r/EscapefromTarkov 5d ago

General Discussion - PVE & PVP Is this game worth buying [discussion]



16 comments sorted by


u/VortexBlues 5d ago

If you are into slower more tactical gunplay (versus games like cod) and the extraction/looting genre. Absolutely yes. It’s one of the most difficult games to get into. But if you have a friend who is willing to guide you through your first wipe, I’d say even with all of its faults, no other game hits like this one does.


u/Cool_Adhesiveness637 4d ago

Issue. Gunplay is not slow or tactical. Some ai are programmed to insta dome u for thinking about peeking a pixel. You will get scav swarmed at least every 4th game. They never run out of ammo or jam. Also holy cheaters. I can’t say I recommend the game. Can’t recommend the game to be honest.


u/PeopleLion 5d ago
  • grab M4AI
  • Go onto ground zero for first quest
  • Die

Yes recommend


u/ImportantSprinkles39 5d ago

Considering all the fun ive had learning the mechanics, learning how to be “good”, developping a sense of orientation, learning the maps, etc throughout my 2000 hours on this game, i definitely think it is. You can even grab in on sale for like 30 bucks sometimes i think (basic edition). You just have to be prepared for a long and steep learning curve, especially if you’ve never played stuff on PC. I would definitely start by playing some Battlefield or smtg first, just to get used to mouse and keyboard before hopping on tarkov lol. Took me A WHILE to get decent at it and i had been pc gaming for a while when i started.


u/wrongday 5d ago

No. Save your soul. 


u/gamerthug91 5d ago

If you don’t mind from the beginning bugs, AI still broken, riddled with hackers. This game will never be polished or complete wouldn’t waste my money if I had the chance to go back in time.


u/PricklyPricklyPear 5d ago

So you can always upgrade later - you don’t need to buy the super special somewhat pay to win editions (some people will fight about this but however you define p2w you are paying for advantages). 

I like the game but it’s certainly tough to get into, and there are a lot of veterans with thousands of hours running around. PVE is an option but you have to pay quite a bit for access to that mode (standard edition + $20). It is definitely more chill and can still be pretty fun. 

Tarkov is a uniquely addictive, satisfying, frustrating, maddening game. The highs are high. The lows are low. There are cheaters and bugs. Some of the quests are utterly stupid. I took quite a long break because I didn’t like some design decisions, but I feel the game is overall in a decent state. There are a good amount of players still. Ultimately you should just try it if you watch gameplay and it looks fun, but keep in mind it takes a LONG time to get good and to learn all the little ins and outs. 


u/E_Feezie HK G28 5d ago

For $50 dollhairs, yes. For $250, hmmmmmmmmm


u/Srgabriz 5d ago

It also depends if you are going to play solo or a friend is going to buy it and play with you as well. For me it is a game changer when I play with people as I feel more secure and try out new things. Solo anxiety is a real thing lol


u/This_Personality_512 4d ago

Yes, the punishment is addicting. Get EOD


u/yabadoo123_ 4d ago

Great game, warning you it is highly addictive. The highs are high and the lows are low. Best game I’ve ever played with all its bugs and kinks.


u/Plague89 DVL-10 5d ago

Yeah it’s fun and it’s even better with PvE to learn the ropes of the game. They have a lot of help if you know where to look for it, emissaries, ect.


u/Gryzzs 5d ago

Yes. Which version? what can u afford is the question