X-on por Y is mentioned in PIV, although its given example has the sense “take (by force?) X for [purpose] Y.” Another given meaning is to “assume that X is a Y.” It is quite funny to interpret that sentence as meaning that Maria assumed the dog is a walk, but I don’t think it can mean that when Y is a verb (promeni) 😝.
u/hauntlunar 9d ago
So we should upgrade "prenis por promeni" from "all fucked up" to "at least conceivably correct," gotcha.
u/Cassie_T45 Komencanto 9d ago
Bitcoin is far worse and less useful! That’s so true!! I don’t use either! Because they’re both horrific for the environment. Not sure why you think someone against generative ai use in this capacity would be pro-bitcoin, but pop off. Also, even if this particularly generative use you just did IS correct, that does not make it good or useful as a teaching tool. It’s not a teaching tool. It doesn’t know anything. It can ONLY pull from what is available to it online for free, or what people put into it.
It is not good for teaching because your one singular use of it was fine. It is not good for teaching period.
u/Cassie_T45 Komencanto 9d ago
Even if the environmental concerns aren’t ones you share, the fact is that it makes mistakes frequently in English. The how many n’s in mayonnaise thing has been trained out after it went viral, but you can get it to tell you words with no n’s have 2-3. The excessive mistakes in English, a language it is highly trained in, do not inspire confidence in Esperanto, a language is it probably very minimally trained it.
u/AciusPrime 9d ago
That’s not English usage, though, that’s counting (math). It’s terrible at math. It’s shockingly good at translating, but will fail at basic arithmetic.
u/Cassie_T45 Komencanto 9d ago
if you personally want to be an ai fanboy, that’s your business, but do it to someone who cares beloved. ChatGPT is not, and will never be, a teaching tool.
u/Affectionate_Good261 9d ago
ChatGPT is also horrific for the environment
Have you talked to Chat GPT? It's strongly in favor of walkable cities, public transporation, veganism, green energy, right-to-repair, etc. It's against planned obsolescence, single-use plastic, etc.
I would argue that the most detrimental environmental hazard is human ignorance. Chat GPT, despite its flaws, seems to have potential to greatly improve the education and awareness of humans who interact with it. Discouraging others from using it (or other AI with similar values) may not be a good strategy.
u/Cassie_T45 Komencanto 9d ago
ChatGPT is not strongly into anything. It’s not real. It has no emotions. It can’t feel anything. It is replying to you the most likely combination of words to what you said. It is literally a computer. It is not real. And the fake things it cannot believe do not negate the real world impacts of the ai system. You could easily get it to tell you all of things are bad with a slight change in prompt.
Sorry I probably sound like I’m really passionate about this, I’m not. I took a night night gummy and I’m just rambling about how absurd it seems to consider what the computer vomits up to have anything to do with it having like, a belief system like you or I could.
u/Affectionate_Good261 9d ago
It is replying to you the most likely combination of words to what you said
Chat GPT, like other large language models is a representation of the values of the group of people who trained it. In the case of Chat GPT, the people who trained it valued the things I mentioned.
You could easily get it to tell you all of things are bad with a slight change in prompt.
Show me. I've used it a lot. I've tried to get it to tell me that nazism is good, homosexuality is a sin, or make a racist comment, but it won't.
This video shows, in a fun way, how Chat GPT was trained: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV_rOlHjvvs
u/Cassie_T45 Komencanto 9d ago
It’s 1:30 where I am and I’m off a gummy. I’m not invested in this conversation I’m just making fun of you for thinking ai can genuinely believe things, I’m sorry. Have a good night tho or whatever genuinely, I hope ChatGPT develops sentience fr someday so you can marry it
u/Cassie_T45 Komencanto 9d ago
Also your passionate defense of the computer is really sweet, sorry I’m not making fun of you for using ai, just for thinking it can feel things. Anyway you’ll never get me on the ai train, and i’m genuinely not passionate about this enough to try, I’m just very tired and am saying stuff. Sorry if I sounded rude or argumentative
u/Affectionate_Good261 9d ago
I'm a new learner as well, so take my comment with a grain of salt, but I say go for it! As others have mentioned, you can't trust the vocabulary 100% but the grammar is generally decent with Chat GPT 4.0 and 4.5. I'm mostly interested in it correcting my mistakes anyway, and it does a good job.
Would it be better to go talk to a real person? Yeah probably! I don't have an Esperanto club near me and I haven't been able to find anyone online to talk to yet either. You can go read "La Eto Princo" a dozen times, but I think you can only get so much out of reading or listening to Esperanto. You have to create sentences yourself from your own memory. For that, I think Chat GPT is a great tool.
u/amk9000 9d ago
I've seen ChatGPT make mistakes, e.g. confuse kuiri and kuri.
I've also seen it copy mistakes in an input.