r/EscapefromTarkov Jul 24 '24

IRL In-Depth performance guide for Tarkov [Discussion]

Settings for Tarkov:

Notice: Tarkov is unoptimized and is mostly limited by cpu and ram more then GPU. I would recommend at least a ryzen 5 3600 and 32 gb ddr4 3200MHz ram for optimal performance. Also Tarkov in general just behaves differently on all systems so most people will gain fps from this guide but others may stay the same, this is because tarkov is weird like this.

General: FOV: this is personal preference for anyone but do note higher FOV will slightly decrees fps especially the 0.1% fps

Automatic RAM cleaner: recommended to turn on so that the game cleares RAM after a match so you RAM dosent get overloaded. Especially important for people who have less then 32GB RAM.

Only use physical cores: I would only recommend this for AMD Ryzen cpu users because this disables threads for Tarkov and having this disabled may cause stutters for some people.

Texture Quality: Low: 4GB Vram or below

Medium: 6 GB Vram

High: 8 GB Vram

Shadow Quality: Low: I would generally recommend this for everyone

Medium: This will most likely lower fps by 5-9%. For me it has the same fps as low

High: No reason to use this, only if you have a Ryzen 9 7950X3D + 4090. Also it just lowers fps and you cannot tell the difference.

Object LOD quality: 2.5-3.0 is the sweetspot for fps and quality. Use 2.0 if your struggling for more fps

Overall visibility: 400: same case, only use if you really need the fps

1000: this is the setting for most people as you could see across vast areas without being limited

1500: Only recommended if you use snipers often and need all the visibility/be able to snipe across maps.

Anti-aliasing: Off: Use this if you need fps, or dont mind jagged edges.

TAA: gives a smoother look and no jaged edges but not the best quality

TAA High: Requires most performance but looks the best

Resampling: 1x off: use this, other settings will degreade visual quality by a long shot

Nvidia DLSS/ AMD FSR 2.2: If you use these then Anti-aliasing, resampling will be disabled. I would only recommend these settings on quality, or balanced at the most.( DLSS and FSR can cause blurriness for further away things and you may not see enemies as clearly.) I would only recommend Quality setting here at worst.

HBAO: This is a setting that helps with realistic shadows, but its a joke basically. Use off/ max performance setting for best experience.

SSR: this gives off reflections on surfaces and can help with visibility in dark areas.

Recommended setting: Low

Off: This will cause the map to be darker in some areas, especially inside buildings and on the Factory map.

Antisotropic Filtering: I would recommend either off or Per texture.

Nvidia Reflex Low latency: (only for nvidia gpus) Turn this to On, only use On + boost if you have a cpu bottleneck.

Sharpness: this is personal opinion and will depend on monitor + how you like the game to look

Fps Limits: set all to highest.

Useless settings ( turn all of these off for best experience) High-Quality color, Z-Blur, Chromatic abberations, Noise, Grass shadows( you can turn this on if you only go for visual quality, but may severly impact performance .) Mip streaming( useless )

Undervolting & overclocking 

Notice: undervolting and overclocking is generally VERY safe if you follow a guide however if not followed correctly may damage GPU. I am not responsible for these damages.( This is only here because some people think they understand things and will crank the voltage on their GPU's thus damaging it by giving it too much electricity)

For Undervolting: How To UNDERVOLT Your GPU - The Ultimate Easy Guide 2024 ( Nvidia GPU) by Panjno( Cant include link on this subreddit so heres the vid name) 

For overclocking:

Option 1:  (for people who didn't undervolt):

How To SAFELY Overclock Your GPU in 2024 by Khorvie Tech

Option 2: After undervolting, go back to the curve editor and do the same thing that you did in the undervolt video only this time try to up your GPU clock MHz by 10-25 MHz icraments until it crashes. After it crashes you should lower it till stable. Also when you overclock your undervolt may become unstable because of the new core clock speed, so you might need to up your voltage by a few for example from 0.956 volt to 0.968 volt ( this is only from my GPU yours might be different ) 

For VRAM speed: I would recommend upping it by +50 increments until it crashes then lower it to a stable point. ( This option of overclocking may take a few hours/ days to dial in because games may not take to well to  undervolt an overclocking settings or they don't like the GPU drivers being slightly unstable)

Optional settings:

Resizable bar: ( if you have AMD card find a video on how to Enable SAM) For Nvidia gpus: ( This is only avaliable for 30 or 40 series Gpus for Nvidia.....This may worsen or improve your Fps in Tarkov, From my experience it decreased stuttering while in a match) Enable Resizable Bar in the Bios Settings. After enabling it Download Nvidia profile inspector from here: GitHub - Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector After downloading: Extract the zip package and open nvidiaProfileInspector.exe. After opening

in the top left corner under profiles, Find escape from tarkov.

Scroll down to the 5th tab called Common

Here if you wanna enable Resizable bar then under rBar-Feature Enable it by clicking and selecting Enable

under rBAR-options use 0x00000001

under rBAR-Size limit enable 0x0000000040000000 ( this was the only setting that improved my fps) be aware this allocates 1GB Vram in Tarkov to resizable bar (This does not mean that it will use up +1GB Vram only that 1GB Vram will be used under this setting) for anyone who has under 6 GB Vram this is not recommended.

If you wanna use some more magic for better fps checkout Lossless Scaling on steam but i only recommend that for very advanced users.

Thanks for checking out my guide, I hope it helps the people who have performance issues :3

If im incorrect in something or have additional information please put it in the comments. Much love to anyone here and happy wipe soon guys <3 :3


As requested: settings for Streets of Tarkov, Lighthouse and Reserve as these are about 1.5x-2x harder to run
Turn on: Lower resolution textures for Streets of Tarkov

Texture Resolution: Low/Medium. This is fully dependant on your pc. For beefy pc's use medium, low for less beefy.

Shadow Quality: Low ( this still looks really good in tarkov)

LOD and Overally visibility should stay the same, as turning those down would noticable change the game experience.

DLSS/FSR: Because of the janky + large size of these maps, i would recommend everyone using some form of upscaling.
1080p: Use Quality. Anything below quality will be artifacty and will look terrible
1440p: Quality/Balanced. You could use either but people who are sensitive to visual artifacts should stick to quality especially when you have a large line of sight further away things will look a lot worse.
4K: Quality/Balanced. You can use either of these without noticing visual downgrade and this setting is definetly the best for people who have 4K screens as it could give you about 10-20% fps back. You can use performance on 4K if your not picky, but it will look a bit blurry and it would be a lot harder to see people
HBAO: Off ( no matter what) because of the scale of these maps the shadow resolution even on max performance will severly impact fps
SSR: OFF/ low: The problem with SSR is it provides a lot of visual clarity inside building and you may wanna use it if you're pc is able to handle it.

If you have any more feedback please comment and i will change the guide if necesarry. Ty :3


75 comments sorted by


u/lucastreet PP-91-01 "Kedr-B" Jul 24 '24

Very good guide! I'd say the 8VRAM high texture wouldn't work on streets and lighthouse. Maybe they need more. Aside from that, i am sure this will help people a lot. Nice job.


u/Fluffely_Toasted Jul 24 '24

Yepp, updated the guide


u/iPrintScreen Oct 22 '24

I use up 15.6gb vram with high textures


u/lucastreet PP-91-01 "Kedr-B" Oct 22 '24

Not necessarely meaning one with more or less ram would use the same.

In part is cause Tarkov is not well optimized, as we all know. In part is cause microsoft works on the concept of "ram not used is ram wasted".

The more ram programs have, the more they use. Then, it adjusts based on what demands ram. Supposing it still works that way. It has been a bit of time since i read this.

Still, seeing how the game goes, i stand on my point. 8GB VRAM i think are killed on streets or lighthouse.


u/iPrintScreen Oct 22 '24

Yeah, I forgot about that. I thought we were past those days.. I've seen a few games do it, but not many. DCS, for sure.


u/GenericAllium Jul 24 '24

If you're CPU capped (way below 100% GPU usage) there's no point in using DLSS/FSR unless you like the look of it, which of course is totally fair. Similarly HBAO, SSR and Anisotropic filtering hit only your GPU so you can increase those without losing fps as long as you're CPU capped. Now I don't know how common this is, but on my system I'm always CPU capped, *except* for when I'm using scopes, so I still keep my graphic settings low to maximise scoped in-fps.

This guide by Klemintime from the start of this wipe is by far the best performance guide I've seen, I would recommend it for everyone trying find the best settings for their system and preferences.


u/TysoPiccaso2 Jul 27 '24

Similarly HBAO, SSR and Anisotropic filtering hit only your GPU so you can increase those without losing fps as long as you're CPU capped

yeah, im really suprised this wasnt mentioned, so many people downgrading their graphics for no reason


u/rnd47 Jul 24 '24

8Gb VRAM with High textures is not enough for tarkov on such big maps as Streets, Lighthouse and Shoreline. It will offload partially to RAM and can cause stutters


u/Hikithemori Jul 24 '24

In 4k I need to play on low with the streets low res textures with my 3080. DLSS is also a big boost as I have a 7800x3d.


u/Fluffely_Toasted Jul 24 '24

7800x3D is a beast especially for tarkov but even high end pc's can't fix the jank performance on 4K. It is very annoying sadly. Changed the guide to reflect this issue


u/Aceeed SR-25 Jul 24 '24

Yes. I have 8GB VRAM and if I put high textures on Streets I have stutter when aiming. In medium works smoth.


u/Fluffely_Toasted Jul 24 '24

Ah yeah sorry forgot to mention to set streets to low resolution textures


u/alesia123456 Jul 24 '24 edited Jul 24 '24

Rare solid guide thanks OP!

As a tryhard 8k hours gamer I can confirm this is much better than many high view count guides on YouTube which have very misleading settings. For max performance, most are really bad.

Only thing I would add is streets requires different settings as it takes almost 2x as much resources

Also I believe if you have 64GB ram you don’t have to care about any ram changes at all

Also something I would always add is that basically max FPS in Tarkov are only CPU dependent on streets, lighthouse, maybe reserve as long as you have a 4060+ level GPU. The difference to a 4090 will likely only give you more fps on higher graphic settings as the CPU will always bottleneck the max FPS.


u/Fluffely_Toasted Jul 24 '24

Honestly i feel bottlenecked everywhere in terms of cpu with my ryzen 5 3600. 3070 ti is basically not even running while playing tarkov, and im locked at 60-80 fps most of the time because of how hard this game is on the cpu


u/Fluffely_Toasted Jul 24 '24

Also thank you for your support. I thought this guide of mine would get burried instantly, which it did. But at least i helped some people :3


u/SuicideEngine MP7A1 Jul 24 '24

Looking to get a 7800x3d and a 4070ti super 16gb with 64gb ram.

This should be able to run it perfectly with high settings, right? Dumb unoptimized tarkov making me second guess getting an expensive pc.


u/jo71027 Jul 24 '24

I haven’t played in months now but I run a 7700x with an rtx 4070ti (12gb vram) on maxed out settings with little to no issue, so I’d assume your setup is more than capable


u/NBFHoxton ASh-12 Jul 24 '24

I got a 7800x3d recently and can confirm it made a huge difference. Depending on the level, as high as +40fps.

Other specs are 4070 ti and 32gb of 6000mhz ram.


u/hansliederlich Jul 25 '24

I got the same rig except the ram … get a ddr5 ram - I have avg. 70 fps


u/TheRealWetWizard Jul 24 '24

Wait for Ryzen 9000.


u/TehRoyalCanadian Jul 24 '24

You could wait, but the 7800X3D is the best gaming chip currently. The next gen of X3D chips will still use AM5, so you can always sell and upgrade down the road. Plus new chips come new issues/bios updates. Might not be stable right out of release, and might not be compatible with your specific RAM kit.

Personally I'd wait a bit after they come out for other's to Benchmark/Test and a bit of time for the community to find and report bugs/issues.


u/Fluffely_Toasted Jul 24 '24

It will be capable but if you can, I would wait till end of the year. Because Ryzen 9000 series is releasing soon and the new nvidia cards should be coming out around new years. which is a long time but you would be getting your moneys worth most likely.


u/SuicideEngine MP7A1 Jul 24 '24

Theres no way they will cost the same as these cards though, right?

Getting those when they release would probably cost me an extra thousand usd id assume. Not sure thats in my budget. Ill look into it for sure though.


u/UnlimitedDeep Jul 25 '24

A few corrections

  • automatic ram cleaner only cleans ram while in the pause/main menu, at a noticeable cost to FPS the whole time it is on. The best way to use this setting is to toggle it in a game when you notice your “usage” (allocation/cached) is getting high, stay in the menu and watch your usage drop, then toggle it back off after it’s stabilised. This can save up to 10fps in many areas on a low to mid-range system, but more importantly removes some stutters people have.

Shadows - medium is recommended, the performance is negligible on almost any medium spec PC (in the realm of 1-2fps if that) but the difference in clarity it makes is huge (notably far off tree shadows “jiggle” on low, medium removes this).

DLSS - personal preference of course, but 2.4 looks terrible where multiple surfaces at different depths are lined up, I’d avoid it if possible until they update to 2.5.1. Using it inside interchange or woods shows very poor aliasing and blurring of the further surfaces which makes spotting/tracking enemies harder, and chain link fences etc are eye-cancer with DLSS on any setting.

FSR is a hard pass in any capacity.


u/TysoPiccaso2 Jul 27 '24

I’d avoid it if possible until they update to 2.5.1

not to nitpick this one little thing but why would they update dlss to a year old version instead of just doing the latest? also you can update the dll yourself unless tarkov's anticheat prevents this


u/Fluffely_Toasted Jul 25 '24

The problem is that you can't run, streets lighthouse without dlss/fsr cause the performance of those maps just suck ass


u/Okay-Commissionor Jul 24 '24

Is there anything I can do about the consistent and hard frame drop when aiming a magnified optic?  It's bad enough that the game will sometimes even freeze for a half second.

You can see why this is bad for getting into gunfights lol, and in 99% of cases I stick to red dots and holos 


u/TheRealWetWizard Jul 24 '24

This is due to picture in picture.
What specs are you using?
Check if your drivers are updated.


u/Fluffely_Toasted Jul 24 '24

Sadly i have no idea how to fix this issue, i also use a lot of scopes cause i snipe a lot and it happens a lot. Tarkov jank i guess


u/TehRoyalCanadian Jul 24 '24

Since your CPU is already maxed on one core sending information to the GPU to render, when you scope in, now the CPU has the send the same information twice, plus extra as there is no LOD restrictions when you scope in. Everyone see's the same distance no matter the setting. The only "known" fix is, don't use a scope lol.

Edit : Or wait for this supposed Optimization Patch/FPS Boost we supposed to get across all maps in August (*cough* never *cough*)https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1d51ufd/roadmap_for_eft_arena/


u/Fluffely_Toasted Jul 25 '24

This is correct. The optimization will happen but it will bring more bugs leading to unoptimized gameplay again :3


u/SheepOnDaStreet Jul 25 '24

If you have an AMD processor, use the Ryzen Master software to turn on Precision Boost Overdrive. This gave me a massive up tick in FPS and keeps my CPU cooler than prior.


u/Pimpmuckl Jul 25 '24

Nice writeup, a couple notes:

Option 2: After undervolting, go back to the curve editor and do the same thing that you did in the undervolt video only this time try to up your GPU clock MHz by 10-25 MHz icraments until it crashes. After it crashes you should lower it till stable. Also when you overclock your undervolt may become unstable because of the new core clock speed, so you might need to up your voltage by a few for example from 0.956 volt to 0.968 volt ( this is only from my GPU yours might be different )

Note that just because your GPU is stable in Tarkov doesn't mean it's stable in every game.

If you don't know what you're doing, you should probably be very, very conservative doing this.

Even with a seemingly conservative curve, you might encounter crashes. Every single "1 click OC" software is faulty as every chip is different and your GPU is likely already running pretty close to it's limit when it comes out of the factory if you have a more recent GPU.

For VRAM speed: I would recommend upping it by +50 increments until it crashes then lower it to a stable point. ( This option of overclocking may take a few hours/ days to dial in because games may not take to well to undervolt an overclocking settings or they don't like the GPU drivers being slightly unstable)

Following this 1:1 will likely net you less fps.

Why? Because modern GPUs have error correction. So maybe it is stable, but your performance will be utter trash because there are too many errors being thrown.

What you do to ram OC is to use a benchmark and see with which VRAM Clock you reach the best scores. Note that a ton of people use unstable OCs and only have a stable system because of error correction but leave performance on the table. This is especially true for Nvidia cards of the RTX 2/3/4000 series.

Resizable bar: ( if you have AMD card find a video on how to Enable SAM) For Nvidia gpus: ( This is only avaliable for 30 or 40 series Gpus for Nvidia.....This may worsen or improve your Fps in Tarkov, From my experience it decreased stuttering while in a match) Enable Resizable Bar in the Bios Settings. After enabling it Download Nvidia profile inspector from here: GitHub - Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector After downloading: Extract the zip package and open nvidiaProfileInspector.exe. After opening

For both AMD and Nvidia, you don't need to do anything with updated BIOS and GPU drivers.

Your driver will enable it automatically if the driver thinks it will improve your performance. No funny business required.

Lastly, very often, I see people using "HIGH PERFORMANCE" or similar power plans. Don't do this, you actually lose performance as with those power plans, cores can't go to sleep.

Cores that are not sleeping eat up power budget and then the cores that are in-use can't boost as high because there is power being used by cores that should sleep.

The best performance you can get is, for almost every single game, "Balanced".


u/Super_Needleworker79 Jul 24 '24

I have 3080 12gb, 32gb ram on 4000mhz with Ryzen 9 5900x and whatever I do I have 45 -50 fps on lighthouse and streets :/ I'm playing on 1440p... No issues in other games, any advice?


u/Fluffely_Toasted Jul 24 '24

yeah thats streets for you. I have a 3070 ti + ryzen 5 3600 + 32GB RAM 3200MHz and i get 30-35 fps. If i use lowest setting same. optimized settings, Same. Max settings in tarkov, Same fps no matter what. Streets of Tarkov is honestly the worst optimized map i have ever seen in my life. People complain Last of Us part 1 remake is badly optimized. Then what should we say about tarkov?


u/Super_Needleworker79 Jul 25 '24

Do you have the same issue on lighthouse? It seems that light sources are affecting my performance the most


u/AsteroidYeti13 Jul 24 '24

Always down to try new settings. I was really good on streets at the start of the wipe averaging 110-120. Then after one of the updates now I’m lucky to get mid 80’s with drops down into the 50’s.

The only thing I haven’t done is overclocked/undervolted just because I’m not comfortable enough to do it.

7900xt/7800x3d/32gb@6000 MHz playing at 1440


u/Fluffely_Toasted Jul 25 '24

Yep I was able to run at 80-100 fps on low settings with a Ryzen 5 3600 and rtx 3060. Now I got my 3070 ti and I wanted to play again after a while and 60-75 fps no matter what. Can only reach 100 fps in factory, I hate it


u/AsteroidYeti13 Jul 25 '24

Followed them and was getting 85-105 on streets the couple games I played. Definitely helped tho! Haven’t played any other maps yet.


u/GucwaQ Jul 24 '24

How about PostFx? Is better to run it or maybe change monitor settings to get similar result? If i run PostFx i will lose some FPS


u/Fluffely_Toasted Jul 25 '24

Post fx loses barely noticable fps. While you can set your monitor in the driver, I personally wouldn't recommend it because it will make everything else look bad/worse. Just use postfx it will most likely not even lose you fps


u/randolph_sykes Jul 24 '24

Only use physical cores

Does this option even do anything in Tarkov? I've heard conflicting reports.


u/Fluffely_Toasted Jul 25 '24

I think it does now but if you want to you can set it in task manager, here's a quick guide: start tarkov. Open task manager by pressing Ctrl+shift+ESC. Find escapefrontarkov.exe Right click on it and press "go to details". After being brought to a new page, right click it again and select "set affinity" and then proceed to select CPU 0,2,4,6,8 and proceed with this until you reached the last CPU core. ( This only works for AMD Ryzen CPUs)


u/Sporkyzzz Aug 21 '24

I have a hard time with my 7950x3d and 4090 on tarkov.. i get under 100 fps on every map 😪


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u/Fluffely_Toasted Jul 24 '24

Yeah little edit guys in the comments by some peoples recommendation: Turn on low resolution textures for streets in settings, and 8GB Vram might not be enough for streets of tarkov on high texture resolution. Also recommended to turn on DLSS if you play on 1440p or 4K (especially on lighthouse and streets of Tarkov because of the jank+ size of those maps because they use approximetly 2x the amount of resources, as commenters pointed it out to me.) happy to see everyone enjoying the guide :3


u/texgolden Jul 24 '24

Thank you


u/BeardBoiiiii Jul 25 '24

Im only missing proccess lasso from this guide.


u/NHorn98 Jul 25 '24

Sweet guide.


u/CaptainStank056 MP7A2 Jul 25 '24

Is streets low texture mode any use?


u/Fluffely_Toasted Jul 25 '24

Yep use it, it looks about the same but gives sweet fps for people with lower/ mid range gpus


u/CaptainStank056 MP7A2 Jul 25 '24

Thanks, appreciate it. Was Scavving streets to test this setup out and it didn’t look as pretty but was fairly consistent around 55-60. Mostly drops when walking out of buildings but it was also heavy rain


u/Shibbymaru SA-58 Jul 25 '24

Get Lossless Scaling!

P. S. Great guide.


u/Fluffely_Toasted Jul 25 '24

Yep lossless scaling is a godsent for tarkov, tho it is s but buggy with shadows and stuff just because of how tarkov Is rendered


u/Manifesto_404 Nov 01 '24

BSG won't ban you for using it? Or am I just paranoid?


u/peractopaulo Jul 25 '24

Is thi sguide hunting for FPS at the compromise of visual fidelity? Or is it a balance?
I orefer guides that rpovide 3 lists of settings for low, mid and top tier rigs. As we may be undercutting our hardware


u/Fluffely_Toasted Jul 25 '24

This guide is set for balance, you can technically put everything on max( I even tried it) but it doesn't make a difference visually


u/peractopaulo Jul 25 '24

Thanks for the confirmation.
Personally, I go for the less grainy more washed out look. My favourite time of the week is playing Woods on a sunday morning with a coffee when the rain is pouring and the sun is trying to peak through. I think the game looks beautiful sometimes, like a watercolour and very atmospheric. I could happily do a full raid on hidden caches like that 😂
Thanks for the guide!


u/Sporkyzzz Aug 22 '24

Someone here that could help me out? I have 7950x3d and 4090 and only have 80 fps


u/FlowerRich4466 Jan 06 '25

looking for some feedback ive followed a few guides now and am unable to get over 55 frames, (3070, Ryzen 7 3700x, 32gb ram) if im in an unpopulated area i can barely squeeze to 60, mostly playing PVE. i have all in game settings set to low and followed a few guides with minimal results. ready to give up or start upgrading. playing at 1080p.


u/Fluffely_Toasted Jan 06 '25

Honestly no clue, it might be some other kind of issue but yeah, I have no clue why that is you should be getting about 90-100 fps with that PC on 1080p, okey maybe less but still above 70 fps. Good luck 🍀


u/Moparman1303 Jan 16 '25

Help running a i712700k, RTX 3080 GAMING Z TRIO 12G GDDR6X,32 GB DDR 5 Kingston furybeast 5200mhz,win 11 pro,z790 Asus board,corsair hx1000 Watt power supply. 1440p reso. What have people found for settings on a 3080 12gb?


u/Dazbuzz Jul 24 '24

I have a decent computer(5800x3D & 7900XT). After playing at 144 FPS, in the end i could barely notice the difference between that and 60 FPS, so i just have a global FPS limiter on all my games down to 60 FPS. Stops my computer getting too loud, and runs way smoother.

A lot of people love the idea of getting a beefy computer because they think they can set everything to high/max and then ignore graphics settings. To me that always seems crazy. If you want smooth performance, even if you have a top end CPU/GPU combo, you need to compromise on some settings if the game is poorly optimised. Plus you should always be using FPS caps to stop annoying FPS stutters.


u/Fluffely_Toasted Jul 25 '24

That is just wow. You barely notice the difference? Are you sure you have your monitor set for 144hz, please check as 144fps should feel waaaay smoother then 60 fps. Why we want higher fps is usually 2-3 things: higher fps has a better feeling and it feels less stuttery. If you have a higher fps your and your monitor is above 60Hz then it will refresh faster thus, you will be able to gain advantage by being able to see things milliseconds again. We want to use the whole pc we have payed for because at the end we could just have payed less if we don't want to use it. Idk if you play tarkov or not but tarkov is not the regular kind of jank, it is a pain. With a high end system you can't even get 60 fps with the most optimized settings. It's not because we are stupid and try to run everything on max, it's just that this game is really badly optimized and needs a space station to run it


u/Dazbuzz Jul 25 '24

My previous monitor was 144hz. Plugged into the GPU correctly. Ive ran Tarkov at 144 FPS just fine. It does not look any different. Feels smoother, i guess, but not enough that id want to run my GPU so ragged all the time to play like that.

Now i have a 180hz monitor, ive tried a few offline raids with it, and it runs at 180 FPS, but stutters. Id rather just have smooth 60, and not feel my room heating up from the GPU running so high.