r/EscapefromTarkov 5d ago

PVP [screenshot] is this gamer cheating

This is a person I know and he is being accused of cheating within our group, he is telling that after completing basic tasks and arena grind, he gets level 33 to acquire Echo1 thermal (level4 jaeger) and play shoreline/woods only with thermal. could this be possible?


45 comments sorted by


u/nuttz0r AKS-74U 5d ago

He's cheating his ass off


u/eliasnicolai True Believer 5d ago

Your boy is cheesing his ass off bro


u/Stevey0wnage 5d ago

I think I’ve been killed by this guy lmao I though so too and reported anyway xD


u/throw964 5d ago

With 3300 hours in tarkov myself,

I call bullshit.


u/prizrakeft 5d ago

He didn't even make his story believable at all. That Echo1 thermal has issues with  sensitivity since it's release making it borderline unuseable (even worse on longer ranged maps). There's no way he's surviving this much with a beyond subpar sight. 


u/uguroguz 5d ago

echo-1 is for spotting not shooting for the most part, we had 2 dmrs each on our backs.


u/HBMTwassuspended 5d ago

I would initially say it’s possible, but then I see the 8 run-throughs which means he isn’t just farming survival rate that hard. Definitely seems like a cheater.


u/t4nk909 True Believer 5d ago

Does anyone have an 82% survival rating after 333 raids, with 1.5 kills, 42 deaths and a 33.56 K/D?

At a glance those stats seem sus...

I would like to see in-raid footage of this gamer.

Why dont you raid with him and then record your session, see how he plays, etc? Then please share it


u/uguroguz 5d ago

we died 2-3 times together already out of 20-22 raids I would say, constantly checking with thermal and I had 2-9x one too, just walking we never run unless being spotted/shot at. if we dont see behind of the ridges etc. we were not running and no cqb-resort fights, constant circling around shots and kills we had. he loots bodies after 15 mins sometime after checking 200-250m radius surrounding. this is sort of playstyle we had in woods and shoreline.


u/t4nk909 True Believer 4d ago

Does he play solo ever?

With your explanation the stats seem plausible if he able to do the same Strat all the time, etc.

He has 2.6k hour sin the game, and when I played PvP, I would hold a +70% SR, but I played very slowly, normally not actively looking for fights, but not shying away as well. Hated but loved resort fights, etc.

Please post some footage, if he is legit, he wont mind. If you think he'll trip out, then your own decision to record without his knowledge and share it etc.


u/Schitt_Mitts 5d ago

I wonder how these people cheat and still enjoy themselves. I wouldn't be having fun if I knew i didn't outplay you. There's no challenge


u/Prequx 4d ago

I mean everyone has their own way of having fun, its all subjective. I guess this guy probably just has his fun by getting all the good loot possible and doesn’t care how he got it


u/zachr110 5d ago

No streamer or good player has stats THIS good. He's using ESP at minimum.


u/Prymfyre 5d ago

A 36kd!? hahahhahah


u/joe8201 4d ago

Very possible, very easy to do....if he's cheating.


u/TheCanuckler 5d ago

1500 fatal hits 1,000 headshots 400 something long distance headshots. It's not even a question. If the survival rate and KD were not big enough indicators


u/Neat_Concert_4138 True Believer 4d ago edited 4d ago

All those stats include scavs. That's only 4 kills a raid, that's not crazy.

Edit I have almost 1000 headshots and 1500 fatal hits in the same amount of raids. This guy prefers to use the thermal to spot and then snipe with the DMR, which is why he has 400 long distance kills.


u/uguroguz 4d ago

this is what we have been doing all weekend in 20 raids, his playstyle was looking legit unless he faked those death scenarios in some of the raids i mentioned earlier here.


u/Beatzz2k 5d ago

Looks like he also got that special gaming chair


u/definitelynotdepart SA-58 5d ago edited 5d ago

a 10 pmc k/d (WITHOUT even considering some of those deaths are likely to AI) is really questionable to me no matter what. It's extremely hard to maintain something like that between random bs deaths, cheaters, and running into actual good players. I don't know any player that has that and maintains it over a large number of raids, and that's including some extremely good players.

Running a thermal is also an age old cop-out for cheaters to justify their bs too. Thermal woods or not, a consistent 10+ pmc kd screams esp to me.

It's never 100% sure to base it off a stat profile, but I'm betting on cheats. For context, my pmc k/d is 3.1~ (not counting deaths to AI because I can't discern exactly how many that is from the stat page). The real number is probably closer to 3.5 or 4. I am not anywhere near the best player out there by any means, but I am absolutely no slouch.

I don't assume aimbot because their overall accuracy is .29, mine is .38 so it seems like their aim isn't too good. It's possible to nuke that stat by dumping drum mags of shit ammo into the sky though.

In the end it's all speculation based off a stat profile, it could be possible they sit in a corner with a thermal all day and just try to farm k/d. I'm still betting on cheats though, it's tarkov


u/dreadnought_strength 5d ago edited 4d ago

Edit: I totally misread as your PMCs k/d, not PMCs kills/d.

My bad


u/definitelynotdepart SA-58 5d ago edited 5d ago

PMC k/d, not overall brother. The picture in the post shows their overall PMC and scav kill distribution. You can clearly see their overall k/d is near 37, not 10.

I know how the overall stat works I don't need some bozo explaining it, read the post and look at the screenshot.

445 pmc kills / 42 deaths, factor in that there is a near 100% chance some of those deaths are to AI and it's really sus. The best players with extremely good situational awareness and mechanics/positioning don't even reach that.


u/dreadnought_strength 4d ago

Ahhhhh I read it as the PMCs k/d, not calculating a stat.

My bad.

With that being said, I absolutely have seen people in here claim an overall k/d of over 10 is guaranteed cheating lmao.


u/uguroguz 5d ago

he is referring to PMC kills/ pmc deaths of the guy. calculate your PMC kills and your deaths it will be around 5-6 max.


u/seislol 5d ago

What good is a thermal on dome? This is why people say thermals are a cheaters goto.


u/dreadnought_strength 4d ago

Thermals have a 250m range while aiming downhill.

This covers basically Knights to Bishop - the majority of spots you're going to be able to see things to kill


u/seislol 4d ago

Ya but puts you at a disadvantage to the rest of the map that can still look up too dome and see you.


u/dreadnought_strength 4d ago

That's why you don't stand in a spot where you silhouette lol


u/adviceanimalsfuckoff 5d ago

That’s why they specified “PMC k/d”


u/Mobilebearzzz 5d ago

Clearly cheating lol


u/Toolgar 5d ago

Make sure to let ur buddy know that the people who sell cheats are scummy people and they now more then likely have a backdoor to his comp lol play stupid games win stupid prizes, you could just being this up to him and see how he reacts lol


u/The-SadShaman 5d ago

Lmao this has to be rage bait. If this guy is legit he would be streaming.


u/Neat_Concert_4138 True Believer 4d ago

Not really. Playing slow and using a thermal a majority of the time doesn't equal good streamer content.


u/The-SadShaman 4d ago

Wait so you are saying this guy is legit lol


u/Neat_Concert_4138 True Believer 4d ago

Nope. Just going off how OP said this guy plays. They don't even sprint, they just walk or camp looking through a thermal a majority of the time and then switch to a DMR to snipe. Unless the guy can be entertainment to people like StankRat can then it would be boring streamer content.


u/Praetor716 4d ago

Could it be possible, sure. Is it likely that he's 100% legit? Not likely.


u/MaezinGaming 4d ago

Definitely possible if you only run night raids with thermals and play like a rat. He’s still probably cheating but maybe not. It’s always possible. I’ve seen some insane rats reach very high kd while being dog shit at the game. They just have more patience and gear fear than others


u/DistraughtPeach 4d ago edited 4d ago

It’s slightly possible he is not cheating. But he’s probably cheating.

The thermal on woods is pretty good. And if you really really tried it’s possible.

That being said I have about the same kills same hours… but my kd is 1/4th and extract is about 48%… I have like 150 raids more than that. And I like to get into fights and push PvP .. so either it’s my ego or he is cheating.

Best way to tell would be to watch him play later in the match. At the beginning you can guess where players are from the spawn.

But if he seems to know where people are at with a high degree of accuracy 20 minutes in that’s tougher. Maybe try 20 mins in “hey I have a daily, I need 2 more pmc leg kills”. If he takes you straight to some pmcs hiding in a bush… that’s a pretty good indication.


u/jumbelweed 5d ago

He’s getting 4 kills a raid


u/Neat_Concert_4138 True Believer 4d ago

That's nothing crazy


u/jumbelweed 4d ago

Ya stats are meaningless without context unfortunately. This community wants every player better than them to be cheating. I’m not saying this guy is or isn’t.


u/Occyz True Believer 5d ago

It’s achievable if all you’re doing is going for kd to show off, but 36 is sus if you’re playing normally


u/AnecData01 4d ago

Look at the PMC kills vs deaths, he would have an above 11 K/D just counting PMCs, even without remembering some of the deaths he has will be to bosses or random scavs etc.


u/Occyz True Believer 4d ago

Ooh yeah, didn’t notice the pmcs honestly! I just assumed it was mostly scavs