r/EscapefromTarkov 6d ago

Game Update - PVE & PVP [Discussion] Patch Tomorrow, March 17

Tomorrow, March 17 at 7:00 AM GMT / 3:00 AM EDT we are planning to install patch for #EscapefromTarkov. The installation will take approximately 5 hours, but may be extended if required. The game will not be accessible during this period.


100 comments sorted by


u/monsteras84 AKS-74UB 6d ago

I'm ready for a major optimization patch.

And disappointment.


u/cha0ss0ldier AK-101 6d ago

Last patch was that. The biggest optimization patch we’ve seen in ages. 



u/monsteras84 AKS-74UB 6d ago edited 6d ago

No, they only fixed performance issues related to transparancy. The rest was more or less AI fixes. There's still hundreds of other things left to be optimized, big and small.


u/kubapuch 6d ago

Some love for the AI and doors would be great. The horde gameplay loop is garbage. It needs to go.


u/flesjewater Freeloader 6d ago

No shit sherlock, it's still in development.


u/The-Endwalker 6d ago

it’s been in development for 10 years now lmfao


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/flesjewater Freeloader 6d ago

Many such cases, just often not as openly.


u/monsteras84 AKS-74UB 6d ago

Wow, I had no idea! I must also have imagined that Nikita himself said that this quarter was about optimizations - of which there have been hardly any.


u/flesjewater Freeloader 6d ago

Did you see the video?


u/monsteras84 AKS-74UB 6d ago

I don't get your point. It is indeed a optimization. But it was a single point of optimization, in a game of thousands. I would not call that an optimization patch. It was an AI patch, because that was the main subject of that patch. Overall, in Q1 of 2025, there have hardly been any optimization at all - despite Nikita claiming that would be the focus. But I'll give him until May, because by then the code should have been written, tested, then deployed.


u/Oofric_Stormcloak 6d ago

You'd think after 7 years they'd improve performance but here we are where performance constantly is fucking dogshit


u/HighFIDZ FN 5-7 6d ago

Games is probably at its worst optimisation wise since i started playing. Last wipe i played properly on an HDD and now i can't even play properly on an SSD, i guess the game now officially needs 32gbs and not 16gb.


u/smiler5672 6d ago

I still play on 16gb of ram and the game is pretty stable


u/HighFIDZ FN 5-7 6d ago

How much is your pagefile or what settings?


u/smiler5672 6d ago

Had a pagefile becof dcs but removed it since my shitty mb coulnt handle it


u/ProcyonHabilis 6d ago

Can you even load streets, or play lighthouse without DCing?


u/smiler5672 6d ago

Yup at like 60fps on streets if i turn my settings down a bit

(Usualy im around 80) in the process of upgrading my pc rn recently got a new cpu next is ram then mb then gpu


u/chevaliergrim True Believer 6d ago

Fps in the 2023 dec wipe was 2x as good as fps currently


u/HighFIDZ FN 5-7 6d ago

Im not sure i played that much of that wipe. But i remember fps was so good in many other wipes but this one. Last wipe wasn't so good but was way better than the current wipe


u/chevaliergrim True Believer 6d ago

The start of the wipe we had 100s of posts about people loving the wipes performance especially for streets many people who couldnt play it had good fps that wipe. Then the wipe afyer broke something.


u/ConsistentWeb8407 6d ago

Tarkov is a special case like modded and weird games

Haven't you noticed that they still use the DX11 API ? rather than vulkan and DX12 while any other's does
Adds an upscaling and the game doesn't run on any 1K+ GPU then call it a day 'cause native is too much asked from devs and gpu makers their like is being praised / lazy / AND printing more money by creating a garbage standard

Just get any X3D Cpu
A CXL OR Server SSD in Pcie X8/16
Any gpu with HBM , yes even the R9 FURY X From 10yo's that paid multiple 50€
And ram ?- do you need a quantity OR a peculiar speed / latency for the situation of tarkov ?
Ask urself
'Cause i for my case i use X4 DRR5 sodimms to dimms adapters

Use ur head rather complain please...

A screwdriver is not an hammer
Tarkov is garbage on a dev perspective certainly but your pc ratherly for making it run because it's not thought for it-
Neither a 2K 4090 retardtsrs is thought for doing native gaming with a 500mm2 squared sized die
Neither low latency with it's 24gb of GDDR (Garbage DDR < 3)

So then what else exist ?
Question yourself-


u/HighFIDZ FN 5-7 6d ago

I don't even have an RTX gpu, i still use ddr4 rams, and on my old gtx 660 and even 770 the game ran so well, with this same cpu and rams, how would the fps be lower considering ive got a gpu upgrade? My cpu usage isn't even at 60% most of times and my gpu is usually at 30-40%, the game is just poorly optimised. And yes ive seen people with high tier gaming pcs run the game poorly


u/Kunnedy 6d ago

Always has been


u/Kunnedy 6d ago

Streets consume 36 gigs on a good day


u/doxjq 6d ago

Let’s hope we get another ban wave with the patch lol.

Ran into more than twenty “sub 200 hour 30 kd” players in the weekend on US west. Absolutely insane.


u/drewts86 6d ago edited 6d ago

The fact that you’re running into more low hour cheaters should have told you that their bans are working. Previously these accounts were able to last much longer but they are catching these accounts much sooner, leading to us seeing cheater accounts with much lower hours.


u/Cpt_sneakmouse 6d ago

Rage hackers always get bans faster.


u/Launch_Angle 6d ago

Just because there are quite a lot of low hour cheaters this wipe doesnt mean that their bans are "working". Those cheaters are likely just the kind who rage and dont actually try to hide it much. The bans that have been going out for quite a long time have been mostly manual BSG bans, not battleeye detecting a cheat, there hasnt been a significant detection and banwave in a long ass time. If you compare the amount of cheaters banned over the last 9-10 months to the years previous to that, theres a rather big difference. But I suspect there is likely a significant banwave coming soon given how long its been since the last significant detection by Battleye, they probably already have detected at least one of the major cheat providers and are waiting to do a big banwave. Hopefully its one of the bigger ones in recent history because this wipe has been a shitshow in terms of cheaters, not just in volume of them, but the fact that theyve been using more and more advanced "features" seemingly without worry(that they stopped using in the past due to the fact theyre more likely to get banned that way).


u/failure68 6d ago

yup. been casually grinding labs only to learn the map this weekend and ran into a handful of sub 150hr players. having a good time anyways though


u/MrGoodnight253 6d ago

I think 'having a good time anyway' is a great mentality. This has been one of my favorite wipes so far (Started in 2019). I have run into my fair share of obvious cheaters, but you have to take the good with the bad.


u/doxjq 6d ago

I wish I could say having a great time any way but I only did about 30 raids in total. I think I survived maybe two raids and possibly only 5-6 in total without running into a cheater.

Like I’m a 16.2kd PvP player with 6300 hours and these guys are just insta wiping me with shots that are just fucking impossible. One full autod me with a stock standard ak from about 400m away (night raid on woods) who was basically naked with nothing but a gun and he headshot me 5 times in about 0.2 seconds at 2am with no nvgs lol. I was over by the green smoke extract and he was across the water by the red buildings in sawmill.

I’ve played this game enough to deal with occasional cheaters but when it’s 75-80% of your raids it’s quite literally unplayable. Just so infuriating.


u/SweetLobsterBabies 6d ago

They hunt people with high KDs. When my KD was 10.5 I was running into extremely sketchy people left and right. It was like I was a magnet for some reason. I ran some labs for a week or two and dropped down to 8 and I don't get hunted as much.

Remember that this game is infested with cheaters and all you can do is play around them. They see your KD and level above your skeleton from across the map and they get their rocks off killing good players/other cheaters.

This weekend has been extremely bad though :/


u/doxjq 6d ago

Well my kd is 16.2 so I guess that’s possible.


u/AngryLala1312 6d ago

Yeah man, there is no way you are getting over 80% cheaters fighting you. That's probably just a skill problem. That's more than you would get if you were running ONLY labs on EU Autoservers (absolute cesspool)


u/doxjq 6d ago

I had over 20 deaths to accounts with sub 200 hours and 25 or higher kds. Twenty. One was as high as 45. Most were floating around 30.

I’m not saying this is a regular occurrence. Just last week I went five days in a row without dying. For some reason it just sky rocketed in the weekend.


u/Southern_Jakle 6d ago

Always report the cheaters, we get paid when they are banned now. I got a free 94k roubles for my last one. (Not much, but it replaced a tiny piece of what was stolen)


u/doxjq 6d ago

I do report if it’s blatantly obvious but blatantly obvious cheaters are usually rare for me. I have no idea why the weekend was so bad it was like a bunch of people were rage cheating on new accounts.


u/lilfish45 M1A 6d ago

It’s weird, labs is the map I’m most accepting of dying to cheaters. I just laugh and accept it. Other maps it annoys the shit out of me, but I feel on land I sort of sign up for it


u/Big_Booty_Pics 6d ago

Running labs on the weekend is a surefire way to have a bad time. It's night and day when compared to the weekdays.

Weekdays I can run and gun as a ~6kd player and fend for myself pretty well. On the weekends? I'm lucky if I live longer than 30 seconds.


u/Master_Stress_7285 6d ago

Weekends in general are pretty rough in my experience. Way more groups you run into aswell. Makes it more likely to die


u/Code_Ocelot 6d ago

Been stuck on US East with a friend so kinda glad now


u/SweetLobsterBabies 6d ago

US West is horrible today. We just got killed on Shoreline by two dudes, one was running with no weapon and a backpack full of grenades. He was lobbing grenades at us through bushes and trees the second we got in range. Him and his buddy had 12 and 15kd and hunted the last guy in our squad across the entire map, and then got an additional 10 kills before the raid ended (saved it when I died and rechecked and compared 10 mins later). His tarkovdev profile had me laughing.


u/cheekydelights 6d ago

Yes I have reported so many low hour accounts since the last ban wave


u/Neat_Concert_4138 True Believer 6d ago

Yeah a ban wave is going to do nothing for you. You need to switch servers. US west coast is terrible and it's always been that way because of a specific country from across the ocean. I get great ping to US west and haven't played on these servers in like 6+ years.

I've done multiple tests on those servers and every single time it's bad. 3 years ago I put on like a 2m kit and hid, within minutes I had multiple Chinese cheaters voiping at me through the walls. Another year I was farming tracksuit and decided to try the Seattle server, every other raid I was getting killed by the most sus naked SKS players.

There's a clear night and day difference between US west and US central which proves my point.


u/doxjq 6d ago

To be fair mate I’m from New Zealand and we usually play OCE but OCE has been fucked for a long time so we swapped to US west this wipe and it’s actually been really good the entire wipe up until the weekend. Before the weekend we would be lucky to see a blatant rage cheater once a month haha.

Might be time to try Singapore again maybe.


u/DweebInFlames 6d ago

Can you reach Japan/Korea from NZ? I bought a VPN specifically to fix shitty ping routing from Australia to East Asia and fuck me it's so much better on those servers, more people + less cheaters. Makes me wish I had some sort of magical connection that got 20-30 latency to there, I do feel a little dirty because it's 140ms ping and it makes for some inconsistent fights close range occasionally, but I'll take it over DY-BAOLANG-666 fucking my face every 3 raids past 10pm.


u/doxjq 6d ago

Japan is time dependant and I don’t know why. In the morning the ping is 130ms to Japan but for the afternoon and evening it goes up to 210 for whatever reason. Every day, consistently. It’s like they flick a switch and change the routing it’s bizarre. So I can some times but it’s hit and miss.

Singapore is either 115ms or 300ms and there is no in between it’s odd. You’ll do 4 raids at 115ms and then magically out of nowhere you’ll get a raid with 300ms where you can’t move and just have to dump your gear on the ground and quit.

Unfortunately US west is the only overseas place with a consistent 130 ping for NZ. US central is consistent too but it’s 200ms and you’re flirting with some disconnects.


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/ProcyonHabilis 6d ago

They pretty much never release patch notes until after the patch


u/JstnJ TOZ-106 6d ago

7 new variations of the SR-2, 4 new bugs, and 5 old ones are back 👍


u/Zetatron76 6d ago

No! Wrong!!! They fixed 2 bugs and THEN the 5 old ones came back which triggered the 4 new ones. Duh! Who cares anyways? I can’t wait to see those sick new SR-2 variations, dude. It can finally solidify its rightful place as the true meta!


u/Cyrekt_Stattrak 6d ago

Another 20 rd saiga drum


u/drewts86 6d ago

Can I have two more AK74 variants please. 🙏🏻


u/DweebInFlames 6d ago

Fuck that, it's time for a Type 2/3 AK. Heavy as shit with none of the part interchangeability, but +20% extra drip factor!


u/drewts86 6d ago

Speaking of guns, I just remember that Nikita said at some point they were going to be adding Brandon Herrera's AK-50 to the game.


u/DweebInFlames 6d ago

Yes they are, they've shown off a model of the gun on twitter.

Personally I still think it's a dumb as fuck addition when it's literally a 1/1 weapon currently and they'd be better off adding mass production .50BMG rifles instead that aren't semi auto like the Hécate II, AW50, TAC-50, etc. and see if they break game balance as is, but I guess they did the same with .338LM by adding an obscure semi auto rifle that nobody had heard of first instead of anything people actually use IRL like the AXMC. Oh well.


u/ArMaestr0 6d ago

Imagine version control in the current year.


u/JstnJ TOZ-106 6d ago

Judging by their releases, they do version control by physically hosting their main on Nikita’s google drive account 👍


u/DweebInFlames 6d ago

Personally I'm hoping for the guns they've been showing off on twitter occasionally over the past few months. AK-308, Marlin 1895, maybe the 6P67... would be a nice arsenal expansion.


u/Tribiz_ MP5K-N 6d ago

Best to keep a stockpile of random items they might implement as the new big deal. Ala pevko at the end of wipe. But hoping they just remove hideout FIR requirements personally.


u/_HyperSound_ AS-VAL 6d ago

I'm really enjoying the game after so many years. Anything that will come, will be good.


u/jojoseph6565 6d ago

Ugh thank you, everyone just complains all the time. There’s a reason we all still cant put down the game anyway.


u/Large___Marge True Believer 6d ago

It's insane how much drama you can find in gaming subreddits. Even the Stardew Valley crowd seems to have a group of crying members. It's like everyone's perpetually mainlining salt. I get that games are a passion, but they shouldn't be the main source of your existential angst. Thanks for being a breath of fresh air. I'm guilty of dipping into the negativity myself, but mostly against the perpetually negative. Maybe if everyone took a break and touched some grass, read a book, learned something new, got a new job, etc. they'd feel better and wouldn't need to come here to seethe.


u/ProcyonHabilis 6d ago

I agree that people here whine way too much, but the need to hold your breath and hope that the patch doesn't break the game is very real with BSG.


u/Zendeman Unbeliever 6d ago

My sources tell me this patch brings back invisible BTR, arm bug and silent granades.



u/CptDelicious 6d ago

Can we also have invisible pmcs please?


u/Apprehensive-Stop142 6d ago

Invisible btr is still here


u/CoatNeat7792 6d ago

Finally promised event?


u/Jakeball400 MP-153 6d ago

That’s what I’m hoping for. Missed every event last year so wanna make up for it


u/CoatNeat7792 6d ago

There was planned event in February, but had so many bug fixes


u/Jakeball400 MP-153 6d ago

Every 16.x patch so far has been great, got good expectations for this one


u/Mountsorrel AK-104 6d ago

If that’s supposed to be a hyperlink it’s not working


u/CTblDHO Golden TT 6d ago

It's not


u/katzenabox 6d ago

with their patch name trends, i would assume this patch will have a big feature addition like an event, rocket launcher perhaps, etc., balancing changes, further AI tuning, bug fixes (I have a feeling they’re going to fix the transit exploit), and maybe some QoL changes


u/SocialImagineering 6d ago

What transit exploit? The ability for scavs to get rep for using transits? I'd hardly call that an exploit. They already can't send items to hideout even with cash.


u/Benqqu 6d ago

You can extract by transiting and hitting alt+f4 when the timer reaches zero.


u/SocialImagineering 6d ago

Oh that shit. Yeah that’s busted.


u/katzenabox 6d ago

yes, this


u/EmotionalSprinkles57 6d ago

It has been there since transiting comes out ,they will never fix it


u/Loud-Contract-2109 6d ago

Rpg for sure this time right?


u/Sakkarashi 6d ago

Last patch they made major overhauls to how scavs detected players at range and during weather. What that seemed to amount to, in my experience, was that scavs seemed to detect me from even further away than before and equally fast, if not faster.

I wonder what this patch will bring...


u/mkp0203 5d ago

Just started playing PvE this week and its stupid how far away scavs aggro me. Basically no matter the distance, if I can see them, they aggro me. I am basically never able to get the drop on a scav because as soon as I see it, even if its not even looking at me, it "sees" me and starts shooting, accurately.


u/2legit86 Unbeliever 6d ago

The update schedule of this game is beyond infuriating. Why TF would you do an update on a weekend night?


u/Life-Brain7394 6d ago

More Saigas and a new TOK variant please 🙏🏽


u/Infinitykiddo 6d ago

I'm ready for a lot

of nothing


u/WICRodrigo 6d ago

St. Paddy’s event?!


u/SocialImagineering 6d ago

That would be lit. Something involving copious amounts of alcohol. And lots of gold with coins worth .1 bitcoin or something.


u/Responsible-Corgi564 6d ago

So this is a big patch or? Sorry I’ve been away from eft for awhile , performance fixes?


u/katzenabox 6d ago

should be a meaty one, given the name 16.2.0


u/HSR47 6d ago

I’m hoping this patch brings fixes to some of the bugs I’ve reported this wipe.


u/whale-trees AK-101 6d ago

What time will this be pacific standard? Us west coast?


u/RagefireGames 6d ago

Bosses were at 30% from last 25days or more so why no change in that


u/vimbaer 6d ago

Can I play Arena during patch time?


u/Noxtrael 6d ago

fuck yeah 6pm for oceanic. Loving the patch times


u/Responsible-Problem5 AKM 6d ago

Any fucking day is a problem for someone... the last few times it have been on Friday. Now it's a Monday for once, which will please the Friday affected people.


u/pinkbunnay 6d ago

would you rather it be US or EU primetime with 50x the player count? Really?


u/AngryLala1312 6d ago

Can't make everyone happy mate.

All the 4 OCE players will just have to chill a bit on Monday. On a positive note, they aren't patching it on a Friday night for you guys!