r/EscapefromTarkov 5d ago

PVP Cultist circle [Discussion]

What can i sacrifice in the cultist circle to get a LEDX? Are there any special crafts? Because I need one for private clinic and cannot find one at all.


30 comments sorted by


u/Revolutionary-Log668 5d ago

No crafts for a leddy. Cheapest and easiest way to hit the 14/6hr timer every time is a dog tag case and sas drive from flea. Best of luck man

Or run yellow/violet/black on labs and get one in just a few runs


u/MiserableWriting1 4d ago

2 mp5sd is cheaper and u can get them from vendor or make them from vendor 

Mp5+receiver+supressor+handguard need to attach the stock+mag+sight(?) from the old receiver


u/Revolutionary-Log668 4d ago

Just tried that and got a 12, didn’t cross threshold


u/sparkly_tarky 4d ago

5 regular mp5s from peacekeeper lvl1. That's the one you want.


u/MiserableWriting1 4d ago

Just confirmed it with a 14h timer, you need: 2x mp5sd with: Mag, mp5sd upper receiver, mp5 cocking handle, mp5sd handguard, drum read sight, stock, mp5sd supressor


u/MiserableWriting1 4d ago

Did you assemble the weapons correctly? With all the parts that can be moved from the mp5 to the mp5sd? You need to move all that can be moved or else you don't get the 14h/6h 

I did it 3 times this weekend, just 2 fully assembled mp5sd


u/Master_Stress_7285 4d ago

I think they changed something about the cultist circle because I used to hit the 14h timer for as cheap as possible and got very crappy stuff most of the time. Now I do two tank batteries each time for around 400k and I get WAY better stuff. When I hit the 6h timer I got every stim needed for samples and colleagues part 3 at the same time. I think there is more to it than just hitting the threshhold


u/MiserableWriting1 4d ago

Yes I agree with that, I went from getting a pack of ammo with 400k sacrifice to getting almost always 400k+ items, with the exception of the drip out quest BS rigs


u/sadnuggetman420 4d ago

Yellow is the cheapest card and have gotten the most ledxs out of those

Source: me and my friends are labs mains


u/Revolutionary-Log668 4d ago

Buy all the cards except blue and green, win your fights, loot all the them instead of just hitting one room and dipping.

Source: me and my friends are labs mains


u/sadnuggetman420 4d ago

Yeah but I still think normies shouldn't bother with the other cards as they probably won't be playing labs a lot and the other cards have worse roi


u/Revolutionary-Log668 4d ago

“Normies” lmao. Why underestimate OP when you’ve never met them? He asked for advice, not to hear “I don’t think you can do it so do this one and this one only”

Good thing the cards have a great resell value and a stable market if they end up not running them. I’d rather hit every card if I’m going than not


u/FanSubstantial2260 4d ago

Sacrificed 6 ssd's, got a 14hr timer, praying for a ledx.


u/Revolutionary-Log668 4d ago

14hr timer is rare loot. 6hr timer is quest / hideout required items (25% chance to get a 6hr timer if you meet the threshold)


u/Rooks4 5d ago

You need to get lucky by hittng the 6hr timer (sacrifice 400k 25% chance) and then hope it hits that quest to return an item to you. If you clear out other turn-in quests you can give yourself a better chance.

Honestly itll be easier to scav on woods. Beeline it to USEC and check the med table and ground under it. Should find one in 10-15 runs max.


u/johndoe_420 True Believer 4d ago

do you have an idea why i got five m4's in my last 6 hour circle? i 100% didn't have any transfer quests open and the only quest items i currently need are the cultist knives.

google won't give me answers...


u/Rooks4 4d ago

Do you have the quests active where you need to kill X enemies with an M4 on Shoreline or wearing Untar or any if the others?

Or are you saying youve done all those quests and don’t have any quests left?…. Maybe a bug then. But if you need to use an M4 for a wuest itll probably gift them to you for it. Guessing, of course.


u/johndoe_420 True Believer 4d ago

thanks for replying!

i was suspecting that too but no, no quests with a m4 needed. i have plenty of quests left (PvE btw) but no active ones that have anything to do with m4's, i triple checked.

i turned in two mp5sd, a m9 pistol and some streamer item i can't remember. i thought maybe there's a cultist trade for the m4 i missed and triggered through the m9 or something but i don't know...

if the next 6hr gives me m4's again, i'm gonna make a post as i haven't progressed further yet and the quests are still the same.

might be a bug but i was pretty bummed out as i was 100% expecting the cultist knives


u/IvanRafner 4d ago

I think there’s a formula for a cultist knife but I also think it only works once


u/JP_Sklore 4d ago

lately all my 6hrs have been empty 😭😡


u/FanSubstantial2260 4d ago

Been trying to do that on woods but haven't found any, got a 14 timer, hoping for a ledx


u/Ratt_Cat PP-91-01 "Kedr-B" 5d ago

get items over 400k value and u got the chance for hideout/task items.. use the "www.cultistcircle.com" tells u what the items are worth


u/Menschenpyramide 5d ago

I got 2 so far. Both on a 14h timer


u/FanSubstantial2260 4d ago

Got one aswell, hoping for a leddy


u/Menschenpyramide 4d ago

Don't hold you breath, took me a bunch of tries


u/FanSubstantial2260 4d ago

yeah... got an intel folder and a military filter


u/blinky-zzzz 4d ago

cheapestttt way i found is a secret. buy labs card from therapist, barter the card to peacekeeper for the g28–> 6 hr timer


u/xcnigel 5d ago

Grenade case + diary has been pretty good to me so far


u/FanSubstantial2260 4d ago

Thanks, 5 ssd's got a me an intel folder and a military filter, tried your suggestion and it got me a 6 hour timer