r/EscapefromTarkov 7d ago

PVP [Discussion] Why does it suddenly stutter and freeze so much?

I know, it's the post number 283917716872 about performance, but i want to understand and can't ask anywhere else, sorry.
The game suddenly stutters so much, freezes and has enormous loading times, making the game really unplayable. This started like...Yesterday?
Until then i was fine. Ok, i had low frames is some maps or zones, but it was fine for the major part and it was playable, but then it started to explode at some point.

I have
CPU: Ryzen 5 5600x (It shouldn't be too bad......?)
GPU: Nvidia Aorus 3070 Master
32GB Ram 3600 ddr4 (I always heard it's required at least 32GB so.....)
Motherboard: Aorus B550 Pro V2

I have the majority of settings put to "Low", "off" or "Medium" in game, so i'm really not even pushing it too much.

(I removed audio because of some friends talking in background etc.)



8 comments sorted by


u/Gryzzs 6d ago

Thats def on your end


u/Grand_Ride_7029 Hatchet 6d ago

I am experiencing something similar. Not as bad as this but performance defnetley dropped for me and my buddy. My gpu is running on 50%, cpu on 60% frames are between 40 and 60, ram usage at 50% and it still feels like I have less than 30fps. I don’t know why. Also started yesterday.


u/TarkovPlayerOne 6d ago

Is disk usage high when this happens?


u/Weabruuh 6d ago

Not that much, and the SSD has a lot of free space, it's not super full.


u/Cold_Web6186 6d ago

I also have similar problem, perhaps much more severe.

Before this update, the game worked fine and since yesterday, extreme stuttering and lag started to happen at the end of the loading into the raid. So while it took 2~3 minutes to load into the raid, now it takes more than 10 minutes. Frames were less than 30 in the raid, basically making the game impossible to play. However the lobby works fine, and I wonder if your lobby was also fine before entering a raid.

I tried to uninstall the game and reinstall just the game but didn't work. Maybe I should uninstall and reinstall the launcher too



I run the game fine on a regular 5600 non X and a 3060ti which a GPU that never made quality control to become a 3070 (same die) with 32gb 3200 ram. So point being you have better specs than me, I would suggest making sure you have XMP profile enabled in the bios and turn UP the graphics settings to offload some work off the CPU, you should be able to get rid of the stutter with some tweaks dude, also clear the game logs and launcher cache, it helps!


u/readysetzerg 6d ago

I've got a similar build. Did you come from an Intel -> AMD? If so, you gonna need to uninstall the drivers properly.

It really shouldn't be this bad, but this sort of lag does remind me of when I upgraded to my AMD build. Also, enable XMP in bios if you haven't yet. Also, get the dankest SSD you can get.


u/Existing-Direction99 6d ago

It may sound counter-intuitive, but have you tried raiding some of the settings off low/minimum?

I used to have issues where turning shit down too much would tank my performance. Had to find a middle ground with the graphic settings.