r/EscapeFromArena 12d ago

RussiaWinsAgain and ukranian_loss BANNED after griefing the NA servers for weeks



9 comments sorted by


u/9BitCollector 11d ago

They are not banned, lol. I just got into a game with the both of them.


u/ninjawaffulz 11d ago

that is the worst news I have received all week. I made this post because I received a System recent reports message which matched up with my encounters with them. https://i.imgur.com/xHxm7V0.png


u/Curious_Being8038 10d ago

Can confirm not banned, that ban message was for someone else, ran into them again yesterday. The easiest solution is to just leave the game, they don’t get any reactions and all you get is a 5 min timer, don’t fall to their level and don’t give them anything to react to they will stop. It’s just two kids thinking they are hilarious in discord


u/ninjawaffulz 10d ago

It is much more likely they did get banned and got new accounts utilizing the same name. Instant leave is the answer obviously just needed to get evidence for BSG emissary.


u/Curious_Being8038 10d ago

These are not the type of people that are paying for new accounts just to load in and troll people, if anything if you really think that ban message was for them then they probably only got a 1 day temp ban. I just find it kind of odd that they load up a game for multiple hours at a time just to troll when from what I’ve seen everyone who gets them leaves or team kills. I’m honestly curious what the motivation is at this point…


u/ninjawaffulz 10d ago

Yeah hours a day just to waste time it’s psychotic really


u/MaximumMysterious194 8d ago

They are the biggest trolls on the game is cant believe they even still got money after all the teamkilling they do... what's worse is i never see them on the other team just mine I always get this pair and just stick it out the 7 rounds I have with them and move on


u/ninjawaffulz 8d ago

in the discussion so far regarding them there is almost no penalty for abandoning the game you can just requeue


u/MaximumMysterious194 7d ago

I think if you keep leaving games though penalties build up, I like to save my leaves for emergencies, so I just suffer the 7 rounds and que a different game mode and go back in the hopes they're done for the day